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Corbyn has been opportunistic. He played the game well. He said what needed to be said to win the votes as the Tories floundered.


Doesnt make him a great leader in waiting in my opinion. He'll get picked apart.


May isn't either so I think standards are dropping across the board to be honest.

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1 hour ago, visionary said:

Also it wasn't long ago he was pushing out experienced competent folks who disagreed with him, for not being loyal enough. 


He did not push anyone out, they resigned from the shadow cabinet because they were trying  to force him to resign as leader of the party as they thought he would not be a credible leader.   Losing by only just over 2 points after starting out 20 points behind leaves him in a strong position.  It will be interesting to see the make up of his shadow cabinet and how many of them are bought back into the fold.  

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6 hours ago, visionary said:

There's a difference between getting votes and governing.  Corbyn has been popular among his base, but there are a lot of concerns over his policies, especially foreign policy.  Also it wasn't long ago he was pushing out experienced competent folks who disagreed with him, for not being loyal enough. 



You're WAY off base with how those MP's left their respective positions, but regardless, again, 6 weeks back that would have been a legitimate point. But since he's been allowed, for the first time, to get out there and talk to people he's proved to be not just a weird, quirky lil' geography teacher but that he's actually quite savvy and, shock horror, quite Ministerial. Yeah, he ran a brilliant campaign whilst May and the Tories ran an absolutely disastrous one. But he was looking more and more like a PM with each passing week regardless. He's pulled Labour together. The only current party that is united. And Labour's manifesto just killed it. Everything the Country needs and wants. One thing that's never happened in any election in living memory, is he mobilised the youth vote. 72% youth voters turned out which is unheard of. These kids are coming at this impartially with no preconceived ideas. The reality is the younger generations are more liberal and accepting of traditional centre-left Labour views and our relationship with other Countries and the World. To mobilise and motivate them is a massive achievement. People are sick of far right wing, Conservative politics and his policies appeal and make a Hell of a lot of beneficial sense to the Country. You're not winning places like Kent, Portsmouth, Reading .....  Hell, Kensington and Chelsea for Pete's sake, places that Labour has NEVER been able to break, without showing enough for people to have faith in your leadership. Bringing Scotland and Wales back into the fold along the way too. 


Forget any' baggage' that the media like to beat him with. (A media who for the very first time had little to NO impact on this election which was fascinating to watch unfold. As much as they tried demonising Corbyn.).  He's elevated himself and shown a completely different side the past 6 weeks. There's no longer a leadership debate in the Labour Party. That can't be said of the other shower. If he's savvy and brings some backbench experience on to some of the issues he's not as strong on, Labour will crush an election within the next 12 months under him. You're not doing that on just good campaigning alone. 


Corbyn's performance from where he was 6 weeks back has been phenomenal. (And I'll hold my hands up. I never thought he'd be strong enough to lead until he got out there and started speaking to people.). Now, they're RIGHT back in the game. If he can lead them to win seats Labour have never had a sniff off, there's not a seat in the Country they can't win. 







Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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10 Modem employees were at the same time European parliamentary assistants.

A former employee of the Democratic Movement (Modem) told the court on Wednesday that he had benefited from a fake job as a parliamentary assistant while working at the party headquarters.


The amazing call of the "citizen" François Bayrou to the cell investigations of Radio France.


This pos is our minister of justice in charge of moralizating of politics !!!!  :stop: Welcome to the REM kingdom

I believe many french would have voted for a goat with a REM sticker.

Edited by FrFan
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We now have an unworkable situation where the Conservatives’ unspoken but settled public policy is that May will not lead their party into the next general election, whenever it occurs. Therefore they need to organise a leadership election (or the coronation of a successor) in advance of that. Given that the party polls its MPs in exhaustive ballots and then reaches out to the membership across the country over months, that is not a rapid process. In the meantime, the opposition parties are in effect given notice that an election is coming (McDonnell even claims that Labour knew there’d be an election early precisely because May ruled it out last November). In such circumstances party calculation and game-playing become amplified, and not necessarily will they deliver strong and stable administration.






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18th district of Paris :

Former minister of labour claiming she has the support of Macron (she's behind with 20.23%)


Her opponent proving he has the support of the prime minister (he's ahead with 31.76%)


The acting president of REM Catherine Barbaroux said on May 25th  that the party had not chosen between the two candidates.

Powerful is the REM sticker !

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Presidential election : Macron 20 mil  No to Macron 27 mil (No votes + abstention)

1st round legislatives:  Macron 6,390,797  28.21%  Modem 932 229  4.11%  Total  32.32%  7,323,026

51.29% abstention = 25 mil  + 15,331,538 No to Macron = 40 mil who didn't want to vote for REM !!!

There is absolutely NO France en marche like the medias wants us to believe, oh the irony ! :ols:


Edit : As I predicted with this REM **** rallying people with opposite opinions in a government, we've got the first clash between prime minister and minister of justice !

Bayrou calls Radio France: "When one is a minister one can no longer react like a citizen" according to Edouard Philippe


Bayrou's answer: "Whenever there is something to say to French people, to politicians, whether journalists or media, whenever there is something to say, I will say it "


"If this were the case, the current Minister of Territorial Cohesion would have gotten a nice return on investments: buying real estate with the help of public funds, retaining part of it at the end of his mandate, sell the other part to political competitors ", it is an operation certainly legal but not ethical. "

This is going to bode very well with the REM moralization lecturing :ols:

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