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CNN: California cheerleaders win right to be paid and treated like regular employees


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California cheerleaders win right to be paid and treated like regular employees


A new law just signed by Gov. Jerry Brown requires professional sports teams to treat their cheerleaders like employees, paying them at least minimum wage and compensating them for all practices and appearances.


The cheerleaders were previously classified as independent contractors, which meant they weren't covered by state labor laws.


The bill comes after a lawsuit filed last year by members of the Oakland Raiders' cheerleader squad, the Raiderettes, charged that they were paid less than $5 an hour for their appearances at games, rehearsals and public appearances they were required to attend. They were also required to pay for some expenses, like travel to promotional events, out of their own pockets.




"We would never tolerate shortchanging of women workers at any other workplace. An NFL game should be no different." said Rep. Lorena Gonzalez, the bill's primary sponsor. The San Diego Democrat is also a former high school and college cheerleader.




The Raiders settled the cheerleaders' class action suit for $1.25 million last September. Cheerleaders for teams in other states, including the Buffalo Bills and Tampa Bay Buccaneers have filed similar labor lawsuits. And New York state has introduced legislation to protect cheerleaders' rights that's similar to California's new law.


The National Football League issued a statement saying that "teams are advised to follow state and federal employment laws." But it added that the cheerleaders are employed by the teams, not the league.


Click on the link for the full article

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All that money the NFL makes, and they aren't even paying the cheerleaders minimum wage?

Worse, many of these cheerleaders have to pay their own travel expenses?

Like the way the NFL basically washed their hands of it all ('We didn't hire them, or tell the teams to treat them that way'). :rolleyes:

While this isn't the burning issue "Deflategate" is ;) hopefully these girls will get the proper compensation they deserve.

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Even if the cheerleaders are considered independent contractors, that doesn't justify the low pay and not reimbursing them for out-of-pocket expenses.


And are they each considered individual independent contractors, or are they saying each team's cheerleaders as a whole are treated as if they work FOR an independent contractor? Either way, if they truly were looked at as independent contractors the NFL and each of its teams wouldn't be able to make all the demands on their time that they do.


And I wonder if they get workman's comp? lol...



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to treat them as independent contractors is ridiculous when they are told where to work, forced to make public appearances for public and private events, directed as to what to wear, told how to look, the list can go on.  Seems like a convenient loophole and I'm surprised states didn't take this up sooner, or even the IRS in terms of investigating the individual franchises.

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I thought this was a volunteer position, like candy-stripers in a hospital. I didn't know they were paid anything.


Anyway, the NFL should have covered their travel expenses AT LEAST. That's ridiculous. Think about the Redskins calendar locations, or a few years ago when they toured India.


The only other thing I'm going to bring up is, do the water boys get paid or have their travel expenses covered? If not, then this ruling should cover them, I would think.

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