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Maybe we will get Blake after all!!

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From KFFL:<br /><br /> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Buccaneers | Interested in Blake - posted at KFFL (nfl.kffl.com)<br />16:28 PT: According to ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli, you can throw the Tampa Bay Buccaneers into the group of teams interested in free agent QB Jeff Blake, who was recently released by the New Orleans Saints. The Buffalo Bills and Washington Redskins, as reported, are also interested in Blake. <br /></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It looks like Chuckie doesn't like Brad any more than we did. Can they afford to release him? What was Brad's signing bonus last year?

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Here's what I think... <br /><br />Art has mentioned several times that he is only happy with our current slate of QBs (wuerffel, and soon matthews) if we pick up a franchise QB in training. I happen to agree with him completely. If we pick up Blake, there's really no room for that young high draft pick.<br /><br />I think we won't make any other QB moves until the draft. If we wind up with Harrington, we stand pat. If not, we go after whatever vet QB is left (Chandler, Blake, etc).

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by TheChosenOne:<br /><strong>Here's what I think... <br /><br />Art has mentioned several times that he is only happy with our current slate of QBs (wuerffel, and soon matthews) if we pick up a franchise QB in training. I happen to agree with him completely. If we pick up Blake, there's really no room for that young high draft pick.<br /></strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">How so ? Who's to say that Wuerffel is a lock on the roster ? He only costs us a 7th rounder, and we've cut higher picks than that in the same year they were drafted. Why not let Wuerffel battle out his spot on the depth chart like any other marginal player ? <br /><br />Secondly, who says we have to acquire Matthews AND another starter ? If we pick up Blake, it shouldnt be the high draft pick that is the odd man out. It should be Matthews or Wuerffel<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 03, 2002, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Mick ]</small>

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If Chuckie gets his way, it's a done deal, and like Baltimore, Tampa Bay will eat (belch) the entire thing to clean the slate and start fresh.<br /><br />That's why we haven't heard from J. Green, because, Chuckie's in the mix on that too! See if he dumps Brad, they eat this year and rejoice the next, when Green gets fat beyond the bonus money next year (2003) and Blake on the roster, with Keyshawn Johnson, they would be a viable threat from the QB upgrade. How so, Johnson is just not mobile enough and his delivery is nowhere near as quick as Blake's. Blake not only moves in the pocket well, but aside from being fragile at the knees now, he still moves downfield and uses blocks well to pick up the first, or get out-of-bounds. <br /><br />I also feel that if we already have Matthews on the roster, then no need, no matter how tempting to put Blake in the mix. Since both Wuerffel and Matthews will be enough comp in camp for a coach with Sage. Now should one of those guys really, really suck, then what????

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If we got Blake, then we would have Blake, Mathews, Wuerffel, and Sage.<br /><br />If we draft a groomer, Sage would be gone. Then the groomer would have to beat out Wuerffel, Mathews, or Blake, to stay on the roster.<br /><br />I am starting to think Mathews or Wuerffel is our starter, and we will draft a youngster like Harrington as the #3 behind those two.<br /><br />I hope not, but with our money situation, that could be what we are lookin at.

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I think Harrington is off the table after his combine workout.<br /><br />The Skins are likely to add a future qb in the middle rounds or in round 2 if we fill in more of the available spots in FA.<br /><br />Blake at 32 is more talented than Matthews or Wuerffel, but Spurrier probably feels it would take Blake a full season to be comfortable in the offense and that negates his physical advantages.<br /><br />He may be selling pro quarterbacks short in their ability to pick up a new system, but that's the way Spurrier seems to feel.

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