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Yes or No, Shouldn't one of Ramsey's sacks equaled a personal foul?


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I am not 100% of the interpretation of this rule but I thought it was pretty clear that one of Ramsey's sacks were in the guidlines for a flag. To my best understanding, a Defender is not allowed to pick up a QB and drive him into the ground ala Suplex type manuever. In the second half I believe it was a Safety that had Ramsey in his grasp, wrapped his arms around him and lifted Ramsey off the ground and drove him over his shoulder into the ground. I know I am nitpicking, and I am not claiming this would do anything to help the outcome of the game, but I just thought that was an obvious penalty.......Am I wrong?

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NoCalMike, I didn't notice that play when it happened (I was probably too busy yelling at the offense for allowing him to get hit or yelling at him for not getting rid of the ball) but after watching TV yesterday, it seemed like Roy Williams definitely went above and beyond on that sack.

Now, I also fully believe that with the extra set of downs we would have:

1st and 10: Illegal shift

1st and 15: Incompletion to Gardner on 1.5 yard slant

2nd and 15: WR screen to Coles for 6

3rd and 9: Sack by Roy Williams

So I agree with you in that I'm not sure the no-call changed much!

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See it is things like this that sometimes piss me off. Roy Williams is a good young player, but he still needs to be properly called on by the officials for doing things Against the rules in the NFL. He was getting the sack either way, but if that hit would have caused Ramsey an injury and then it goes without even a flag.......BS

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I don't necessarily blame Williams. That's how he plays. The refs, however, could have blown the whistle when it was obvious Pat was in his grasp, instead of waiting for Williams to go

"oh, you want him on the ground before you blow the whistle?"


"How about now?"

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I thought every one of the hit could have been unnecessary roughness.

Why is Ramsey getting the crap beat out of him(I know, I know the O-line) but he is just getting creamed on every hit.

I look for our guys to do some hitting and they just don't do it, especially Lavar at the end of the Glenn run. And here comes Champ to help him up!

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I don't like all of the hits Ramsey is taking after he releases the ball. We have had some very questionable roughing the pusser (no Fruedian slip) calls go against us, but then Ramsey ends up on his back after every throw. It doesn't make sense. Williams should have been flagged on the sack and the TD to Jacobs.

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I dont know about any of the sacks. But one of the hits definitly should have. Glover not only hit him a little bit late, but he didnt just give the hit, he swung him around and slammed him down. I understand they can hit someone a second late, but not swing them around. Thats just not right.

BTW- Who saw the looks on Roy Williams face when he got that huge hit, he ran up the field taunting, only to turn around and see Ramsey had thrown a TD, the look on his face was priceless, i wish i had a picture of it.

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He was slammed to the turf on that play, then on another play, don't quite remember if it was a sweep or a return, our guy had been pushed out of bounds and then he was hit real late by Williams and nothing was called.

I was really upset, if that had been an Arrington hit it would have surely been called for a late hit.

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Planting him is one thing, giving him a hard-nosed hit is another. But the sack I am referring to is strictly against the rules. You cannot take a QB off of his feet and then drive him to the ground. Or for wrestling fans.......A SUPLEX. YOU CAN'T DO IT. As soon as Ramsey was up in the air, the official should have either blown the whistle to try to stop the play, or thrown the damn flag after Ramsey was suplexed over the Safeties shoulder.

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The sack looks a lot worse in slow motion. It doesn't look nearly as bad at regular speed.

I don't know if anyone here caught the Kentucky/Arkansas game on Saturday. During the game an Arkansas safety had Lorenzen in his grasp. The safety tried to drag the Hefty Lefty to the ground, but Lorenzen is big and strong. He was able to flip a pass and convert a first down. Williams did what he could to prevent Ramsey from doing the same thing.

If you watch the replay, you see RW grab Ramsey. Ramsey does a heckuva job staying up after the initial hit. But you can see him try to get the ball off to avoid the sack. Roy used his momentum to spin around and throw Ramsey to the ground.

Granted, it was a little harsh, but not worth a penalty. Of course, I'd be singing a different tune if Arrington did it to QC.

On the refs giving us four points............I think you guys are forgetting Glenn's TD that was taken away in the first quarter. I've watched the replay of the game over and over.

Witten did nothing on that play to warrant a penalty.

The refs took away seven from us there. If anything, you all received a net of four points. Seven from the TD, and three from the FG (if you take away the call against Pierce).

I'll leave with this.................Ramsey is one of the toughest QBs I've seen. I can remember seeing Troy Aikman get pounded time and time again, but he would bounce back. I see so much of Aikman in Ramsey.

Don't get down on this kid...........he's the real deal.

Respect to this board......many true fans here.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Planting him is one thing, giving him a hard-nosed hit is another. But the sack I am referring to is strictly against the rules. You cannot take a QB off of his feet and then drive him to the ground. Or for wrestling fans.......A SUPLEX. YOU CAN'T DO IT. As soon as Ramsey was up in the air, the official should have either blown the whistle to try to stop the play, or thrown the damn flag after Ramsey was suplexed over the Safeties shoulder.

Didn't Carl Powel suplex either Jeff Garcia or Tim Rattay last year?

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I definetly saw that and I agree with you. The problem is it seems the Skins are getting a lot of calls against them and not many for them.

On that note, The blocked extra point.

I'm sure you will say the is real nit-picky but a replay from the endzone showed the player on the left of the player who blocked it, use his right arm to push up the player who blocked it. Now he did not fully lift him up but he did assist in pushing the player to get higher.

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Originally posted by Jimmythehair

I definetly saw that and I agree with you. The problem is it seems the Skins are getting a lot of calls against them and not many for them.

On that note, The blocked extra point.

I'm sure you will say the is real nit-picky but a replay from the endzone showed the player on the left of the player who blocked it, use his right arm to push up the player who blocked it. Now he did not fully lift him up but he did assist in pushing the player to get higher.

The "player who blocked it" weighs 347 pounds! Who was the player to the left, The Incredible Hulk? Steve Austin? Colossus?

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