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Poll: RG3 our Franchise QB

Tyron Biggums

Is RG3 a Franchise quarterback?  

268 members have voted

  1. 1. Has Robert Griffin III established himself as the Redskins Fracnhise QB?

    • Yes, His record breaking rookie season capped off with Offensive Rookie of the Year was enough.
    • No, His rookie season was the results of an innovated offensive play calling.
    • Maybe, but I need more time to before I make that descion.
    • No, He is a coach killer, and the media is correct in portraying him as a Diva.
    • Yes, RG3's physical talent, will to win and leadership ability is exactly what I want from the Redskin's QB

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I think he has the skill set, drive, vision, and motivation to be a top tier Quarterback.  I feel he rushed back too soon from his injury and that hurt him.  Add this drama with Shanahan and it was a complete mess.


I remember when I was 23. I was in my last year of the Marines and ****y as hell.  I don't buy all this "Diva" stuff...RG3 is going to be fine.  Every damn quote isn't the gospel.

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I wanted to vote yes (No.5), I really did, but I had to be honest and eventually opted for maybe (No.3).


Robert was exciting and dynamic in his first year, his deep ball accuracy combined with the running threat just reinforced my man crush and belief that he would be one of the best.


Obviously his second year did not go how we had hoped. Many factors contributed to this, but I think that I need to see year three, especially in regards to his leadership qualities, before going all-in.

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If RGIII gets criticism for the team not doing well this year, why doesn't Stafford get flack for the Lions always imploding while hes at the helm? 

Stafford is a multiple 5,000 passer. He gets the benefit of the doubt with his body of work. Griffin has had one good year.

I need to see more. One year running a college offense doesn't cut it.

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I see your point, but I'm more inclined to agree with RandyHolt.


He had a great game against Dallas. I'm certainly not going to discount that. But he also gets credit for having an amazing game against Philly, when in reality he threw like 10 passes the whole game. 



The stats look pretty good, but I'm a big believe in the eye test. And what I saw was:

~ A QB who was EXCEPTIONAL on play action

~ A QB who struggled mightily on 3rd down


My opinion is that Morris and RG3 the runner had teams so thoroughly confused and so completely incapable of stopping them that whenever they threw the ball it was easy. Those two man crossing routes where one guy ran a post and the other an in? Remember how frustrating they were all of 2013? Remember how stupid we felt yelling at the TV that they never work? That was like 40% of all of our passes in 2012. And they TORCHED defenses. Absolutely touched them. Because on every play action the linebackers bit harder than a 12 year old on his first teet. But I saw a QB who struggled to move the ball when teams knew he was passing. NOT failed, just struggled. 


I think he has the tools to become a franchise QB. But I think that he's lost his way. I think that the hungry, humble, eager young man who we drafted has become a confident, arrogant, little boy. And I think that, regardless of whether he really is a "diva" a "coach killer" or a "malcontent", he needs to understand that marketing is about portrayal of an appearance. And, regardless of whether it is true or not, he has APPEARED to be heavily focused on his personal marketing, his self promotion, and his own agenda. I don't believe he really is all about himself, but I do believe that you cannot APPEAR to be all about yourself, or people will believe you are. I think he needs to fire his father and hire a PR specialist, like yesterday. Because like it or not, being QB for the Redskins is like being President of the United States. Your job may be to LEAD, but unfortunately your job is also to handle the press.

This post covers me completely.  Bravo V-T

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Robert has the opportunity to be a great QB in this league , the only thing stopping him is himself .  He needs to settle down and realize he is not in college anymore and there are people that know football a lot better than him. He also needs to focus 100% on the game, forget all the media and commercials ect.

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Robert's mobility was going to be his saving grace for the first few years while he acclimated himself to the pro passing game. If he regains his explosiveness I think it alleviates a lot of pressure off the passing game and buys him time to grow. On the flip side if what we saw of him athletically this year becomes the norm then I think he continues to struggle hence my maybe vote.

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There are too many threads on here doubting if he is "the guy" (not that I am saying this is a RG3 bashing thread). But it got me thinking. I don't think that there are any questions if the other guys he is compared to are "franchise QB's", so why do people question Griff?


There are a lot of "stories" coming out about his poor leadership and how his teammates hate him but there are just as many that say the exact opposite. So I am going to assume this is a non issue. I think he showed the leadership and toughness in his rookie year to put this argument to rest.


So I think the real reason he is getting all of this heat is because of HIGH expectations and perceived let down. Leading us to the playoffs (hurt no less) and winning OROTY set a high bar for this year. People literally expected a record setting year in every category, a Superbowl win after an undefeated season and for him to cure cancer during the bye-week. His injury and lack of time to fully heal really did him in.


So, his actual performance compared to the expectations just didn't add up. Or did they? It is easy to say, and I have heard people say, that he had a "terrible" year. Just out of curiosity I wanted to see how he compared to his peer group. Because Griff only played 13 games i extrapolated his numbers (his average per game multiplied by 16). Interesting results for that "terrible" line of thinking.


Player         Pass yards  Rush yards   Pass TD's   Int's  Comp %      Rating        Fumble lost


Griffin          3942             602                 20                15      60.1            82.2             5

Luck            3822             377                 23                 9       60.2            87.0             2

Wilson         3357             539                 26                 9       63.1            101.2           5

Kaepernick  3197             524                 21                 8       58.4            91.6             4

Newton        3379             585                 24                 13     61.7            88.8             1


I know there are other stats that I didn't include but I think this covers the majors. I am not making the argument that he played better than any of these guys this year. I am arguing that in what is called a "terrible" year and has people questioning if he can be a franchise QB he played as good if not better in some categories that his peers. Two of which made the Pro-Bowl.


Can we please put the "RG3 isn't the guy", "start Cousins"... crap to rest. If these stats have a lot of fans wanting him replaced then we are in trouble as a franchise because I don't think Jesus has time in his schedule to play QB for the Washington Redskins. :D


Edit: Gruden coached Dalton into the Pro-Bowl and good seasons since. I am excited to see what he can do with a QB with actual talent. I think the above stats may be the tip of the iceberg.

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RG3 will be a cross between Peyton Manning/Tom Brady/Michael Vick before it's all said and done.



So basically you are saying he will be the greatest qb ever? I hope rg3 has a long and great career, but lets get back to reality, I would be amazed (super happy) if RG3 will ever be able to play qb like Manning. He is a generational player who manipulates and dictates to defenses like few ever have. If RG3 can just learn to read defenses half as well as Manning i will be happy. A better comparision to manning brady vick, Will be Luck. Luck is big strong mobile, HEALTHY, winning division titles and playoff games already and actually can read defenses already.  Not to mention has proven he can bring his team back when the chips are down. Now that looks like a Brady and Manning.  As far as stats, I could careless. To many variables to go by stats. Anyone imo who watches football, can tell Luck is the best young QB. The eyeball test does not lie stats do.

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So basically you are saying he will be the greatest qb ever? I hope rg3 has a long and great career, but lets get back to reality, I would be amazed (super happy) if RG3 will ever be able to play qb like Manning. He is a generational player who manipulates and dictates to defenses like few ever have. If RG3 can just learn to read defenses half as well as Manning i will be happy. A better comparision to manning brady vick, Will be Luck. Luck is big strong mobile, HEALTHY, winning division titles and playoff games already and actually can read defenses already.  Not to mention has proven he can bring his team back when the chips are down. Now that looks like a Brady and Manning.  As far as stats, I could careless. To many variables to go by stats. Anyone imo who watches football, can tell Luck is the best young QB. The eyeball test does not lie stats do.

Luck is overrated, he got lucky as crap (if crap is lucky) against the Chiefs after some of their best players were injured, and the Chiefs started to play prevent defense later in the game after they built a big lead. Luck threw 3 picks that game and had a lucky fumble recovery that he scored a TD on. Big woop, he sucks compared to Griffin. RGIII will dominate the league like no one has ever seen in the coming years, Luck will be like Ryan Leaf compared to Peyton Manning when all is said and done, slight exaggeration there. :)  But I do believe RG3 will go down as the greatest QB to ever play the game, I may have had one to many drinks tonight but I believe in RG3.


RG3 > Luck

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