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Shia LaBeouf Keeps Plagiarizing, Plagiarizing, and Plagiarizing - Gawker

Mad Mike

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(if you are not familiar with gawker - warning: they use "colorful" language)


Shia LaBeouf Keeps Plagiarizing, Plagiarizing, and Plagiarizing



No one in the world—not even those who genuinely love Duck Dynasty—could love Duck Dynasty more than Shia LaBeouf right now. Because while everyone else is debating freedom of speech vs. the male anus, LaBeouf continues to quietly and shamelessly exercise his freedom to steal speech. The LaBeouf Plagiarism Train of 2013 shows no sign of stopping; at this point, he's either the world's biggest ******* and doing it on purpose, or the world's stupidest ******* and can't stop himself.

Let's review.

  • In February of this year, LaBeouf plagiarized an apology to Alec Baldwin from Esquire's2009 "How to Be a Man" issue.
  • On Monday of this week, LaBeouf also admitted to plagiarizing his 2012 directorial debutHowardCantour.com from Daniel Clowes' comic "Justin M. Damiano."
  • The apology he issued for plagiarizing Clowes appeared to have been copied from a Yahoo! Answers user named Lili. (Clowes is now "exploring" legal action against LeBeouf.)
  • On Wednesday morning, Buzzfeed reported that segments of comic books written and drawn by LeBeouf rely on passages written by Charles Bukowski and French writer Benoît Duteurtre. Bukowski? Yep, sounds about right.


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Ya gotta love the irony of this plagiarized quote:




Each project comes from my own tastes and relationships, and are rooted in what I believe in. Since it's just me running this thing, you're pretty much seeing me through those books and this site.


For the life of me I can't understand what this idiot is thinking.

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I know someone whose child was kicked out of school for plagarism.  Thing was - the kid got caught, was told to stop - and then KEPT DOING IT even after he knew that his teachers would be looking for it.   Clearly there was something more going on.  


Looks like the same sort of thing here.

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I find myself really fascinated by this story. 


I'm running on the theory that he is functionally illiterate as a writer.  He has an idea but he can't express it himself so he looks for someone with a similar idea to use instead. Or maybe its some sort of OCD thing... He sits down to write and finds himself compelled to plagiarize instead. I don't know what else to think.


I've never seen anything like it from any kind of successful person. This sounds more like one of those those mentally challenged petty criminals you read about who keeps doing the same crime in the same way and keep getting busted over and over again. It's just crazy.

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The actor from Transformers who took part in ruining the Indian Jones franchise is talentless and unoriginal? You don't say!



Hey Ash whatcha playing had a nice take on this...


I find myself really fascinated by this story. 


I'm running on the theory that he is functionally illiterate as a writer.  He has an idea but he can't express it himself so he looks for someone with a similar idea to use instead. Or maybe its some sort of OCD thing... He sits down to write and finds himself compelled to plagiarize instead. I don't know what else to think.


I've never seen anything like it from any kind of successful person. This sounds more like one of those those mentally challenged petty criminals you read about who keeps doing the same crime in the same way and keep getting busted over and over again. It's just crazy.


With my friends' kid it definitely was OCD.  He's suffered from it his whole life.  

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