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Deadspin: Rob Parker’s “Cornball Brother” Comment Is Still A Big Headache For ESPN


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Well, actually, the Rob Parker cornball comment became a big headache for the CEO of ESPN's parent company, Disney. At a Disney shareholders meeting yesterday, one guy representing a conservative group, the National Center for Public Policy Research, used Parker's comment to demonstrate that ESPN is totally in the tank for liberals. Here are the shareholder's remarks, as transcribed by Politico:

Disney's media platforms, from ABC News to ESPN, deserve their share for the nation's skepticism. Whether its ABC News reporter Brian Ross rushing to [falsely accuse the Tea Party] for the deadly shooting and massacre at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, or then-ESPN columnist Rob Parker saying that Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was a, quote, "cornball brother" who was not down with the quote black cause because his fiance is white and he is possibly a Republican — liberal bias pervades Disney's media outlets...

Full article: http://deadspin.com/5989174/rob-parkers-cornball-brother-comment-is-still-a-big-headache-for-espn

Caution: Do not turn this into a political thread! Any attempts at doing so will bring swift retribution from our mods. And if people can't help themselves, mods, feel free to delete.

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Not going to turn this in to a political thread, but the article seems very politcal :ols:

Probably should be in the tailgate.

I considered that, but you have to admit it is very much Redskins-related. Mods, feel free to move.

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The 'skins fanbase (and ES members) run the full gamut of political leanings. From inner city liberals to gun toting rural conservatives like me. One thing that binds us is our love for the Redskins. Let's keep it that way

Just saying, you can be a gun toting liberal. You don't have to agree with the party extremists on everything. But yes, let's just keep it to the Redskins.

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You know... I don't see Parker's comments as a 'liberal' or 'conservative' issue. He injected race into a conversation in a very myopic way- one that completely demeans RGIII as a person. RGIII is allowed to marry who he wants and choose his own political ideology. Parker's "down with the cause" statement speaks more to his own community's 'nativism' (for lack of a better term), than national politics. "Us versus them" is not a political philosophy in-and-of-itself. For these same reasons, I feel as though the Disney shareholder is also very misguided in identifying this situation as a 'liberal' versus 'conservative' issue.

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the thread's premise is political.

i mean ,we can ignore the idiot shareholder and his usual right wing "everything is political and against me" whine that is a basis of the article dredging up Rob Parker again, but it's pretty hard to do so.

All I'll say is Rob Parker made a name for himself for being very abrasive back in his days in Detroit,. if you don't want controversy, don't hire people who have made it their business to be outrageous.


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