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How tough will it be to watch RG3 from now on?


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Seeing as how Robert is only a rookie and on his second ACL repair and the fact that not many players play on three repairs or ever get to three. Will you actually enjoy watching him play and/or will you be on pins and needles every time he runs around or gets hit for the rest of his career? Or do you need to see a healthy season or two for you to enjoy watching him play without having to think of injuries.

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A big concern of mine is the gazelle style running and getting too greedy on runs instead of going out of bounds' date=' sliding, or throwing the ball out of play. We may want to keep KC around as long as we can. My biggest fear is we're going to be saying "it was one helluva run" as soon as 2017.[/quote']

Great point! When compared to Russell and Kap he does run like a gazelle! Those guys look like they are on fixed rails when they take off.

One of my buddies once said Robert looks like a kid wearing socks running on a slippery kitchen floor!

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