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Joe Theisman's name

Bazooka Tooth

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I was at the bar watching the Skins/Eagirls game on Sunday when I learned something about the skins that I did not already know. Let me know if this is false, but I found it interesting.

When Theisman first arrived at ND, he pronounced his name like "Theezman". During his campaign for Heisman, he changed the pronounciation, so sound like the word Heisman.

I am not sure it this is true. It could have been a drunk a$$ pulling my chain. Hope I did not embarass myself.....

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Theismann was (and is) an odd guy. Talented athlete (actually returned punts for the Skins), good QB who could be great in the right conditions (1983), but he's always had a weird habit of pushing himself beyond the bounds of decorum. He could also get in some fierce funks when things weren't going well, turning into an alternative personality that Joe Bugel nicknamed "Stan." :)

Here's Jurgenson's take on Theismann, with a tidbit on Theismann's attitude after losing the Heismann:


He was a great athlete, but he was his own worst enemy," Jurgensen said. "He wanted to play, and I certainly could understand that. One day in the training room where he was getting his ankles taped, he said something like, 'I should be playing ahead of those two old guys.' We heard about it. We also heard he was telling people that the only reason he didn't win the Heisman Trophy was that Jim Plunkett got a sympathy vote because his parents were blind. What a terrible thing to say. That's where it all started. It was not a very good relationship. It got to a point where Billy and I had this understanding that we didn't care which one of us started, as long as it wasn't Theismann."

I heard Theismann say on ESPN earlier this year that if he were playing now, he'd have a $100 million contract. Classic Joe T: talented guy, good player, who has the unfortunate habit of promoting himself just beyond his actual worth.

By comparison, this is one reason I love Ramsey. Ramsey has a much better makeup, personality wise. Just as an example, he took the blame for missing the 2-point conversion against the Eagles, when there was little chance for him to complete the pass (due to Whiting's arm blocking the passing lane). That's the kind of guy we've got in Ramsey: fantastic physical gifts, smart guy, and a true leader's personality. Once he learns to avoid sacks, he's going to dust Theismann in the Redskin history books.

But for almost 30 years, Theismann was the best we had -- certainly a very good QB, but also his own #1 fan.

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It's true but,...

his name should've been pronounced Thize-man to begin with. In German, the "ei" spelling is pronounced like the long i sound in English, so his great grandaddy back in the old country would've pronounced just like he does now. At some point after his ancestors came to America it got improperly anglicized to Thees-man.

Last year we had a VERY annoying Gator fan who kept making cracks about "Theesman" while extolling the brilliant talents of Waffle as our new franchise QB :doh1: and ripping Sage Rosenfels (for no apparent reason other than he was fighting Stain Matthews and Danny Waffle for a roster spot). I can't remember if it was Amsterdamgator or one of those other fly-by-night UF to Skinsdom conversos...

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Sounds like something he would have done then. I tell ya, Joey T was THE HARDEST aspect of being a Skins fans in those days. He was horribly self-centered. He was trying to go hollywood, kicked his wife to the curb and was not very welcome in his own locker room, let alone his own huddle. He was in no small part responsible for the foundational meetings that ended up creating the Hogs. Those guys used to dissapear into an equipment shack, drink beer and play cards cuz they couldn't stand their own QB.

I went to Frostburg and as such there were plenty of kids that were Colts and Pittsburgh fans. Whenever we would get into it with those Steelers fans, we would immediately conceed defeat once they brought up Theisman. They would bring up Franco and we would respond with Riggo, they the Steel curtain, us the Hogs, them; Swann, and Stallworth, us Monk, Clark, Brown, Sanders etc, but once they brought up Bradshaw, well, we headed straight for the keg for some grumbling under our breath.

To his credit though, Joey T has changed. Argument could be made that he had no choice but I would dissagree. He had his epiphany after LT pulled the "snap & crunch" on his a$$. By his own account, he was obnoxious, he admits it and is embarrassed by it. He says that he has changed and I think he has. He is incitefull and knowledgable and is not afraid to give his perspective. While I dissagreed with his comments about Jansen, that was one or two sentences in a dissertaion of how players have become soft, don't play hurt and how that they don't have to be as hard cuz they're gettin paid so much. I agrree with that assessment and consider it a brave and bold comment considering he makes his bread and butter, in his role as an analyst, by his access to the players.

Bottomline: He used to suck, but now he doesn't, at least not NEARLY as much.

I'm suprized you guys hadn't heard that before, ya all must be a pack of youngins! Howard Cosell latched onto that bit of knowledge and refused to call him Theisman but rather ALWAYS THEEZman.

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I remember my grandfather calling him "Theezman", and I always thought he was just mispronouncing it. Later I learned the story behind it, that my grandfather was a fan of ND football and knew what the true pronunciation had been. Still remember those days of visiting the grandparents outside of Lynchburg... Sun. was travel day.... but my grandfather demanded that we couldn't leave until after the game was over so he could watch it with me. That's when my blood's color changed to Burgundy and gold. :D

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Originally posted by gridironmike

Why wouldn't he do it? He lives football, didn't have to change the spelling, and only altered the pronunciation. Not many people have ever won the Heisman, and just think, he was thirty years ahead of himself as far as marketing his name!

As I recall, a lot of people pronounced it Thighs-man anyway. He was constantly correcting them, but finally gave up. Just in time for the voting.

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

It's true but,...

his name should've been pronounced Thize-man to begin with. In German, the "ei" spelling is pronounced like the long i sound in English, so his great grandaddy back in the old country would've pronounced just like he does now. At some point after his ancestors came to America it got improperly anglicized to Thees-man.

Wouldn't it have been pronounced "Tize-man" (no "th" sound in German)?

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