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Have You Ever Had a "Sleep-Walking" Experience? (Odd/Funny Story)


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Kinda have an odd story about last night. I'm just gonna throw it out there at the start that I was NOT drunk. I had a few beers earlier in the evening, but was definitely NOT drunk. Ok, now thats out of the way.

I had only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before. As the day goes by (and like I mentioned, with a few beers) I was running on fumes by about 7pm. I make my way home and fall asleep watching the Bama-LSU game. Ok, the last thing I remember is standing up in the closet in my room, urinating on the floor (Again, NOT drunk). I don't remember waking up and getting out of bed and walking to my closet. I remember a moment of being in my closet and hearing the sound of urine hitting my floor. I do not remember walking away from the situation and going back to bed.

I woke up kind of oblivious to the whole thing. Only as time went on do I remember that half minute of standing in my closet soiling my carpet. I walked over to my closet and sure enough there was quite a large wet spot. The only conclusion that I can draw is some sort of sleep-walking issue.

I may regret sharing this story in the future, but I don't care. I just felt it was too odd of a story to not share.


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One time when I was home alone before I met my wife I went to sleep with my sweatpants and an old t-shirt on. The lights were out, I laid down in bed the way I always do and I went to sleep. The next morning I woke up, my shirt was on backwards the pile of dirty clothing from my hamper was piled on my nearby computer chair, my lamp on the nightstand was on, and the shade was off and sitting askew on the ground. The clock radio next to it was turned around facing the opposite direction and on the opposite side of the nightstand. I have no recollection of ever waking up.

There have been a couple of instances since I met my wife where she wakes me up in the morning and asks why the light in our bedroom is on, and I argue with her for 20 minutes that I know for a fact I turned it off before going to bed. I have had those brief moments of memory of an almost dream where I'm stumbling around the house in the dark but I've asked my wife multiple times if she has ever noticed me sleepwalking (she's not a heavy sleeper and I could sleep through the end of the world) and she says no, but apparently I randomly laugh in my sleep some nights which really creeps her out.

I only had a bad experience with urinating once, I had a dream which was incredibly vivid in which I desperately needed to find a bathroom. Somehow I made it to a McDonalds (don't ask me why) and ran into the bathroom to use the urinal. Something in the back of my mind said "wait no, you're ****ing dreaming idiot!" and I woke up in time to sprint to the bathroom. This was perhaps in 2nd grade.

I have had sleep paralysis before and I've had it coupled with some pretty strong hallucinations. Each time I had the fairly typical feeling of an intruder in the room and only a couple times I felt terror or panic. Other times I've been able to see the closet door in my bedroom appear to bow outwards and warp back into normal shape as if it were made out of elastic. The one where my computer chair was spinning in circles was the most ****ed up.

I'm a heavy sleeper, I fall asleep quickly and I always need alarms to pull myself out of it, otherwise I sleep for 10,11,12 hours at a time. I always feel good and well rested after sleeping so I've never gone for a sleep study or something. I think if my wife ever catches me sleepwalking I'll go.

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(Again, NOT drunk).

me thinks thou protesteth too much. :ols:

---------- Post added November-5th-2012 at 07:03 AM ----------

Each time I had the fairly typical feeling of an intruder in the room and only a couple times I felt terror or panic.

This happens with my wife, I can count about 5 times since we've been married where she lets loose a blood curtling scream from the dead of sleep.....needless to say it gets my attention.

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I probably sleep walk once every other week...it's bad. A big cause for sleep walking could be your diet, also alcohol can cause it. Also, if you are sufffering from stress or and post tramatic stress it can cause this. My brother actually broke his foot while sleeping walking. Word to the wise, if you catch you significant other sleep walking DO NOT make sudden movements or loud comments to wake them up it could cause issues as they will snap out of their trance.

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