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WP: Trent Williams intends to become a better player and leader M.E.T.


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How do you figure that?

I said IMO. He hasn't shown a great deal of maturity at 23 years old, as opposed to someone like RG3. I just don't see him acting like a grown up in that regard. Although he hasn't done anything else "bad" other than the weed.. I see him as more apt to try to find ways to avoid detection rather than just give it up. The gorilla necklace thing is tasteless and immature depending on who you ask... but overall, the immature knucklehead is just a vibe I get from him.. that's all.

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Mine to be nine year old niece has an addiction for massacring walls with crayons.

Sorry Trent I am somewhat jaded by this experience and do not believe in what you say. But I am a Redskins fan to my marrow I will support you as long as you are still on the team. smoke all the weed you need to but just don't get caught cuz the team needs you.

It's pretty smart to give a little girl ice cream after she did something bad. Maybe if you would have punished her (like Trent was) she might not have done it again?

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For a man that got caught multiple times, with millions of dollars on the line and a team on that depends on him. you tell me the rational to it....but my story was not meant to compare anyone's mental capacity rather just to state that I ain't believing til i see it.

Is there a reason that you are using a 9 year old to compare to Trent Williams? How does that even come close to being rational? Or are you saying that you believe Trent has the self control and mental/emotional development of a young child?

---------- Post added May-9th-2012 at 04:50 PM ----------

My way of punishing my child is to bribe her so she won't do it again. sometime it works and sometime it doesn't....hehehehhe...

It's pretty smart to give a little girl ice cream after she did something bad. Maybe if you would have punished her (like Trent was) she might not have done it again?
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And I am beginning to wonder about the cognitive aptitude of some members on this board regarding their over the top, drama queen reactions to certain scenarios, situations and statements. Seriously...did you read anything in this thread other than the OP?

I read the other posts but more to the point I read Trent's comments before the thread was started. You and I apparently see this from polar opposites. He knew the rules (and laws) and went against them and got caught 3 times in the span of less then a year. I see a risk that he "may" continue (especially in light of his no need to change lifestyles comment) and get caught and suspended for a year, I get it that you and some others don't make that same connection.

I don't advocate trading him because: we need him, don't have a suitable replacement, and his trade value is diminished.

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This is irrelevant. I don't think it really matters too much what he says. Actions speak louder than words. He could talk for days but it wouldn't sway my opinion. The gut is talented and made a dumb mistake. Now he has the chance to redeem himself on the field where it only really matters.

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