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BGO.C.D. - The Hot Chick


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I wish I could get excited about what Snyder, Shanahan and Allen are doing. But, I want to root for a team aimed at being Numero Uno, the perennial favorite to win the Super Bowl. Dan, Mike and Bruce lack the brainpower and the will to achieve that goal, in my opinion.

They tell us they can win and build at the same time. That's what Redskins fans want to hear. If jumping up and down, yelling "We're number ten! We're number ten!" does it for you, Dan, Bruce and Mike get it. High end mediocrity...that's their limit.

Three ones and a two for RG3 was a desperation move. I hope it pays off, but no college QB is worth that price. Norv Turner was right about Heath Shuler. In college, he looked like Aikman with more athletic ability. But, as Trent Green said, the NFL game just never slowed down for Heath. That's the unknown factor. That's the risk in drafting a college QB.

I agree that character matters, Tarhog. Mike's doing lots of things right. But, in his 12 years with full control of a football team he's been coaching in job security mode. That doesn't cut it for me.

I can respect that OldFan. Here's the thing though - I don't care what 'they say'. I'm tired of empty promises and homeristic hopes too. I care about what I see. And what I see is opportunistic draft strategy. Last year, 'opportunistic' was defined as trading back to garner as many picks as possible, and then turning those additional picks into starters. For the most part, that was accomplished. You want to be a perennial contender? Me too. But we aren't going to be that with Rex Grossman under center. Short of being the worst team in the NFL, the only chance you have of grabbing a guaranteed franchise QB is to move up. So, in a sense we've been opportunistic in moving up to #2 as well. I understand your position (and it's a legitimate one) - but the point I am trying to make in the blog is that it's not a desperation grab for the 'sexy pick'. This front office believes (and I do as well) that Griffin can be a difference maker under center for a decade to come.

In light of that - it's a smart, bold move - not a 'desperate' one. I guess where you lose me in your argument is where you mention Shanahan as a guy who's in constant 'career protection mode'. Because if moving up to RG3 isn't a stroke of genius, his career, and his legacy (not to mention his son's future as a coach) are forever tarnished.

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I can respect that OldFan. Here's the thing though - I don't care what 'they say'. I'm tired of empty promises and homeristic hopes too. I care about what I see. And what I see is opportunistic draft strategy. Last year, 'opportunistic' was defined as trading back to garner as many picks as possible, and then turning those additional picks into starters. For the most part, that was accomplished. You want to be a perennial contender? Me too. But we aren't going to be that with Rex Grossman under center. Short of being the worst team in the NFL, the only chance you have of grabbing a guaranteed franchise QB is to move up. So, in a sense we've been opportunistic in moving up to #2 as well. I understand your position (and it's a legitimate one) - but the point I am trying to make in the blog is that it's not a desperation grab for the 'sexy pick'. This front office believes (and I do as well) that Griffin can be a difference maker under center for a decade to come.

In light of that - it's a smart, bold move - not a 'desperate' one. I guess where you lose me in your argument is where you mention Shanahan as a guy who's in constant 'career protection mode'. Because if moving up to RG3 isn't a stroke of genius, his career, and his legacy (not to mention his son's future as a coach) are forever tarnished.

Each team has a given number of draft picks. Think of that as you would a budget. If you are going to get the most out of that budget, you have to try to make each and every transaction a performance bargain. Three ones and a two is too high a price given the unpredictable factor.

Most fans and even some experts overrate the QB position, Mike Shanahan isn't one of them. Everything he has said and done with QBs in the past tells us that. So, he isn't overrating the QB position. And he knows full well that no one can tell about a college QB until you see him do it against NFL competition. So, he understands the risk I'm talking about. Yet, he still pulled the trigger. I think it's his career that he's desperate to save.

He has won 11 games in two years here. That would be fine with me if he hadn't made so many win now moves to win 11. Two wins would have been better than five in 2011.

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McNabb was a 'win now' move. What are the other ones you're referencing? Drafting a rookie QB, ANY rookie QB, can't reasonably be characterized as a 'win now' move.
The list is too long to give you individuals. In 2010 half the personnel moves were win now moves. Last season, we had 13 players on the roster who were 30 plus helping us win five games.
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You said it yourself - there are only so many draft picks. Shanallen inherited a team with a hell of a lot more holes than available picks. You say you're patient, but it doesn't sound like it to me. Again - I respect the essence of what you're saying - they paid the mother lode for Griffin, that's exactly right. But whether he's worth it or not, that remains to be seen. It's not a foregone conclusion that he won't have been worth every bit of the massive cost.

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You said it yourself - there are only so many draft picks. Shanallen inherited a team with a hell of a lot more holes than available picks. You say you're patient, but it doesn't sound like it to me. Again - I respect the essence of what you're saying - they paid the mother lode for Griffin, that's exactly right. But whether he's worth it or not, that remains to be seen. It's not a foregone conclusion that he won't have been worth every bit of the massive cost.
You can fill a 53-man roster with draft picks, UDFAs and free agents 27 and younger and you might hit a couple of good players useful for the long term. Players 30 and older will help you win a few games to drop you a few notches on draft day.

I have to disagree that judgment on the Griffin decision will be decided in the future. It can only be judged now because of the hindsight bias. Since hindsight is 20/20, most Redskins fans think that Norv Turner screwed up picking Heath Shuler. He didn't. He made the right decision based on the evidence available to him at the time.

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Very nice op-ed, commentary. When reading it I couldn't help thinking of the one I wrote a few years back on pastry. http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?195552-A-fixation-on-pastry I think it's a good companion piece, because yours deals with the character side of the meal.

I guess it's all about where you shop for your analogies. Some of us look in the grocery store. Others flip through the SI Swimsuit Issue.

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