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Where's The Levar Leap on FG attempts?

Charlie Murphaaay

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I'm waiting for Levar to time the field goal snap, take a few runnin steps and jump as high as he can over the line of scrimmage to block a FG attempt.

Doesn't he have at least a 38 inch vertical leap. Right now it seems like he just takes a minimal jump behind the line of scrimmage.

Just seems like he would be able to block one every blue moon.

What's your take?

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I could see it happening on a field goal attempt that could possibly mean saving our playoff chances or something, but once he does it once, an opposing coach is gonna have some wait right where Lavar is lined up and as soon as he jumps, he will get blasted in mid-air which leaves a high risk of injury.

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Lavar i believe it was got flagged for "Leaping" on the final field goal. In the NFL your not allowed to leap and land on top of linemen. You have to jump straight up in the air to block field goals, or jump and completely clear both the D Line and the O Line and land in just grass or you will be called for leaping, its considered a dangerous play on field goals.

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I thought the leaping rule meant gaining an unfair advantage by stepping on the lineman and using him as a spring board to get higher in the air. I could be wrong.

I too am surprised that more teams don't use their best athletes to do a jumping block behind the line. It would still require a relatively low line drive kick but its worth a try. As long as the DL got some kinda push the guys leaping in the air wouldn't be in any danger from the opposing team.

The Skins could probably line up Lavar, Champ and someone like McCants behind the line and have them leap as high as they can to block FGs. I could see it working at least one time a year. They would be jumping behind their line of DL so as long as they don't do the spring board thing they wouldn't be penalized or in danger from the opposing OL. Seems like a better plan than what they currently do.

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A) I'm pretty sure that the leaping rule prohibits using a teammate as a springboard, not landing on someone.

B) The player we should be using is Gardner -- he's tall, w/ long arms, and has a 40" vertical leap (just 3" less than Champ, who was tops in the league for his draft class).

C) I've never understood why we don't put a leaper back just in front of the uprights on very long FG attempts -- the odds are decent that a kick that would have just cleared the crossbar could be blocked.

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Originally posted by Romberjo

C) I've never understood why we don't put a leaper back just in front of the uprights on very long FG attempts -- the odds are decent that a kick that would have just cleared the crossbar could be blocked. [/b]

I though about that once, it could be effective on long FG attempts if it was practiced enough.

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