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Something awesome that I would like to share from wing chun class (updated 04/05)


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I experienced something pretty cool last night.

A late 60's aged veteran, who also is blind (cane and all) joined our Wing Chun Kung Fu class last night.

At first I was very worried that he would struggle with the basics due to not being able to see the techniques and footwork, but I was amazed at how great he did just using all his other senses, especially touch.

It came to me how incredible it is that human beings can achieve anything, despite of their disabilities.

This was something awesome to see and I really hope he returns to more classes.

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Pretty cool. I wonder if part of it is that the vet wanted it more and was concentrating harder than everyone else to prove himself to himself.

That may be, he did seem super excited. In fact, he was so excited that he stayed after class for awhile and kept training with my Sifu. He also wants to get a few more of his VA buddies, who are also vision impared and maybe have a whole special class.

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SS, didn't know you did Wing Chun. When the blind man begins chi-sao, he may have an advantage. I find I overthink sticky hands if I'm looking at them.

How long have you been studying?

I have only been doing traditional wing chun for a couple of months, but have a bunch of other styles under my belt for the last 20 years or so off and on. Mid ranks for BJJ and Muay Thai.

It's funny that you mention it but my sifu sort of jumped right into Chi-sao for the gentleman last night to help compensate for the lack of sight some. The rest of us are supposed to be starting it and mook jong in a month or so. It's a rather new school so we are all beginners to a degree, though most of the class members have trained in multiple styles.

Have you been training long? You going modified or traditional?

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I have only been doing traditional wing chun for a couple of months, but have a bunch of other styles under my belt for the last 20 years or so off and on. Mid ranks for BJJ and Muay Thai.

It's funny that you mention it but my sifu sort of jumped right into Chi-sao for the gentleman last night to help compensate for the lack of sight some. The rest of us are supposed to be starting it and mook jong in a month or so. It's a rather new school so we are all beginners to a degree, though most of the class members have trained in multiple styles.

Have you been training long? You going modified or traditional?

Haha, that's cool. We would do blindfold chisao drills and it was really wild to be able to anticipate without sight.

I studied it for about two years, but my current job and music endeavors leave me with little spare time to devote to training. I was progressing towards stepping, trapping, and did some sparring as well. We learned somewhat traditionally (sifu's lineage came directly from Yip Man --> Lo Man Kam), but had a separate class for practical situations/sparring. I miss it a lot.

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SS, didn't know you did Wing Chun. When the blind man begins chi-sao, he may have an advantage. I find I overthink sticky hands if I'm looking at them.

How long have you been studying?

Any relation to this?


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Haha, that's cool. We would do blindfold chisao drills and it was really wild to be able to anticipate without sight.

I studied it for about two years, but my current job and music endeavors leave me with little spare time to devote to training. I was progressing towards stepping, trapping, and did some sparring as well. We learned somewhat traditionally (sifu's lineage came directly from Yip Man --> Lo Man Kam), but had a separate class for practical situations/sparring. I miss it a lot.

Hey, we stem from the same line! I'm in the William Chung line of YIP man tree, Joe Sayah is my sigung.

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  • 1 month later...

Update: My Vision impaired pal (His name is CW), has been doing wonderful! This guy is so strong, both mentally and physically for a disabled man of almost 70 years!

My Sifu has been trying different training techniques to see what will work best. The other day, he rotated every student in class in to work with him, just so he could feel differences in energy and sensitivity from person to person.

As a personal aside, he really boosted my ego by telling me how "clean" my techniques were as compared to the others he had been working with. I love how he almost has a cool Shaft style quality to his voice when he said "That was smooth brother!" or "I could almost see those roll punches!". LOL

Another personal aside, I earned my first sash last week. Tough grading that went for an hour and a half, but I did pretty well overall.

Thanks for letting me share!

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Congrats on both levels.

Now, when you are able to take the butterfly out of CW's hand you will be ready... for what, I don't know.

Seriously though, I think both your stories in this thread are pretty cool.

Thanks Burg!

I have no idea if it is noticeable in my posts here of late, but I can't describe how awesomely calm and centered I have started to become practicing this art (I really suck at it so far, but beginners will do that! LOL)

I have spent the last couple years about as stressed and messed up as a man could be. These days, all it takes is about an hour of class or practice and I end with a perma grin for no better reason than feeling like myself again.

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