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If Redskins draft Blackmon, I might switch my allegience


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John Gotti gave back to his community. He was also a ruthless killer.

Dennis Rader was a softspoken man who regularly went to church, and was a model father/husband, who also happened to be a sadistic serial killer.

I have a friend who got a DUI 4 years ago. I would trust him with my life. I hear a lot of people these days talk about "fake people/friends/family members," and after observing some of them that I'm pretty close with, I could easily label them a hypocrite. No, you don't truly know who some people are underneath, even people that you think you know very well, but going on a soapbox towards people who show gratitude, and choose to look fondly upon people who do gratuitous acts such as this, is just a waste of oxygen, so is saying someone that does X isn't a good person, as if you are the sole judge of moral character. People **** up, Fact.

Point blank, whether he (Blackmon) is a "good person" or not, he helped to brighten up someone's day, and I can't fault him for that.

I agree about Blackmon brightening up that girls day/life by giving her attention. Thats beautiful and I am happy for her and her family, and glad that Blackmon does that.

My real issue is that by building people up like this, when they inevitably do not live up to that expectation that OTHERS have put on to them and they fail as a human, the same people who are saying they are great people will start calling them monsters.

Look at how the media have turned completely on Gilbert Arenas when the only thing he did was bring guns to a locker room. I am not defending him for doing that and think he is a weirdo, but he isnt a pariah like many put him as.

Shoot, look at ST21 while he was alive.

Why wouldn't he have had the opportunity? I was a big brother in college, while going to school full time, and working. Blackmon seems to find the time to make a difference in someone's life, is Dez Bryant less capable?

I'd say the fact that Blackmon cares enough to show this little girl some empathy and friendship shows he's better than the douche bag who can't seem to pay off his debts even with millions to spare, the guy who can't find the humility to act like a teammate, the idiot who has had his supporters turn against him because he's not worth supporting. Even Warren Moon said Blackmon is "Dez Bryant with brains".

The reason I care whether or not these guys are "good guys" is because they're being given millions of dollars. It's nice to know that a new member of the 1% club isn't a self absorbed waste of human flesh. That's why I said I'd cheer for him, because he's a good guy, until proven otherwise. I don't cheer for other team's players unless they're decent human beings. You can keep on cheering for "who performs on the field" regardless of what kind of ****** they happen to be. I happen to like to cheer on those who take an interest in humanity, not just themselves.

When Dez Bryant pulls his head out of his ***, IF, and makes some sort of contribution to the world, sure I'll be a fan. The fact that Blackmon is doing it while still a college student is impressive and admirable. How many kids with serious struggles (who we aren't related to and have no direct connection with) have we spent trying to help out?

you actually took my quote wrong. I actually meant did Dez do self promoting things/make himself money in college, like you suggested he only does?

More than anything, how do you know Dez Bryant wasnt a Big Brother in college? Or isnt a mentor now? Because there wasnt an ESPN story on his possible charity, you would have no idea.

A few weeks ago, ESPN had that story on Braylon Edwards donating nearly a million dollars for some 79 Cleveland area kids to attend college. Before that story came out, many people thought Braylon Edwards was a braggart, a prick, who gets arrested for DUIs, and has a grudge with Lebron James. Now after that story, there was a thread that went a few pages talking about how people had Edwards wrong. Do you see how easy it is to go one way without really knowing anything about these people and then you are easily swayed when they do something entirely different.

LOL at citing Warren Moon. A man who was arrested on DUIs a few times and had to apologize/cry on TV after being arrested for beating his wife in front of his children. But "hey" even he said Dez Bryant is a knucklehead and will vouch for Justin Blackmon. :(

We only know a little snippet about these people, and thats what they do on the field and what little they show us off the field, but we really dont know. So I will continue to root for those who perform well on the field and hope they are good people but wont be let down when they arent, and wont be disappointed when they are not.

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If we didn't get Luck/RG3 I would much rather get Claiborne or Kirkpatrick. I am not even sure Blackmon is the best WR in this draft class.

While I would agree on not drafting Blackmon, though my fall back would probably be OT instead of CB, he is ABSOLUTELY the best WR in the draft, hands down no question.

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Good guys don't have holier than thou attitudes.
I don't. I just don't like when people hear of an athlete doing a good deed and assume he's some great person. That's not how it works. I applaud him for doing what he did for the little girl, but that doesn't change the fact that he got behind the wheel of a car and drove very fast, while drunk. He was endangering the lives of others when he chose to do that. IMO, good guys don't do things like that.
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I don't. I just don't like when people hear of an athlete doing a good deed and assume he's some great person. That's not how it works. I applaud him for doing what he did for the little girl, but that doesn't change the fact that he got behind the wheel of a car and drove very fast, while drunk. He was endangering the lives of others when he chose to do that. IMO, good guys don't do things like that.

drunk guys often do. fortunately, he's not drunk all the time. it was irresponsible and reckless, but not something that you can reasonably label someone a bad person over.

lots of people drink, and lots of people make questionable decisions when drunk. most only need one scare (like getting caught) to stop all that nonsense. we don't KNOW that he's made a habit of it, so i choose to give him the benefit of the doubt. after all, you are what you REPEATEDLY do. he hasn't repeatedly driven drunk (that we know of), but he has repeatedly cheered up this very sick girl. i take that as much stronger evidence of his goodness than his DUI is of badness.

driving drunk isn't choosing to hurt someone, any more than procrastinating is choosing a lower grade. would you call someone who texts while driving a bad person? what about someone who just talks on the phone? what about someone trying to corral their misbehaving teenagers in the back seat? what about someone who doesn't keep their car (brakes, etc.) in very good repair? what about someone who KNOWS that they are a terrible driver (multiple accidents, etc.), but needs to drive to get anywhere?

there are a million ways you can increase your chance of killing someone with your car and, unless that is your intent, most don't reflect on your character in any way.

fyi: no, i don't have a DUI. i have driven very, very tired before, and i feel bad about it.

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I don't. I just don't like when people hear of an athlete doing a good deed and assume he's some great person. That's not how it works. I applaud him for doing what he did for the little girl, but that doesn't change the fact that he got behind the wheel of a car and drove very fast, while drunk. He was endangering the lives of others when he chose to do that. IMO, good guys don't do things like that.

So you don't like people labeling him for doing a good deed but it's ok for you to label him for a misdeed. Nice logic.

My guess it's somewhere in the middle just like 99% of the people on this planet.

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I agree about Blackmon brightening up that girls day/life by giving her attention. Thats beautiful and I am happy for her and her family, and glad that Blackmon does that......

you actually took my quote wrong. I actually meant did Dez do self promoting things/make himself money in college, like you suggested he only does?

More than anything, how do you know Dez Bryant wasnt a Big Brother in college? Or isnt a mentor now? Because there wasnt an ESPN story on his possible charity, you would have no idea.

A few weeks ago, ESPN had that story on Braylon Edwards donating nearly a million dollars for some 79 Cleveland area kids to attend college. Before that story came out, many people thought Braylon Edwards was a braggart, a prick, who gets arrested for DUIs, and has a grudge with Lebron James. Now after that story, there was a thread that went a few pages talking about how people had Edwards wrong. Do you see how easy it is to go one way without really knowing anything about these people and then you are easily swayed when they do something entirely different.

LOL at citing Warren Moon. A man who was arrested on DUIs a few times and had to apologize/cry on TV after being arrested for beating his wife in front of his children. But "hey" even he said Dez Bryant is a knucklehead and will vouch for Justin Blackmon. :(

We only know a little snippet about these people, and thats what they do on the field and what little they show us off the field, but we really dont know. So I will continue to root for those who perform well on the field and hope they are good people but wont be let down when they arent, and wont be disappointed when they are not.

As I've already said, I don't think a DUI makes you a bad guy, but like all of this, it's just my opinion.

I would rather look at the good someone does and assume they are a good person, than assume they're going to "fail as a human" "inevitably". If Dez had done something like this, it would have come out. ANYTHING good an athlete does comes out in the news, unlike the things they do that are negative, because they have no reason to hide the good. Heck, Manning writes letters to guys who are retiring and ESPN did a 15 minute story on it.

As for Warren Moon, I agree, he's not a good guy, and so I specifically mentioned his quote because even he thinks Dez is an idiot, along with his "mentors" like Deion Sanders who said he'd given up on the guy, that's saying something to me. And those are the guys who personally know him.

My issue with Bryant is if he cares so little for his teammates, as he's shown, then I can't imagine he would care any more for the rest of the world. Kind of like Albert Haynesworth. The guy cares only for himself. IMO, that's bad character. That's just how I see it, but I don't expect anyone else to agree, and that's okay by me. :)

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drunk guys often do. fortunately, he's not drunk all the time. it was irresponsible and reckless, but not something that you can reasonably label someone a bad person over.

lots of people drink, and lots of people make questionable decisions when drunk. most only need one scare (like getting caught) to stop all that nonsense. we don't KNOW that he's made a habit of it, so i choose to give him the benefit of the doubt. after all, you are what you REPEATEDLY do. he hasn't repeatedly driven drunk (that we know of), but he has repeatedly cheered up this very sick girl. i take that as much stronger evidence of his goodness than his DUI is of badness.

driving drunk isn't choosing to hurt someone, any more than procrastinating is choosing a lower grade. would you call someone who texts while driving a bad person? what about someone who just talks on the phone? what about someone trying to corral their misbehaving teenagers in the back seat? what about someone who doesn't keep their car (brakes, etc.) in very good repair? what about someone who KNOWS that they are a terrible driver (multiple accidents, etc.), but needs to drive to get anywhere?

there are a million ways you can increase your chance of killing someone with your car and, unless that is your intent, most don't reflect on your character in any way.

fyi: no, i don't have a DUI. i have driven very, very tired before, and i feel bad about it.

He's not drunk all the time? LOL How do YOU know that?! You don't know the guy. What we DO know is he has gotten a DUI. He's not a good guy for having something like that on his record. I'm not budging on that.

---------- Post added January-13th-2012 at 01:15 PM ----------

So you don't like people labeling him for doing a good deed but it's ok for you to label him for a misdeed. Nice logic.

My guess it's somewhere in the middle just like 99% of the people on this planet.

He did a good deed, yes. And I commended him for such. But that alone doesn't make him a "good guy". Tim Tebow=good guy. Justin Blackmon=a guy with a drinking problem that once did something nice for a young girl.

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He's not drunk all the time? LOL How do YOU know that?! You don't know the guy. What we DO know is he has gotten a DUI. He's not a good guy for having something like that on his record. I'm not budging on that.

---------- Post added January-13th-2012 at 01:15 PM ----------

He did a good deed, yes. And I commended him for such. But that alone doesn't make him a "good guy". Tim Tebow=good guy. Justin Blackmon=a guy with a drinking problem that once did something nice for a young girl.

So you just chided someone for making assumptions without knowing the person but then declare that Blackmon has a drinking problem. Did you visit him in rehab?

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As I've already said, I don't think a DUI makes you a bad guy, but like all of this, it's just my opinion.

I would rather look at the good someone does and assume they are a good person, than assume they're going to "fail as a human" "inevitably". If Dez had done something like this, it would have come out. ANYTHING good an athlete does comes out in the news, unlike the things they do that are negative, because they have no reason to hide the good. Heck, Manning writes letters to guys who are retiring and ESPN did a 15 minute story on it.

As for Warren Moon, I agree, he's not a good guy, and so I specifically mentioned his quote because even he thinks Dez is an idiot, along with his "mentors" like Deion Sanders who said he'd given up on the guy, that's saying something to me. And those are the guys who personally know him.

My issue with Bryant is if he cares so little for his teammates, as he's shown, then I can't imagine he would care any more for the rest of the world. Kind of like Albert Haynesworth. The guy cares only for himself. IMO, that's bad character. That's just how I see it, but I don't expect anyone else to agree, and that's okay by me. :)

dawg, I didnt call Dez a bad person nor did I call Blackmon a bad person. I dont say anything about a person's character until I have gotten to know them. I would not even call Warren Moon a bad person either. Just someone who made some poor choices at a point in his life.

And you are naive as a hell if you think every good deed about an athlete will come out eventually. In fact, thats the word for your stance on this, naive.

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dawg, I didnt call Dez a bad person nor did I call Blackmon a bad person. I dont say anything about a person's character until I have gotten to know them. I would not even call Warren Moon a bad person either. Just someone who made some poor choices at a point in his life.

And you are naive as a hell if you think every good deed about an athlete will come out eventually. In fact, thats the word for your stance on this, naive.

Look, you're opinion that everyone is destined to "fail as a human" is no worse than my opinion that people have a hard time lying about their personality MOST of the time. Until the guy shows me otherwise, he's a good guy IMO. Dez has already shown his character, no need to cloud it up. He's quite proud of it. Just ask the owner of the store he was chased away from by police, or the guy he owes $800k too.

Blackmon's done nothing to make me think otherwise, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he does. So far, he's shown to be a good guy. I'll hang out with him, you go hang out with Dez, because obviously he hasn't disappointed you yet, you already knew he'd "fail as a human". :cheers:

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I didnt say anyone will fail as a human. What I said is no one is perfect. I cant say a person is good or bad until I have met them, but you are comfortable saying people are great or bad because of one story you saw on TV. IF thats how you do it, then go ahead. I just hope its like that for everyone you meet in life.

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I didnt say anyone will fail as a human. What I said is no one is perfect. I cant say a person is good or bad until I have met them, but you are comfortable saying people are great or bad because of one story you saw on TV. IF thats how you do it, then go ahead. I just hope its like that for everyone you meet in life.

It does

*puts ASF's file under the "bad" file listing"*

:ols: I've had too many experiences where people disappointed me to believe that anyone is perfect, so now I just try and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I didn't think Dez was a jerk until he began acting like it. Problem is, he's consistently been an idiot, so I just figure he's probably just like that. In reality, if the guy asked for $5, I'd give it to him.........after interrogating him. :D

No, I'd still give him a chance in person, I've been proven wrong before. Actually, in high school, nearly every person I got in a fight with ended up being one of my closest friends later. So, maybe I'll take Dez out for a beer.

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Please provide a link? I'm not making it up. It's well documented that he got in trouble for drinking and driving. No need to post a link. That kind of info is readily available.

You said a college kid has a drinking problem because he got a DUI.

Just want a link showing he has a drinking problem. Got one?

Thanks for playing ;)

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Please provide a link? I'm not making it up. It's well documented that he got in trouble for drinking and driving. No need to post a link. That kind of info is readily available.

I think a DUI can be very circumstantial. There's a difference between some idiots who's completely hammered going around swerving all over the road..and a guy who had enough to blow a .08..perhaps said no to shots or extra drinks, felt perfectly fine, and got pulled over for a busted taillight. That doesn't make it okay, but it doesn't label the person as an instant alcoholic with a 'drinking problem'. I find that very close minded.

I don't know the case with Blackmon, maybe he was a slobbery drunk idiot who clearly shouldn't have been driving. Maybe you have more info than I do, I dunno, I just have a feeling his DUI arrest wasn't some incredibly ugly, stupid act. Reminds me of Donte Stallworth who, on the night/morning of his problem, actually got a ride to his place, went to bed, but got up very early to drive. Then video footage shows the poor individual dashing across the street from behind an obstruction and right in front of Donte's car. Yet so many people labeled him not only as a drunk, but a murderer. On every other account for Donte, including his 911 call in which he sounded very clear, genuine, and upset.. he is a good person. So it was unfair to jump to conclusions and him.

I was once pulled over after 3-4 drinks. Not for swerving or anything. As an adult, I knew my body, what alcohol does to it, and I was absolutely no threat to drive a car. It was late late at night, so of course they ask about alcohol, and I said I was fine with a breathalizer. It said I blew a .10. That's a DUI. I'm stunned, I'm clearly behaving very normal/sober. The cops, appreciating my cooperation, and using their judgement, decided it would be pretty ridiculous to put me through the hell of a DUI charge and basically change my life for the worse. They settled for calling a cab for me to go home. This made sense because it WOULD have been ridiculous to take my licence and fine me thousands of dollars. It wouldn't have been justified considering my actions for that night. Now, if it was some very angry cop having a bad day, he may have decided to go by the numbers and book me. Then you would consider me a bad person with a serious problem. That's not the case, I'm a good person.

Considering Blackmon's age, and his intense involvement with sports (busy schedule), I find it very unlikely that he has some serious drinking problem. There's 30-40 year olds who absolutely have to have a drink in the morning, can drink literally 30 beers in a sitting, and beat their wives etc. That's from years of drinking. That's a problem. Even if the case is that Blackmon wanted to go a for a drunken joyride, I would still chalk that up to a dumb decision, and I wouldn't let it keep me from drafting him. Even if that's too much of a red flag to draft him for you, at least don't go around saying the guy has a 'drinking problem'.

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Dirt: no offense, but you aren't really credible when it comes to Blackmon. You admittingly got behind the wheel after having 3-4 drinks (I would guess it was probably more). You should have been given a DUI. Anyone that drinks and drives is an idiot. So stop defending what Blackmon did. Besides, I think someone earlier mentioned that he was also going a high rate of speed at the time. Either way, he's an idiot, and not a "good guy".

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. Either way, he's an idiot, and not a "good guy".

Not speaking strictly on Blackmon, but there are plenty of idiots who are good people, just like there are plenty of geniuses who are not good people. 1 DUI does not equal a bad person, just a dumb one. It's how they react to it that defines whether or not they are a good person or not.

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Not speaking strictly on Blackmon' date=' but there are plenty of idiots who are good people, just like there are plenty of geniuses who are not good people. 1 DUI does not equal a bad person, just a dumb one. It's how they react to it that defines whether or not they are a good person or not.[/quote']

I agree with this. This is why I keep saying people should stop worrying about stuff like "they are a good guy" "they are a bad guy" unless they are doing something that hurts the team. Thats what we all care about anyway.

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Good guys don't get DUIs. He's not Dez Bryant though.

Kudos to Blackmon, considering the little girl.

Whoa whoa, excuse me?

You think it's impossible to be young and make a mistake?

I have a DUI, yet you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who knows me that wouldn't vouche for my character.

Not trying to derail the thread, but that really pissed me off.

---------- Post added January-15th-2012 at 02:09 PM ----------

People make mistakes, it's what you take away from that mistake that makes what kind of person you are.

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Dirt: no offense, but you aren't really credible when it comes to Blackmon. You admittingly got behind the wheel after having 3-4 drinks (I would guess it was probably more). You should have been given a DUI. Anyone that drinks and drives is an idiot. So stop defending what Blackmon did. Besides, I think someone earlier mentioned that he was also going a high rate of speed at the time. Either way, he's an idiot, and not a "good guy".

not to nit pick and argue, but it was no more than 3-4 drinks... I say that number because on this particular night of the week I would normally be bar hopping downtown with friends and really tying one on, and stay at a friends downtown. Learning I had to get home that night, I made the conscious effort to stop drinking, hang for another hour or so and go home. For lack of a better term, I'm a 'seasoned drinker', and 3-4 beers does not inhibit me from driving a car. A beer with dinner, and 2-3 afterwards while talking with friends is perfectly normal and if you don't think so, you're a little too scared of alcohol... I'm also a pretty skinny dude, in fact that was the cops explanation for the high number considering I was perfectly normal and all my motor skills were in perfect function etc. So there's too many variables. What I did that night did not make me an 'idiot'. Trying to get away with a couple shots because I'm 'such an alcoholic' would have made me an idiot.

Anyway, my little story shouldn't hurt my credibility or anything, because my point was you can't just judge a person based on a charge on paper. It sounds like you don't drink at all, which is great and all, but it seems that would hurt your credibility. A get a vibe from you like "lips that touch booze will never touch mine" or "alcohol is the devil" or something lol (been watching boardwalk empire).

I'm not defending what he did because I don't know the details. On the flip side, I think hearing that he was 'going fast' isn't enough to say he's some bad guy idiot who is a danger to people's lives when drinking. I mean that's just overboard, and again, very close-minded.

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