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If Redskins draft Blackmon, I might switch my allegience


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I stand by my comment that those that drink and drive are idiots. And making excuses for it is stupid, too. If you're gonna have 3-4 drinks, then you shouldn't drive. Period.

As for me being a drinker or not: I used to drink. And I'm not even gonna sit here and say I 'never' got behind the wheel after having 3 or 4 drinks. I honestly don't remember, because its been so long since I drank. However, if I did, then I was an idiot, too.

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I stand by my comment that those that drink and drive are idiots. And making excuses for it is stupid, too. If you're gonna have 3-4 drinks, then you shouldn't drive. Period.

As for me being a drinker or not: I used to drink. And I'm not even gonna sit here and say I 'never' got behind the wheel after having 3 or 4 drinks. I honestly don't remember, because its been so long since I drank. However, if I did, then I was an idiot, too.

Okay, I'm fine with that analysis of the situation. Getting behind the wheel of a car makes somebody an idiot at that time.

I just don't think it's that cut and dry that somebody who has a DUI cannot also be a good person. I don't know Blackmon, so I can't speak to his character, but from what I HAVE seen the guy has a big heart. Knowing what I know about DUIs, it's the second DUI when you can finally say "okay, it was no longer just a show of bad judgement, this person hasn't/won't learn."

I for one would be very pleased if Blackmon came to this team. My guess is he would probably become my favorite Skin since Sean.

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That's fair, and to each their own.

I see a guy like Tim Tebow as just an all-around incredible person (can't speak to Warner, don't know much about his personal life) religion aside, he appears to be the example of someone as close to perfect as possible. I just think someone can be a good guy and not be on the level of Tebow.

It's all subjective though.

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I stand by my comment that those that drink and drive are idiots. And making excuses for it is stupid, too. If you're gonna have 3-4 drinks, then you shouldn't drive. Period.

As for me being a drinker or not: I used to drink. And I'm not even gonna sit here and say I 'never' got behind the wheel after having 3 or 4 drinks. I honestly don't remember, because its been so long since I drank. However, if I did, then I was an idiot, too.

Ok..so it's conceivable that you could have had a DUI too. Now we know "you're not a good guy."

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ODU: I think your interpretation of a "good guy" is different than mine, that's all. To me, a good guy is someone like Tim Tebow. Or Kurt Warner. Guys that you would be shocked to hear, did something wrong.

so, to you, a "good guy" is a good christian with an impeccable record, who has likely never broken a single rule in his life. yeah, i'd say that those two you listed are maybe the only two to ever play in the NFL. that doesn't sound like most people's criteria for "good guy;" it sounds more like what some might call a "perfect role model," and it is a TERRIFICALLY high standard.

a lot of the conflict and ire in this thread stem from you saying that blackmon is "not a good guy" which, to most people, means that you think he is a BAD guy or lacks morals, or is evil - not to mention that it sounds like a PERMANENT judgment (i.e. if you're foolish, you can learn; if you're a bad person, you always will be).

given that all we know of his actions are:

1) a single DUI - possibly the result of a conscious "i don't care if i kill someone, i just want to DRINK AND DRIVE!" decision, but more likely a foolish act of convenience, and

2) long-term charitable behavior, the nature of which most would judge as more than just "lip service" or a one-off thanksgiving soup kitchen job,

... it is almost unbelievable that you would see #1 as more significant to his character than #2. you are probably one of VERY few who would.

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