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If you are a pro athlete and you get a season-ending concussion or multiple concussions in one season...


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What good is sports greatness if there's a significant chance you can't remember some of it 10 years from now?

The parts I added makes all the difference. Even guys with multiple concussions aren't certain to have serious long-term effects. And most guys with serious long-term effects aren't complete vegetables. You're speaking in absolutes when that's not how reality plays out.

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The parts I added makes all the difference. Even guys with multiple concussions aren't certain to have serious long-term effects. And most guys with serious long-term effects aren't complete vegetables. You're speaking in absolutes when that's not how reality plays out.

Yep, for example, my father smokes, drinks and has an awful diet. I know he's been smoking since he was 12 and I'm sure he's been drinking at least since he was in his late teens. He's been over 300lbs (he is 6-0) in his life. He is an engineer (so he has above average intelligence) and he's well educated about the dangers of smoking and drinking too much. My father is almost 80 and has had only two major health issues in his life.

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It would depend, it really would...

All about the love of the game.

All about the love of the game compared against my love of my loved ones. If I couldn't play hockey, or football or baseball, basketball, soccer, rugby without being happy in my life... then I would continue in my sport. No matter of the money involved. If I couldn't see my loved ones living without me, then I wouldn't continue in my sport. If I cared more about my loved ones than my sport, I'd quit. If it were that serious, money wouldn't matter... I'd just quit.

It's all subjective though. Between both the injured and the severity of the injury. Some concussions are terrible, some people just get right back up from.

I'll say this though. If we attempt to take all of the concussions out of all sport. We will be left with no sport.

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