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I was dissapointed in...


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2 main reasons we don't have the support we used to have.

1. DC is a city of HUGE money. The money is in the hands of people that aren't FROM HERE. So......that's why you always see so many fans from other teams at FEDEX.

2. FEDEX is not as conducive to noise as RFK was so we will ALWAYS get that comparison.

Those aren't excuses, they're just reasons. When Stockton said that the fans were heading for the exits while the G-men were driving on that final drive.............THOSE people should be banned for life.! What MORE do they want? That's the EXACT point whenthe team nees their support and they're WHAT? LEAVING?? Trying to save 10 minutes?


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Sorry, but when the Skins allowed the Giants to escape 3rd and 29 and drive to make it 21-3 at halftime, the team deserved to be booed. Players making zillions of dollars committing all of these penalties. And, unfortunately, unless you fine these guys about a million, probably won't make that much difference anyway.

Despite having to deal with all these penalties, I at least tried to stay focused and yell and scream for my team throughout the game. But I hear you Monkey Boy.......the game experience at FedEx seems to be a lot less special. Looking up at the stands at kickoff and seeing the place maybe 60 percent full......and that includes all levels. And having to constantly get up to let morons through while play is in progress. Watching on TV at home and saving money on tickets on what's becoming an increasingly overrated experience is looking more and more viable.

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On 3rd and 29, they deserved it sure, but I am talking about the 1st half as a whole.

The fans were into it in the 2nd, and you all saw what happened, Giants made mistakes, false start penalties and their quality of play was poor.

I don't understand why you can't scream your heart out in the first half, and do it in the 2nd when they are down 21-3.

Maybe they wouldn't be down by so much if you showed some life.

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This is one of the more ignorant posts I have seen.

Nothing takes the crowd out of the game more than penalties. Especially mindless, stupid, and above all costly ones. They demoralized the crowd, and above all were booing the refs.

"the game experience at FedEx seems to be a lot less special. Looking up at the stands at kickoff and seeing the place maybe 60 percent full"

yeah, and about 10-15 minutes later we had about 85% full.

"Those aren't excuses, they're just reasons. When Stockton said that the fans were heading for the exits while the G-men were driving on that final drive.............THOSE people should be banned for life.! What MORE do they want? That's the EXACT point whenthe team nees their support and they're WHAT? LEAVING?? Trying to save 10 minutes?"

Abso-f***in'-lutley. My father and I could NOT believe so many idiots had left. Those people don't deserve to come back. But, you must realize, many people aren't even paying attention to the game. I had people sitting next to me talking about BABY FOOD. Ridiculous. People should come in ready to cheer.

But, after the lame fans left on the Giant drive, the place really came together. I was on row 29, the very top row, of the stadium, and i'll tell ya, no one in the stadium was sitting down once we made it 20-18 and it stayed that way. That stadium was rockin, extremely loud (loudest i've heard at FedEx) on the next Giants possession. Forced a Collins TO, and I think we really made a difference in the 4th. Think you can do it better, you critics? Come out next week and show you're better, take these tickets away from these non-fans.

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Crowd noise forced a Giants TO in the 4th quarter during their third-and-out between our 2-point conversion and field goal. And this was after half the stadium had left.

Originally posted by AshburnSkinsFan

But, you must realize, many people aren't even paying attention to the game. I had people sitting next to me talking about BABY FOOD.

I'v been lucky and my seats are in a big group of (mostly) knowledgable and energetic fans. No baby food talk there. A bunch of us were egging on the rest to make some noise during those last 5 minutes.

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Originally posted by AshburnSkinsFan


This is one of the more ignorant posts I have seen.

Nothing takes the crowd out of the game more than penalties. Especially mindless, stupid, and above all costly ones. They demoralized the crowd, and above all were booing the refs.

"the game experience at FedEx seems to be a lot less special. Looking up at the stands at kickoff and seeing the place maybe 60 percent full"

yeah, and about 10-15 minutes later we had about 85% full.

"Those aren't excuses, they're just reasons. When Stockton said that the fans were heading for the exits while the G-men were driving on that final drive.............THOSE people should be banned for life.! What MORE do they want? That's the EXACT point whenthe team nees their support and they're WHAT? LEAVING?? Trying to save 10 minutes?"

Abso-f***in'-lutley. My father and I could NOT believe so many idiots had left. Those people don't deserve to come back. But, you must realize, many people aren't even paying attention to the game. I had people sitting next to me talking about BABY FOOD. Ridiculous. People should come in ready to cheer.

But, after the lame fans left on the Giant drive, the place really came together. I was on row 29, the very top row, of the stadium, and i'll tell ya, no one in the stadium was sitting down once we made it 20-18 and it stayed that way. That stadium was rockin, extremely loud (loudest i've heard at FedEx) on the next Giants possession. Forced a Collins TO, and I think we really made a difference in the 4th. Think you can do it better, you critics? Come out next week and show you're better, take these tickets away from these non-fans.

Were you calling my post ignorant?

There was no excuse for the crowd not to be in the game in the first half, they were out of it before the penalties even started. When we had the lead they weren't doing anything. It was frustrating trying to get my section going and getting no response, 1 guy even told me "Sit down, you're blocking my view", I turned around later and he wasn't even paying attention to the frikin game.

Fan support in the first half could have made a major difference, we who stayed at the end proved what fans could do, I just have no idea why, like the Skins, we couldn't start like we finished.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

The crowd appeared to be booing in the first half. This must mark an all-time Redskin low in fan support, when they boo a 2-0 team at home in the first half.

Who goes to these games?

They were saying Boo-urns

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I was at the game. We were booing the officials, not the players. The officials cost us all of our momentum in the first half starting with the "phantom" taunting call on McCants and the very late holding call on Gardner's TD.

I thought the fan support was the best I've seen. It was as loud as ever, and I think part of the reason we had a great comeback was because of the fans staying "in" the game.

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Originally posted by EvilMonkeyBoy

The fans...

The first half they showed no life, from the very beginning, before any team scored, to the end of the half... there was nothing. I tried to get my section up but they weren't having it.

Spurrier wanted the fans to come out roaring, and they ignored him.

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

Let me guess you were not at the game!!!

Well I was there and yes the fans were very loud. We were going crazy in the first quarter especially when we thought Gardner had a TD. Then the giants scored a couple of TDs we were still making noise up to that stupid penalty on trotter. Then we were all pissed and knew the Gmen would score a TD.

The third quarter we started to make some more noise but in the 4th we were very loud. I was up in 419 and then was in one of the suites for the 4th quarter. I couldn't hear anything in that room the crowd was so loud. Trust me everyone I know can't talk that well right now so we were loud.

The place got crazy when Garnder caught the TD and then we though we would score a TD and win the game, but Hall had to kick. If we one the toss we would have won that game.

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The fans were louder by far than any game there, and I know because I've seen every game we've played at FedEX from section 139.

Unlike most stadiums where fans shoot their load in the first half, Redskins fans usually pick up intensity as the game progresses.

The boos were directed at Johnny Grier and his embarrassingly bad officiating crew.

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Originally posted by TheSkipper

I was at the game. We were booing the officials, not the players. The officials cost us all of our momentum in the first half starting with the "phantom" taunting call on McCants and the very late holding call on Gardner's TD.

I thought the fan support was the best I've seen. It was as loud as ever, and I think part of the reason we had a great comeback was because of the fans staying "in" the game.

I agree TheSkipper, I WAS there and it was loud as ever. Of course I am in the end zone. Giants fans were ****y as ever - our section got into several mouthing off battles with them & shut them up. And yes the only time we were booing was at the officials and the Skins knew that. Half the time I couldn't hear the calls and what was going on out there until about midway thru 3rd quarter Danny must have decided to plug the speakers in that go to us up in 400 level....

I have to say that even though we lost, which does really suck, We show a lot of heart, and the makings of a truely dominant team. That is of course once a real officiating crew show up, I thought there were a lot of stupid calls and non-calls on both teams. But we by far had stupid mistakes that we need to clear up.

It was a thriller, just to be there... a bunch of fans started leaving midway in the fourth, but I can easily say that the rest of us who stayed, made more noise than when it was a full stadium. quite a frenzy...

I even had the opportunity to purchase a $5 cheapo T-shirt from some guy in the parking lot...simply says...



We were all laughing at the grammatical aspect. It still worked for me though!!! Giants still suck, and we will get them next time...


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one last thing... as being one of the people trying to find oxygen at the second last row from the top in the endzone... we could feel the stadium concrete vibrate and bounce just like RFK... I was only at RFK once, and even though it was a just a pre-season game - it was like a religious experience for me. Even at that simple pre-season game you could feel the stomping and the moving of the floor...

Last night was the first time (only had my season tickets since the beginning of last year, so I only have that to compare too) that I felt the House that Jack built actually physically ROCK!!!!!

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Originally posted by jbooma

:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:

Let me guess you were not at the game!!!

Well I was there and yes the fans were very loud. We were going crazy in the first quarter especially when we thought Gardner had a TD. Then the giants scored a couple of TDs we were still making noise up to that stupid penalty on trotter. Then we were all pissed and knew the Gmen would score a TD.

The third quarter we started to make some more noise but in the 4th we were very loud. I was up in 419 and then was in one of the suites for the 4th quarter. I couldn't hear anything in that room the crowd was so loud. Trust me everyone I know can't talk that well right now so we were loud.

The place got crazy when Garnder caught the TD and then we though we would score a TD and win the game, but Hall had to kick. If we one the toss we would have won that game.

I was, and while the Gardner TD made the fans loud for a brief stint, at least from where I was sitting, I didn't here much noise before or after that.

It felt much louder at the Jets game, not in the 4th but for the other 3 quarters, I thought the Jets game was much louder and more intense.

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They were saying Boo-urns


i don't think our crowd is that much different than most teams. when we are playing like a$$, they let you hear it...when we are rolling, they are into the game. it seems like the two home games this year have gotten as loud as the stadium got in the playoff game vs. detroit a few years back....

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I was at the game (my fourth ever, I still haven't seen them win) up at the 28th row in the upper deck (one from the top). Most of the fans were not really into it in the first half except on 3rd downs. The booing was for the refs and the skins penalites which kept killing things. Most were for the refs though.

After it was 21-10, so many people left that we were able to move down to about the 15th row on the lower deck in the end zone - nobody stopped us. The noise in the second half, especially the fourth quarter and overtime was intense. On the flip side of this, the security was insanely bad. There were fights that lasted like 5-10 minutes without anyone from security coming up - they stayed near the entrances and watched - this really distracts from the game.

There were like 10,000 plus emplty seats at the beginning though, not counting the "swells" seats. I wonder why people pay so much and then not show up. Then again, after the game ended, I got some sense why. The traffic situation is a nightmare....We added to it by going to the wrong busses to get out, and had to walk all the way around the stadium from the A entrance to the G entrance. I didn't get home till like 10:30.

Also, seriously, the cost for everything really does not help the crowd's moods. 6 bucks for a beer?? and you can't even bring in water or other snacks? Yes the fans should have stayed, yes there should be no empty seats, but Snyder and Co. (Cook included, who made the stadium without a concern for parking or exiting) have to be blamed for the crowds as well. Every fan knows they are in for a nightmare after the game if they come - this does not get people in a cheery mood. If they are going to restrict food from coming in, they could at least make the prices close to movie prices (which are still obscene). Snyder can't say the fans suck and then do everything possible to annoy them.

Anyone know if food was restricted in RFK under the old regime? How were the prices back then?

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