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I feel for Kyle Shannahan-- Help on the way???


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The issue is Kyle is way too arrogant for his own good. Regardless of the injuries to the line this last game to try to have a pass orientated game plan against the Eagles and thier 3 cornerbacks was purely retarded, add into it that he has Rex Grossman playing QB. That is like throwing gas on a fire and not expecting it to blow up. Kyle Shannahan to me needs to go or Mike needs to call the plays. It shouldn't be too damn hard to understand Rex isn't Matt Schaub and in no way do we have anything remotely close to Andre Johnson. We should have run the ball down the Eagles throat. But of course we didn't because we have this arrogant ***** that keeps thinking his playcalling is good when it's terrible. For as much as I do like Mike and the things he is doing, his son is the weak link and if they continue to play Rex is and will be a assinine decision. I don't care what they have to say, Mike needs to tell his son that the calls he is making sucks and Rex will be starting on the bench. Period.

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I think the reason why Shanny and Son went with Grossman is simply that there were no credible alternatives to be had given our other needs, our draft position and strategy, and the truncated lockout off-season.

Grossman's experience in the offense and actual NFL games allowed this team to focus on what was really needed, a defensive overhaul. I think Shanny finally has the 3-4 defense he's coveted for years and we'll soon see a renewed focus on the offense. We are in second place in the division after 6 games with a beast offense and a decent run game. If Beck can be just average with little to no turnovers we will win most of our remaining games. I'm hopeful for this season.

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I have been saying it all along.

We have 7 wide receivers on the roster, and not 1 has shown they are a number 1 receiver. If your only go to in the passing game is a tight end, well there might be struggles.

I am sorry the 7 wide outs mean nothing when you have an ***** like Rex Grossman throwing picks. Hell we could have Andre Johnson and Larry Fitzgerald and with Rex Grossman neither would do a thing. Face it the arrogance in Mike and Kyle thinking they can turn Rex into a starting QB is a F'g disaster and it was way too easy to see that on Sunday, Rex who stayed here the whole bye week throws 4 picks and Beck comes in with NO PRACTICE and produces a TD and moved the chains. Had they put Beck in second quarter we would have won that game. Let's also add the drops Beck had as well, example #19 perfect pass and he dropped it. Face it no matter how you spray paint crap, a turd is a turd, paint it gold or burgendy and gold Rex Grossman is a walking turd, period.

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Kyle Shanahan was not impressive in his play calling ability yet again today. You attack a defense's weakeness. The Eagles have two glaring weaknesses and he attacked neither. Not good to consistantly call the same plays that don't work, no matter the personnel!

Eagles weaknesses: Run defense and defending the pass to the tight end. We couldn't run the ball, as they stacked the box. Fred had the game high for receptions, and two of the interceptions thrown were passes to Davis. Kyle tried attacking the weaknesses, but Rex failed.

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Buddy I think that you need to take those rose color glasses off and see the real issue at hand. They only ran the ball a total of 14 times. Let me say that again so it sinks in. 14 TIMES! How do you call that getting stuffed?

The idea that we didn't run the ball enough is completely off base. The Eagles stacked the box and didn't allow us any big runs. We averaged 3 yards a carry. If you run for 3 yards on 1st and 2nd down, then the QB fails to convert a 3rd and short, you come off the field. If your down 20-6, you don't have the luxury to continue to fail on 3rd down. We went 1 for 10 on third downs. That situation makes it impossible to continue to run the ball. The only reason we were able to get down the field was from passing plays. If the defense hadn't given up those two early scores (which they wouldn't have if they hadn't committed crucial penalties) the skins would have probably continued to run the ball and punt. It is not KS's fault that Grossman kept throwing the ball to Kurt Coleman.

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