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Redskins Park: Injury Report - Week 6

Mark The Homer

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Anybody have an idea how serious Hightower's injury is and if Torrain is looking at getting the start?

From what I've heard from Chris Russell and Grant Paulsen, Hightower will play and it will mostly be in a third down role. Torain and Helu should split carries, whoever has the hot hand will get the carries. I suspect with Darrel Young back, we will be running a lot. Very excited.


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We should run the ball at a 2-1 ratio, but I really hope that AArmstrong is back... I feel his absence has been one reason we've been stagnant on offense, we haven't been able to stretch the field as much.

I share that concern. I don't know why Kyle has not tried to get Paul downfield in his absence. I hope he plays, but I hope he is a 100% when he does.

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Hall is the only one that REALLY worries me. I think our pass D has been good, but if there was a game to miss this season, it wasn't this one. I have worries with Wilson and Barnes as our starters against Jackson and Maclin, hopefully they prove me wrong.

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From what I've heard from Chris Russell and Grant Paulsen, Hightower will play and it will mostly be in a third down role. Torain and Helu should split carries, whoever has the hot hand will get the carries. I suspect with Darrel Young back, we will be running a lot. Very excited.



I've been wanting Torain 1st half with Helu coming in for a series or two before the half, and the reverse in the second half. Hightower coming in on some 3rd downs but more for dump offs (if Rex would throw them) so he can punish DBs than blitz pick ups.

If they play the wide front they have been Torain and Helu are both better suited to running inside. Hightower hasn't been seeing the gaps well... save him for teams with a solid center DL for the stretch.

Off the back of Torain and Helu Davis should have a good game.

Hope Hall is healthy, I'm expecting our front 5 to demolish their pass pro (Orakpo making Vick move towards Kerrigan who has transferred his game changing plays from college to the NFL) but we're gonna need our DBs to play well.

EDIT: Buchanon is back and he played pretty well last year in this D with a much worse DL. Our team > their team.

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Here's a pet peeve I have. A RB busts out for a 20+ carry. Then they get the ball on the next carry and get hit for a 1 yard loss. With how deep our RBs our I hope that we impart on our players to take a breather when they need it and come back on the following play ready to roll.

There are enough carries to go around. Players can't be selfish.

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