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If Redskins make the Playoffs cause of Rex, do we still draft a QB


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If we make the playoffs that means we are not in a spot to take a top 3 qb in this years draft. We would have to package a couple picks in the draft to move up to a slot where one will be avaliable...

I don't think so you have to remember ALOT of teams drafted Qbs last year I.e. Carolina, Minnesota. Jacksonville and Tennessee then two other teams drafted Qbs in the 2nd round San Fransisco, Cincinatti. I don't think that any of those teams that drafted a Qbs last year will draft another one in the first round again.

Once Luck is gone that eliminates one team that needs a Qb whether that be someone who trades up to number one if a team who drafted a Qbs in the first round last year decides to pass or the worst team decides to take him. This year the Qbs will drop the Skins if patient could have their pick of the 2nd Qb behind Luck no matter what position they end up in.

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LOL, seriously?

OK you guys have fun with another Patrick Ramsey/Jason Campbell. I'll take an ACTUAL franchise QB please. You know the kind you actually can win games in the playoffs with.

Ummm add another / and insert Aaron Rodgers.

I am all for trading up (provided the value is there) for a top franchise QB (if Shanny thinks he is a top tier QB). But not mortgaging the future for one.

However, it is ludicrous to think you cannot get a very good QB later in the first. Yes chances go down, but its not that uncommon.

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You never know how things will slid in the draft. Sure if one of the blue chip QB's falls to the skins, grab em. If not another LB, OL, or even a top tier DB is fine to grab. Trading up means u are going to give up your 2nd rd pick at least. The skins are not deep enough talent wise to do this. Keep the draft picks and build the depth so when injuries hit (and they will or free agency hits) you have folks to step in. How much better would you feel if the skins had someone as good as Lich or Monty on the bench if one of them got hurt? Look at how much the skins got for passing on Gabbert and going for quantity. This team for where it is, needed bodies more then just a qb (who may or may not be good).

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