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RSAnimate videos

Die Hard

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Having been here since Day 1... and having read so many conversations on so many topics and links and pics, etc. I simply cannot recall a time or instance when somebody posted any links to these Youtube RSAnimate videos:

Changing Education Paradigms

Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

There's a whole bunch of them... I've only gotten through 3 myself. But very interesting videos (topics, thoughts, discussion). Some of philosophical, theoretical... but I'm sure there will be many here that can appreciate them if you haven't already.

Post your favorites... or care to discuss any?

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It is a mode of learning we need to expand more

this one is interesting

not so much for his theory,but why it has happened

restricted access to capital and to the marketplace reduces innovation,removing risk and competition leads to excess

would the housing bubble have been as bad in places w/o policies restricting building as much or enabling excessive risk?


renowned philosopher Slavoj Zizek investigates the surprising ethical implications of charitable giving.

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Nice find T. For you & zoony, while watching Drive, did you guys reflect back onto time as ES Staff as much as I did? :)

Absolutely. At the same time, it's still applicable to other areas of my personal and professional life. Which is why I can never work for another company again... I have to be self-employed. That has it's challenges... but I'd rather go about this path 9x outta 10 than the other -- every once in awhile (1x/10) I think it'd be nice to have a steady paycheque :)

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