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I think every able bodied young person should have to serve in the military


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I strongly feel that all able bodied young persons say between 18-22 should have to serve in the military for a least a year or 2. Too many young people of today take the freedoms that many of our brothers and sisters through the years have died to protect. I work with too many people in there 20s, who don't have a clue or care as to what is going on in their own country much less the world.:(

"United we stand, devided we fall"

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While I agree with your sentiment, I cannot agree for practical reasons. We have the best, most profesional military in the world in no small part because the men and women who serve do so voluntarily. The military and the job they do is too important to screw it up for the sake of a social experiment.

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Agreed Mike. Also, as cliche as it sounds, people must find their own way. I understand how frustrating it can be to be around those who take things like the country and such for granted, but it's more than just the young people and frankly I'm not so sure a stint in the military would help much. I did 4 years in the Air Force myself. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Sometimes even think maybe a career wouldn't have been all that bad, ( would have retired in May). But that's just me. Be that as it may, can't see this as being entirely helpful.


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yeah it isn't practical given the shape of things. Maybe there could be alternatives like peace corp or some sort of civic contribution. I lived in South Korea for 4 years and visited Japan several times as a child in the 60's and 70's

and have visited Europe as an adult, so I learned at a young age to respect other cultures and to appreciate the finer things that this great nation has to offer. Perfect?? far from it but there is no other country that I would rather live in.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I think an alternative such as the Peace Corps is a good idea. It is real frustrating to walk around campus and really see how little people cherish what we have. A few things that would help is to force kids to go travel, go to places such as east asia, or south america and see how the rest of the world lives.

Our military is too well oiled of a machine to have kids who dont want to be there mess it up

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A lot of folks like to point at Heinlein's Starship Troopers as an advicacy piece for this idea.

Heinlein always pointed out that while the main character basicly joined the Army, the society he was writing about (not necessarily advocating) simply required people to perform some form of community service, and only then if they wanted to become "citizens". (Non-cictzens still had the full range of civil rights, citizens simply had the right to vote, and access to a few restricted professions, like police officer.)

One quote I've always admired of his was when the US ended the draft, and he was asked if this would make our country too vulnerable:

"Any society that can't get enough volunteers to defend it, isn't worth defending."

(Another of his was "Anybody who rides a motorcycle without a helmet, doesn't have anything worth protecting.")

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I think that everyone should be required to serve 18-24 months in some capacity. Whether its border patrol, civil service corps, military, or some new operation set up for homeland security. Not only because it would help protect us. But it would also help the individuals, and as such, help the nation develop leaders.

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