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Guardian.com: Catholic church's plea could rule out damages for priests' abuse


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Catholic church's plea could rule out damages for priests' abuse

Victims' lawyers condemn 'scandalous' defence that Catholic priests are not legally employees of the church

Victims of sexual abuse by priests will no longer be able to sue the Catholic church for damages if a landmark judgment rules that priests should not be considered as employees.

In a little publicised case heard this month at the high court, the church claimed that it is not "vicariously liable" for priests' actions. The church has employed the argument in the past but this was the first time it had been used in open court and a ruling in the church's favour would set a legal precedent.

The use of the defence raises further questions about the church's willingness to accept culpability for abuse. It follows a damning report into abuse at the diocese of Cloyne in Ireland which prompted the Irish president, Mary McAleese, to call on leaders of the church "to urgently reflect on how, by coherent and effective action, it can restore public trust and confidence in its stated objective of putting children first".

Those planning to bring claims in relation to the high court case expressed dismay. "As children, we weren't given an innocent, carefree and safe environment," said one. "We weren't given a peaceful structure in which to grow and develop normally. By some miracle, some of us are still here to voice the words of so many who can't. Only a small number of victims ever come forward. The full potential of who we could have been as adults has been stolen."

The church's defence has been condemned by lawyers. "I think the Catholic church's attempt to avoid responsibility for the abhorrent actions of one of its priests is nothing short of scandalous," said Richard Scorer of the law firm Pannone, which specialises in abuse cases. "The Catholic church would be better served by facing up to its responsibilities rather than trying to hide behind spurious employment law arguments."

Question1: Are the Bishops that covered it up?

Question2: So women can be Priests as you have no control over them?

My own 2cents: Every man " in power " within the Catholic faith that served during this period should either step down in protest or be removed for agreeing with this stupid idea.

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If the church has the power to ordain or remove or transfer a person they are under their "employ"

Now if in any case they knew there was a problem they should be held liable.

But first and foremost there should be funds made available to help those who have been harmed.

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I could really get myself in trouble in this thread. Instead, I'll just say that the church's decision to try to shirk its responsibilities in this matter leaves me with even less respect than I had for it before. And that's not easy.

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I've always been an advocate for the Catholic Church and I believe they do a lot of good work.

This, though, is extremely disappointing.

They DO do a lot of good work. But they also have a lot of beliefs that are quite archaic, closed-minded, and frankly, IMO, destructive.

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They DO do a lot of good work. But they also have a lot of beliefs that are quite archaic, closed-minded, and frankly, IMO, destructive.

I'm just interested in what you think of the other protestant christian religions then since they are branches of the same tree. I'll buy archaic and close-minded, but destructive? That seems a little excessive to say that about any christian religion.

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I went to a Lutherin(sp) baptism and communion Sunday that had two women that seemed to be experts in their fields doing 90% of the speaking. We somehow survived and the message was quite nice.

The leadership is letting down the Catholic religion by being stubborn to the faces of anguish and innocence.

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I went to a Lutherin(sp) baptism and communion Sunday that had two women that seemed to be experts in their fields doing 90% of the speaking. We somehow survived and the message was quite nice.

The leadership is letting down the Catholic religion by being stubborn to the faces of anguish and innocence.

At my Cooperative Baptist church, our second in command is a woman and she's very good at her job. A woman can minister the Word of God just as well as a man.

Going back to the matter at hand, if I were the Pope when all this went down, I would have thrown the SOBs that diddled the little kids, as well as the folks that covered it up, out so fast their collars would fly off. The Catholic church absolutely needs to adopt a stricter, no tolerance policy on behavior like this. If you so much as look at a kid the wrong way, your ass is excommunicated.

But, I'm a Protestant, so take that for what you will.

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