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ABCnews: Libya Rebels: US to Send Gadhafi Opponents $25 Million in Aid


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After spending weeks trying to determine who the rebels in Libya are and what they want, the Obama administration has notified Congress it intends to provide the rebels with $25 million in assistance. It will not include arms or ammunition.

In a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Friday, obtained by ABC News and first reported by the Washington Times, the State Department said the assistance is meant to help the opposition defend civilians from forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

See the full letter from the State Department.

"The President's proposed actions would provide urgently needed non-lethal assistance to support efforts to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack in Libya," the letter from Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Joseph Macmanus said. Administration officials also briefed the Hill on the plans on Tuesday.

The State Department today denied it was trying to tip the balance of the months long stalemate between the rebels and Gadhafi's forces.

"I don't necessarily see that as a final ending. These people are protecting themselves and their families and loved ones against an attack on their cities, on their homes. And we're trying to help them better protect those people," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters.

Didn't want to put this in the other thread of facebook/twitter entries.

So were giving rebels 25million dollars to protect themselves from violence, but were not giving them the money for weapons?

It is rediculous how we are tight rope walking this massacre.

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We should just burn the money instead for all the good it will do. Better yet give it to Americans who could actually use it. Gadafi has 30 billion and an army, and we send the rebs 25 million. Kind of like giving a condemned man a tic-tac as his last meal.

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A waste of our time and our money to help out France and the other Euros oil interest in Libya when those bastiges are still going to sign energy deals with Russia.

The other nations want on face on this and of course us doing all of the heavy lifting, which we should not be doing.

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The article I read yesterday said it was "25 million in surplus equipment".

This I would have no problem with, if it is surplus.

But, FTR< I am still against involvement in Libya for the same reason.. we always end up with bite marks on our hands when we extend them in this region.

And we will again, I'm sure. If we give this to them and things don't go well, then they will demand more, and if we don't give it to them then it will be our fault that they lost.

I'm on the fence now til I see what this 25 mil consists of.

I doubt it will be straight cash,, but if it's a surplus vehicle or three,, why not. (Hell, how much does 25 mil actually buy anymore when it comes to warfighting capability? Not much, I'd say.)


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