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Reuters: Ballot find threatens to upend Wisconsin election


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Well, then there's a paper trail. Unless somebody wants to claim that they're forgeries.

(I demand to see the original, long form, ballot certificate.)

Maybe I read that wrong. I didn't think twa was contributing any actual facts. I thought he was simply mocking you for asking the question.
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From what I've heard:

1. Only unofficial vote counts reported to the press were misreported. It was caught in the certification process for official reporting to election officials.

2. This was confirmed by a Democrat working in the office with this woman everyone wants to demonize.

3. Based on turnout models for the whole state, the "new" number for that county looks much more reasonable than the old number, which was a huge outlier for being low.

Mistakes happen.

---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 09:54 PM ----------

Personally, I don't know why anyone would have even voted for Prosser. The guy is a royal arse.

To keep the liberal arses out of office.

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From what I've heard:

1. Only unofficial vote counts reported to the press were misreported. It was caught in the certification process for official reporting to election officials.

2. This was confirmed by a Democrat working in the office with this woman everyone wants to demonize.

3. Based on turnout models for the whole state, the "new" number for that county looks much more reasonable than the old number, which was a huge outlier for being low.

Mistakes happen.

---------- Post added April-8th-2011 at 09:54 PM ----------

I don't care much how the votes were "lost" or "found". If they're votes, and we don't see anything to disqualify them, then count them and move on.

<edit> Haven't been over to free republic yet. But I can only imagine the threads, "the demonRATS tried to steal another one but we foiled them again"

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Maybe I read that wrong. I didn't think twa was contributing any actual facts. I thought he was simply mocking you for asking the question.

Adding facts and mocking...I'm multitasking

Why ya'll trying to disenfranchise voters???

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To keep the liberal arses out of office.

It wasn't a liberal who called a female justice a "*****." That was Prosser. As it is, right-wingers have attacked Kloppenburg as an "activist" judge, and yet, that is the EXACT reason why they want to see Prosser on the bench: Because he supports the efforts of Walker and the other Republicans in their corporate-supported union-busting efforts.

Of course, as it is, that has been an entire fiasco. That state is certainly going in the wrong direction.

I have a feeling, though, you wouldn't be saying "mistakes happen" if Kloppenburg was suddenly awarded with 7,000 new votes.

---------- Post added April-9th-2011 at 08:12 PM ----------

Adding facts and mocking...I'm multitasking

Why ya'll trying to disenfranchise voters???

Oh, please. You never seem concerned with voter disenfranchisement when it is the GOP cutting legal Democratic voters from the books.

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There should be a revote with the voting stations monitored and counted via computer?

There should be 1000 controlled votes for each candidate that are then checked for accuracy.

and then wahlah! a real winner.

This corruption crap has to be prosecuted as a hate crime against voters. Then it will stop.

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Adding facts and mocking...I'm multitasking

Why ya'll trying to disenfranchise voters???

This is a sad example of today's conservative.

1. Pretend the other guy said something stupid.

2. Disparage the other guy for that stupid thing he didn't say.

3. Pat self on the back for job well done.

4. Repeat as necessary.

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This is a sad example of today's conservative.

1. Pretend the other guy said something stupid.

2. Disparage the other guy for that stupid thing he didn't say.

3. Pat self on the back for job well done.

4. Repeat as necessary.

A sad example of todays liberal

Take a known instigator and parade him as a conservative.

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Comparing a vote counting mistake that has yet to be proven a fraud....... to armed Thugery that this administration downplayed because of Racial Bias at the DOJ

I hope you aren't talking about the Black Panther case, because it was the Bush administration who initially ruled against a persecution. Otherwise, prove your case, or you're just merely repeating another mythological right-wing meme.

I mean, that Black Panther incident is gift that just keeps on giving, eh? "Obama's domestic security force!" "Black Panthers." "See! The Democrats want to harass voters!" "Black Panthers." "Obama is a racist!" "Black Panthers." "The DOJ and Eric Holder are racist!" "Black Panthers."

I just don't know what some people would do without those dark skinned guys in their black berets.

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So you have proof there was actual arm thuggary?
I would say a Club/Nightstick constitutes armed

Thuggary was proven by the guilty verdict

I hope you aren't talking about the Black Panther case,......

I wasn't the one that first compared these events....just pointing out the fallacy of comparing them

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So no proof?

No witness complaints of violence or intimidation

No the right just complains about voter fraud everytime a dem wins and election including this one until thses votes just show up

The clerk has a habit of this

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I wasn't the one that first compared these events....just pointing out the fallacy of comparing them

As a note, supposedly the Black Panthers were there to counter-act voter intimidation against black voters. Don't know if there is any truth to claims at their precinct, but I will add that some tea party "poll watchers" have been alleged to harass minority voters.


This wouldn't be new, because there is a long-time documented efforts by conservatives to ostracize black voters.

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This wouldn't be new, because there is a long-time documented efforts by conservatives to ostracize black voters.

Yeah, I've seen accusations of that made.

But for example, in the 2000 election, there were a lot of Dems claiming "voter intimidation" because they claimed that there were police cars parked near some polling places.

Now, I'm not exactly the biggest Republican partisan on here, but it seems to me that if a police car parked near a polling place counts as intimidation, then that guy sure as Dallas does.

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So no proof?......
Of Voter Fraud?....None

Although I like how Reuters says......"The apparent clerical error"

I wonder if this will have the same outrage as the New Black Panthers sitting outside a voting station
I still wonder why you insist on comparing the two

One appears to be a mistake.........the other obviously not........unless you are missing that Apparent Nightstick

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Comparing a vote counting mistake that has yet to be proven a fraud....... to armed Thugery that this administration downplayed because of Racial Bias at the DOJ

I'll admit i have no idea what that means.

I just wish we spent as much in ensuring voter fraud cases were investigated with after action reviews all of the American people can see, as we do on the campaign.

This helps us correct the minor things early. The FLorida fake office attack and the pennsylvania beginner 2000 votes, and the bag of votes in a car. Telling people the wrong day.

Doesn't really matter whose side it is.

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I would say a Club/Nightstick constitutes armed

Thuggary was proven by the guilty verdict

I wasn't the one that first compared these events....just pointing out the fallacy of comparing them

Another sad example of today's conservative.

What was proven by the verdict is that the accused wasn't in the courtroom. But carry on with today's conservatism.

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Heres why they do it:


Prosecutor says voter fraud cases languished

Milwaukee police chief defends handling, says most complaints were errors

e-mail print By Larry Sandler of the Journal Sentinel

June 7, 2010 |(67) Comments

Milwaukee County's top election law prosecutor Monday publicly reiterated and defended his claims that Milwaukee police didn't investigate most voter fraud allegations for months after the November 2008 election.

Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf said he referred 96 fraud cases to Milwaukee police between December 2008 and January 2009. He said his review of police reports found "no substantial investigation" of all but four cases for the first six months of 2009.

But Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn defended his department's handling of the probes. Flynn denied that police dragged their feet and gave his most detailed account yet of the controversy surrounding a report on 2004 election irregularities.

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Yeah, I've seen accusations of that made.

But for example, in the 2000 election, there were a lot of Dems claiming "voter intimidation" because they claimed that there were police cars parked near some polling places.

Now, I'm not exactly the biggest Republican partisan on here, but it seems to me that if a police car parked near a polling place counts as intimidation, then that guy sure as Dallas does.

Oh, there are plenty of examples, both physically and legislatively, over the course of the 20th century of voter harassment against minorities, especially in the South (and these weren't necessarily Republicans, either, but Southern Democrats at that). Also, more recently, as the article mentioned, there have been cases of tea partiers approaching people and demanding to see their IDs, and there is that often ignored case from 2006 where Minutemen were harassing Hispanic voters in Texas.

The anti-union efforts, the various ID laws that some states are trying to implement, along with the documented cases of voter purges is partially aimed at dis-empowering voters who vote for Democrats. There are some people who want to win at all costs, because they believe the future of the nation is at stake, and something must be done to attain victory. Especially if they believe that "welfare minorities" are part of the problem.

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Oh, now, I'd agree that the legal shenanigans that went into the GOP's efforts to de-register minority voters, in 2000 and 2008 were blatantly political.

But it's real tough to convict a state legislature of passing laws for the purpose of helping their political party. It's immoral and despicable, but not illegal.

If you want to go back a while, there is (or was, might have died, I don't know) a person sitting on the Supreme Court who, when he was a Harvard Law student and a volunteer for the campus Young Republicans, was bussed to (some southern state) to function as a poll watcher for the Republican Party. And his job was to sit in that voting precinct and to grill people who were attempting to vote about matters of Constitutional law, to suppress the minority vote.

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Oh, now, I'd agree that the legal shenanigans that went into the GOP's efforts to de-register minority voters, in 2000 and 2008 were blatantly political.

But it's real tough to convict a state legislature of passing laws for the purpose of helping their political party. It's immoral and despicable, but not illegal.

If you want to go back a while, there is (or was, might have died, I don't know) a person sitting on the Supreme Court who, when he was a Harvard Law student and a volunteer for the campus Young Republicans, was bussed to (some southern state) to function as a poll watcher for the Republican Party. And his job was to sit in that voting precinct and to grill people who were attempting to vote about matters of Constitutional law, to suppress the minority vote.

Right. We often forget that the Voter Rights Act was passed partially due to response to "literacy tests" which some of the (red) states would like to revive.

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