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Before and after mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse.


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The part of Southern California associated with meth/tweaking is the "I.E., aka 'Inland Empire.' It's half way to Vegas from Orange and LA counties, a much cheaper place to live and filled with people who've decided this is a drug they can live on. Sad all around no doubt.

And to your story GACOLB, I can't match that but I had/have a brother who 10 years back just went down in flames to meth and he made it back but damn the toll on his life was just terrible. He's still paying for what he did to himself but thankfully he did straighten himself out in the end. What a mutha this drug is, I just don't understand the attraction.

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^ Yeah the IE does have a lot of tweakers, but no more than places in the Valley like Tujunga and Sunland. That is crystal central. It's everywhere, predominantly in poor areas because people have nothing there and speed is so cheap.

I worked at a drug rehab center for about a year (Phoenix House) and I'd say that 65% of the residents there were meth users. They were also mostly gang members, and they would talk about smoking it to "patrol the streets" or get "on one before doing a mission." It is like a boost. Needless to say, the damage it does to one's body and psyche is tremendous. People become excessively compulsive and their mood changes. Basically they become hooked as hell and would do anything for their next fix. Hence, a lot of them steal.

The most disturbing Crystal Meth side effects include the classic meth-user look of a wounded face and a collapsed jaw. Because this drug is similar to a super Sudafed, it dries out the user's skin completely. Addicts begin to believe they are suffering from "Crystal Meth lice". This leads to frantic scratching of the face using fingernails or any other tool such as tweezers. This process is a side effect generally known as picking. Picking can lead to serious self-inflicted wounds, especially in the face.

Another physical side effect of Crystal Meth use is rotten teeth and a collapsing jaw. This drug dries out the gum tissue and leads to grinding of the teeth and ultimately collapsing of the jaw inward. Other physical side effects of Crystal Meth include a flushed appearance, severe weight loss, boundless energy, deep sleep patterns, and excessive sweating.

Smoke bud people.

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I was working at a nightclub during my college days at Univ. of South Carolina, and one night this customer was telling me that his brother had just been arrested and was going to do some serious time.

Apparently the guy's brother got pulled over by the cops and he had a meth lab in the trunk of his car. When the officer went back to check things out, the lab exploded in the cop's face and he was hospitalized. Talk about poor timing.

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