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NBCWashington: Haynesworth accused of sexual assault


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Wow Big Al. Goodell is gonna have a field day.

Too bad Roger has bigger fish to fry..................Cmon give him a Pacman suspension and give us a stronger leg to stand on in recouping the signing bonus $$$

---------- Post added February-15th-2011 at 02:10 PM ----------

So are 1/2 the Skins fans still excited that we went after this idiot?

Not close, Ive always wanted Peppers when these were the big ticket items.

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So are 1/2 the Skins fans still excited that we went after this idiot?

i was extremely excited we got Haynesworth. the possibility of him being a dominant lineman for years was a great thing to look at. in hindsight, it was not such a good thing. i was still excited we went after him though

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Well I don't know you at all so lets compare. I've been married for a year. Dating her for about 3. No kids so no other strings. And I ran the "single" field every day until then. You? Not being nasty, just interested.

What I can tell you is that I saw a number of times that dads took the girls word for what happened when it was a totaly lie. It is because daddy's girl can do no wrong. I'm just saying that you have to accept that there is that bias and take it into account.

I still think AH is guilty.

My quote doesn't look as good as it did on my iphone last night, lol. What I was trying to put in was that the single guy in me agrees to some extent because I have definitely been screwed over before (not in this sense, but just in general), but being a dad now I just don't see how my first assumption would ever be to side with some guy I don't know over my daughter who I've known her entire life.

The problem with the POV from the single guy is you don't know that girl as well as her father does, not sexually mind you but how her brain works. If dad knows his girl has had a string of lies in the past he may get both sides of the story before making judgement, but if she has been goody two shoes her entire life (BTW dad will know...so will mom....they always do somehow) first reaction is not going to be to side with some random guy, he's going to immediately side with his daughter. Either way, dad will side with daughter, but to what extent and how he resolves the situation may be different, you understand what I mean though?

And the single guy only knows this girl from the time he met her so he has no idea what her background is.

---------- Post added February-15th-2011 at 02:07 PM ----------

I'm not necessarily saying that I feel the same way that KB does, but you don't have a gay or bi- friend who thinks its funny to cross the "appropriate" line once in a while when very drunk? Maybe not exactly to the junk-grabbing level, but come on. Girls are like that together as well when drunk, although that's a bit different.

But that's pretty much what he's describing. You just sound a little homophobic. Not that I do that when drunk, but gay guys/bisexual guys around their straight friends sometimes do.

Uh, I doubt he's homophobic, you're 21 he's 36. He probably doesn't go out drinking with his friends often, probably goes out drinking with his gay/bi friends even less

---------- Post added February-15th-2011 at 02:14 PM ----------

Sounds to me like someone with some experience explaining how things may happen. No more a bunch of assumptions then all of us who are assuming he is guilty.

And I still think AH is guilty.

agreed, all we are doing is assuming right now. I really can't wait to find out what really happened because right now it's he said she said, but I am really really really really really rooting against fat al.

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if she let him put the card in her blouse then she was probably flirting and basically begging for it...if your hands are full as a dude and you told a female customer to put her money where most would consider assault then it should be expected

---------- Post added February-15th-2011 at 05:04 AM ----------

there are no pockets in a blouse, that card had to of went between the buttons or the breasts

---------- Post added February-15th-2011 at 05:06 AM ----------

i dont like the guy but this just sounds fishy to me

so you are the expert on blouses huh? I had no idea that there were no blouses (aka womens shirts) that had pockets on the front. oh wait!


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I wish we would just cut him already. There is no point in sitting around and waiting to get something back for him, NOBODY is going to give us anything. I would rather just cut him and move on, then to let this trash of a human sit on OUR favorite teams roster.

I almost agree at this point, although with a lockout looming, and him already paid, you might as well hang onto him. Because even getting a conditional 7th, and deciding where he goes, is better than him possibly going to the Eagles and getting his **** straight under his old coach.

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I almost agree at this point, although with a lockout looming, and him already paid, you might as well hang onto him. Because even getting a conditional 7th, and deciding where he goes, is better than him possibly going to the Eagles and getting his **** straight under his old coach.

I almost don't care if he goes to the Eagles. I really feel like he could care less about the game and I don't see how he could ever get his **** straight. After paralyzing, that one guy, stomping on another mans face, punching another motorist, failing the conditioning test, leaving practice early under Zorn, grabbing a boob, and everything else you could input here, I just don't see it....

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I almost don't care if he goes to the Eagles. I really feel like he could care less about the game and I don't see how he could ever get his **** straight. After paralyzing, that one guy, stomping on another mans face, punching another motorist, failing the conditioning test, leaving practice early under Zorn, grabbing a boob, and everything else you could input here, I just don't see it....

I know...that's why, like you, I said "almost". But there's still that small cautious part of me that disagrees, because of the potential downside.

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I think AH is trying to make himself untradable, by doing so the Redskins will have no choice but the release him. Once he is released he can then go sign with the Eagles. This man is not stupid but his plan is borderline insane. I believe the Eagles will land him with a bargain basement price and probably only one year which is perfect for AH. Now he'll go and play his ass off for the entire season and probably earn the franchise tag and then could be in line for another hug pay day.

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I think AH is trying to make himself untradable, by doing so the Redskins will have no choice but the release him. Once he is released he can then go sign with the Eagles. This man is not stupid but his plan is borderline insane. I believe the Eagles will land him with a bargain basement price and probably only one year which is perfect for AH. Now he'll go and play his ass off for the entire season and probably earn the franchise tag and then could be in line for another hug pay day.

Exactly. I agree 100%

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I worked in a bar, and based on that experience, I can tell you that drunken idiots often feel up the help. I'm not surprised that Big Al would do this. He seems that common. I think what he did reflects his lack of character. This incident verified something we already know, Big Al is a big tool.

I would not get too carried away about this though. I do not think this incident constitutes assault, unless Haynesworth continued to force the issue after the waitress rejected him.

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