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Beauty Check: Average Faces (composite picture evaluation)


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......This means: Average faces are attractive, but not all of them. It is crucial which faces are used to compute an average face. Composites made from unattractive faces remain rather unattractive and average faces from attractive faces remain attractive. This clearly contradicts the averageness hypothesis, which holds that merely the number of faces contained in a composite alone accounts for the attractiveness ratings.

Surprisingly, especially male faces benefit from being blended together with respect to their attractiveness. This does not support older findings that found positive effects only for women. Bad image quality of the faces, especially blurred contours, may be the cause for it.

Why are the resulting average faces generally beautiful? One reason might be the fact that by calculating average proportions unpleasant asymmetries and irregularities become levelled out. Moreover, by blending together several faces wrinkles and pimples gradually disappear. As a consequence, the skin looks younger and perfectly smooth.



Characteristic features of the female "sexy face" in comparison to the "unsexy face":

  • Suntanned skin
  • Narrower facial shape
  • Less fat
  • Fuller lips
  • Slightly bigger distance of eyes
  • Darker, narrower eye brows
  • More, longer and darker lashes
  • Higher cheek bones
  • Narrower nose
  • No eye rings
  • Thinner lids

Characteristics of the male "Sexy face" in the comparison to the "unsexy face":

  • Browner skin
  • Narrower facial shape
  • Less fat
  • Fuller and more symmetrical lips
  • Darker eye brows
  • More and darker lashes
  • Upper half of the face broader in relation to the lower
  • Higher cheek bones
  • Prominent lower jaw
  • More prominent chin
  • No receding brows
  • Thinner lids
  • No wrinkles between nose and corner of the mouth


Additional composites of select European faces, I am partial to the Swedish Women



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I've seen most of this before in one form or another. It's pretty interesting but not terribly surprising considering just how in tune people are to differences from the perceived norm. We react weirdly to features that don't seem "right" to us and a composite average of multiple faces will gradually weed out any such features. Pretty intuitive if you think about it.

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...... Pretty intuitive if you think about it.
I think the composites of different European Countries is pretty cool


They had a movie that was related.......

"Looker".....thriller written and directed by Michael Crichton manages to combine the dramatic murders of beautiful models, a secret conspiracy to use TV commercials for mind-control.....


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I didn't see anything about age. All of these "average" faces look pretty young to me (i.e., in their 20's). If it is an average face wouldn't it also be average young and old? Where are the wrinkles? Wouldn't the average age be about 35-40?

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