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You think the SKINS are 'thin' on the DLINE?


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When comparing them to the Eagles it seems as if they have a plethora of players.

This afternoon, Derrick Burgess tore his achillies and is out for the season. This means, the Eagles had 2, yes TWO DE left on the active roster (McDougle out 2 games; Jamaal Green out for year). They just signed Marco Coleman, but this is unbelievable.

I'd be willing to bet you'll see alot of Darwin Walker at DE on Monday, with Hollis Thomas stepping in at DT (since they are actually deep at DT).

This loss really hurts. :(

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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz

When comparing them to the Eagles it seems as if they have a plethora of players.

This afternoon, Derrick Burgess tore his achillies and is out for the season. This means, the Eagles had 2, yes TWO DE left on the active roster (McDougle out 2 games; Jamaal Green out for year). They just signed Marco Coleman, but this is unbelievable.

I'd be willing to bet you'll see alot of Darwin Walker at DE on Monday, with Hollis Thomas stepping in at DT (since they are actually deep at DT).

This loss really hurts. :(

Yeeees El Guapo, a plethora!

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I dunno, Legendz,

You folks seem, over the years, to have made a pretty good living off of dumpster-diving out behind Redskin Park for guys we've decided to cut loose because they were "just some over-achiever". (Since when did "over-achiever" become an undesirable label, anyway?)

You seem to pick up the right ex-Skins.

(I shure hope we picked the right ex-Jets.)

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After this I think Burgess may be done. I don't think he's even had a full year healthy for the team. I was ok with Green being broken... McD... eh, bothered me a bit since it ate into the depth. Now with Burgess down... that hurts a lot. Hell at this point I'd trade a draft pick or two for a young DE somewhere. Oy.

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Originally posted by bulldog

well, you can always sign Del Cowsette to provide depth at DT if Walker moves outside :D

I think they'd prefer to get an upgrade if Walker moves outside. ;)

Actually, if Walker goes outside, Thomas will likely move into the starting DT position which is perfectly fine with me.

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Marco was very good the years we had him. But we let him go at just the right time. He just doesn't have much left.

This is what I have always said about the Eagles and what they do in acquiring players (not) or letting their own players go. Its not even so much that they need huge talent upgrades, their systems on offense and defense work very well, but I have always said if they have a few key injuries they would be in trouble.

Now, I don't know if they are in "trouble". I'm sure they will still be a very good team. But this offseason stagnation has to catch up to them at some point.

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Originally posted by Mick

That Monday Night game is starting to look real interesting


The Eagles are depleted at DE (an understatement).

The Bucs are missing their Pro Bowl MLB, and their "big FA signing", Dwayne Rudd, has been demoted.

Plus the recent history between the two teams; quite possibly the best out-of-division rivalry in football the past two seasons.

First game of the year. New stadium. Rematch of NFC Championship. Should be very interesting.

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Originally posted by tenaciousd

This is what I have always said about the Eagles and what they do in acquiring players (not) or letting their own players go. Its not even so much that they need huge talent upgrades, their systems on offense and defense work very well, but I have always said if they have a few key injuries they would be in trouble.

Any team that has a few key injuries is going to be in trouble, not just the Eagles.

Fortunately, the Eagles are a fairly deep team, talent-wise. Unfortunately, all their injuries have occurred at one position. No team can prepare for that.

Where would the 'Skins be if they lost three offensive guards or tackles? They'd be in deep trouble, that's where. Up the creek without a paddle so to speak. Another parallel with the Redskins is at DT. A cut player and an injury and they're scouring other team's backups to use as starters. No team is deep enough to sustain multiple injuries at a single position.

Considering that the Eagles lost their top two QB's last year, as long as McNabb is healthy, they will score a lot of points. It looks like they may need to outscore their opponents more frequently this year rather than relying on solid defense alone.

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Yes...the injury bug has surely come a swarming around Eagle camp, and at one position in particular.

Coleman will hold his own, play the run better than pass rush, but that's about all he'll do.

Still, with all the injuries, until they're knocked off by the up and comers like the Rams, Giants, Seahawks .... and hopefully a healthy Redskin club....the Eagles and Bucs are still BMOC (Big Men On Campus).

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Originally posted by DukeSkins

Do you guys ever miss Hugh at all? Grooming McDougle behind him would have been a good option.

Yes, Hugh is missed. However, the rotation system was working well until all the injuries hit.

The Eagles tendered Douglas a decent offer - definitely a little low but the numbers could have been worked out since his other suitors - Seattle and NYG, were unwilling to even match what the Eagles were offering. Then Jax comes in with a huge, inflated offer and the Eagles had no intention of matching $5.5 million for 5 years to a 32 year old DE who was injured and had limited effectiveness in his final 5 games and the playoffs.

Fiscally responsible? Yes. Wise? We'll have to wait and see.

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