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AdAge: BMW Germany Makes Logo Appear Inside Cinema Audience's Eyelids


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BMW Germany Makes Logo Appear Inside Cinema Audience's Eyelids

Photo Flash Technology Creates After Image Visible When Eyes Are Closed

LONDON (AdAge.com) -- BMW Germany is literally getting into consumers' heads, by burning its logo onto the insides of their eyes.

Using pioneering new "flash projection" technology, BMW is testing a cinema spot in Germany that does not feature a visible logo. Instead, a bright photo flash occurs during the ad, and a few moments later the audience is asked to close its eyes.

At this point, the audience sees an after-image of the brand that has been created by the flash. The letters "BMW" appear before them, in the same way that you might see a bright spot if you had been looking at the sun and then closed your eyes.

The flash projection spot was filmed in English, and BMW plans to show it in other markets after the German trial, but has not yet decided where.


The black-and-white ad, for the car's motorbike division, Motorrad, stars BMW motorcycle racing driver Ruben Xaus, who came second in the world Superbike championships this year.

Speaking over dramatic footage of himself riding a motorbike, he talks about the questions people ask him about his daredevil racing, and explains that he is living his dream. During this sequence, the audience experiences an unexplained and unexpected flash.

Then Mr. Xaus tells the viewers, "Just close your eyes. Look deep into yourself. Maybe it's your dream, too. It's in you. Close your eyes and you will see it." He looks directly into the camera and commands: "Close them. Now."

As the audience obeys, they see the BMW letters hovering inside their eyelids. The company claims that the flash is completely harmless.

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I think marketers are in our heads too much as it is, I don't like this at all.

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:07 AM ----------

If anyone other than the Germans did it, it would have been cool. In German hands it was vaguely unsettling.

:ols: yeah, it's not as if their track record is clean on stuff like this.

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