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How does Mcnabb career end?


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Well, the closet thing to Mcnabb situation would be Brett Farve.

Farve goes to the Jets and starts out okay but falters down the stretch. He has a career year in his first year with the Vikings and was a game away from the superbowl.

Alas, he comes backs and has one of his worst years.


Mcnabb has a mediocre year in DC to the point he's benched.

Will he have one more good year with another team? Or his one year here just the beginning of the end for him?

It didn't work out here but my gut tells me that he will have at least one good season before he's done.

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Well, basically, we have now learned in the wake of the McNabb benching that Kyle never wanted McNabb here and has not liked him since training camp. It seems to me that if you are a quarterback in a brand new system who basically knows, even before the season starts, that you are not wanted and your OC is itching to replace you with his best buddy, Grossman, you are probably set up for failure.

Hopefully, McNabb has a chance to play starting quarterback next year for a coach and OC who actually want him there and will devise an offense to take advantage of his talents. I wish McNabb well and hope the Skins draft a quarterback next year who can be the franchise difference maker. I do not want McNabb here next year and hope they end this drama quickly by either trading him or releasing him early next year. Please God don't drag this out throughout the off-season.

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No one knows how it will end. It looks horrible now....with Rex having a good game and so on, but none of what's happening now will matter if he ends his career strong

I have visited a lot of different blogs of different websites and the responses are mixed. Some people are hype about the possibility of having him, while others aren't the least bit interested. As usual with McNabb it's a mixed bag

But I'm not willing to say he's done yet. He should go to Minni where he'll know the system, which is important

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Hopefully, McNabb has a chance to play starting quarterback next year for a coach and OC who actually want him there and will devise an offense to take advantage of his talents. I wish McNabb well and hope the Skins draft a quarterback next year who can be the franchise difference maker. I do not want McNabb here next year and hope they end this drama quickly by either trading him or releasing him early next year. Please God don't drag this out throughout the off-season.

I hope that McNabb gets a fresh start elsewhere and is willing to assist in working a trade with another team (Skins hold the rights to him and don't have to cut him until right before the beginning of the season). So, it's in McNabb's best interests to help get a trade to a team that he likes. I'm hoping Skins will get a 5th round pick that a team will be willing to give up to have McNabb for the entire offseason.

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I see McNabb going to Arizona or Minn. Hey will have a few good season's and maybe get close to a superbowl. Look how Jason Campbell is playing. Looks like we might should have kept him. Oh well let's hope we are heading in the right direction for the future. Hail!

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In Minnesota, he could be great. In Arizona, he could be bad. Just depends. The problem we face with these two teams is that maybe they don't want McNabb. They're probably eyeing the same exact QB's in the draft we are. And they don't have nearly as many needs as we do. Thats why this move to ultimately get rid of McNabb just doesn't make sense. Everyone picking ahead of us has QB issues too

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He will go to another team. Many of the fans will embrace him, and even go out and buy #5 jerseys. After 8-10 games, and many balls throw into the dirt or way off target, many of his biggest advocates will start to have doubts. He will get benched and there will be an outcry about the way he was disrespected. ... Hey did you ever see that movie Groundhog Day?

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