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It is Redskins for life....


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I'm Redskins for life too. Doesn't mean I have to sit here and pretend that this isn't a gigantic cluster****. We're gonna get our asses kicked on Sunday.

Redskins for life for me. I agree with you though, skinnyfan57. What going on is a cluster****. This team needs a serious rebuild and I think this offseason is going to be very similar to last year with vets and big contracts going out the door. I am willing to give Shanny the benefit of the doubt. Sure he has messed up this season at times but so have the players. Its football, **** happens. The goal is to have more execution and less **** happening. People can gripe about Kyle Shannahan but he was an up and coming successful OC and on defense while I would have liked to have the 3-4 phased in, you have to make the transition sometime and it will be tough ( still it sucks taking a strength of a team and making it a liablility).

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Amen, Fans need to realize we have to change our thinking/culture. Its a given that Mcnabb will not be here next season so why continue playing him to risk injury and lower his trade value?? Grossman IMO is not going to be our starting QB next year but play the man to see if he's a serviceable back-up. I was initially upset with the move however after giving it some thought I stand behind Shanny and in the end everyone will be singing his praises once we right the ship... Amen, Amen and Amen!!!!

I will be at the sportsbar tomorrow in my Redskins gear and hoping that we beat the brakes off the Pukes, but after we beat the pukes we need to proceed with losing the remaining two games to stay in the top ten in the draft...:D

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It is fun picturing how much we are going to LOL at Cowboys fans if Sexy Rexy goes in there and emerges with the W tomorrow.

Then again, you just hope that this team doesn't go out there and quit. I remember after Norv got fired (different situation, but still) with three games left, the team went down to Dallas and laid an egg against a bad Dallas team......and that was a Redskins squad still in playoff contention!

Either way, it'll be must-see TV!

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Amen, Fans need to realize we have to change our thinking/culture. Its a given that Mcnabb will not be here next season so why continue playing him to risk injury and lower his trade value?? Grossman IMO is not going to be our starting QB next year but play the man to see if he's a serviceable back-up. I was initially upset with the move however after giving it some thought I stand behind Shanny and in the end everyone will be singing his praises once we right the ship... Amen, Amen and Amen!!!!

I will be at the sportsbar tomorrow in my Redskins gear and hoping that we beat the brakes off the Pukes, but after we beat the pukes we need to proceed with losing the remaining two games to stay in the top ten in the draft...:D

I feel you but I don't want us to lose. I want us to win all our remaining games and end with a respectable record of 8-8 better than the cowgirls.

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I kinda' think anyone that's taken the time to both register and post on a Redskins message board is totally with this team, whatever reactionary B/S they may spout in the "moment."

But regardless, "AMEN!" OP.:cheers: I wish I shared your optimism on Interceptus Rexus, but here's to him surprising the heck out of me and leading us to the W tomorrow.


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