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HBO 24/7 - Road to the Winter Classic - Capitals/Penguins


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Alrighty then,

After some searching for an existing thread without any luck, I wanted to open up discussion on the new HBO reality series following our Caps and their path to the outdoor showdown.

I know there's some discussion on the Winter Classic going on in the official Caps thread, but I think a show this epic merits it's own thread

My two cents on the first episode

From a filmmaking perspective...it definitely looks like they're trying to show the Capitals are the big, bad villains. With the Pens win streak coming to an end, the next episode may be a turning of the tide. Who else thought, Boudreau was munchin down on a McRib prior to one of his clips...I like the zoom in on the spot :silly:

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I loved the first show. I thought it was amazing and very compelling. Ovie also has some BBQ sauce on the side of his mouth right after the BB clip. Maybe they hit up the McDonald's in Ballston Mall together after the morning skate. I couldn't really understand what the Pen's coach was saying half the time and I don't think BB was putting on a show for the camera.

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After doing some spying over on LetsGoPens.com. The majority of those donks could only jab at how fat or huge BB is...but many of them don't like how they're being portrayed as the "smiling happy go lucky" team. As far as BB's post game and intermission rants, **** happens, words like **** tend to come out in moments of passion

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My thought was the HBO crew is tailoring this to the Canadian supporters. Crosby is basically highlighted as the end all be all, while Ovie is portrayed more like a rock star who plays hockey. Dan Bylsma is made to look like a calculating intense coach who is always professional while Bruce is a gaffawing redneck who drops eff bombs as often as possible. There is a slant that makes Pittsburgh look like a mature, respectable franchise while Washington is the cavalier, rebellious upstart.

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My thought was the HBO crew is tailoring this to the Canadian supporters. Crosby is basically highlighted as the end all be all, while Ovie is portrayed more like a rock star who plays hockey. Dan Bylsma is made to look like a calculating intense coach who is always professional while Bruce is a gaffawing redneck who drops eff bombs as often as possible. There is a slant that makes Pittsburgh look like a mature, respectable franchise while Washington is the cavalier, rebellious upstart.

They worked with what they had, I don't think there's an inherent bias there. Everything was going right for the Penguins at that time and, conversely, everything was going wrong for the Capitals. The Penguins didn't have a lot of down moments for them to portray. For the Caps, I'd say it's hard to put a team's awful losing streak into proper perspective by showing them messing around and having fun, even though they were at times. They're telling a story, the Pens have lost back to back games this week so I'm sure you'll see a different mood in that dressing room next episode. Hbo is just working with the material presented and trying to convey what they feel are the most important storylines.

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When the Caps are mired in a losing streak they're going to be sad, and when the Penguins are on a season-high double-digit winning streak they'll look ecstatic. Nothing was manipulated.

It'll be interesting to see how Bylesma reacts to losing, never saw that in Ep 1.

And the BB profanity tirades are being blown out of proportion, and overshadow other hilarious moments. All people want to talk about is that but no one talks about the hilarious hotel prank lol

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After doing some spying over on LetsGoPens.com. The majority of those donks could only jab at how fat or huge BB is...but many of them don't like how they're being portrayed as the "smiling happy go lucky" team.

I check out LGP every now and then, and they are really crushing BB. I think Bruce stumbles and bumbles a lot when he is talking, especially when he is pissed. If you transcribed what he was saying, you would think the guy is a moron a lot of the times because the words just don't flow. These are the things people are using to determine whether or not Bruce is a good hockey coach, and that is not fair. HBO is not going to show a lot of the intricate preparation that Bruce does because that **** is boring compared to an angry intermission rant.

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