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Anyone getting superstitious?


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I just went down to the Redskins store in Ballston Commons Mall and picked up my new lucky hat for the season. I was told yesterday that I would be laid off so I'm wearing my hat to the office to stick it to 'em. I was thinknig about pulling out my t-shirt from last year but then I realized that every time I wore it they lost, so I decided to keep it in the drawer. Any of you guys starting to skip over cracks on the sidewalk and wear your lucky underwear three days straight? Just wondering...

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Got a new Redskins hat from the Ballston store as well. As to superstition, I usually make a point to not shower on Sundays (that is the way God wants it). But last year, I ended up having to shower one Sunday morning (parents visiting--had to go to church) and low and behold, P-Ram brings us back against the Titans. Two other times last year I showered before games and we won.

So, I will be showering tomorrow night at 8:45pm.

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Oh, no! I just realized that I will be wearing my Champ Bailey jersey to the game. Not only have we lost both games I have worn the jersey at, but I always seem to have a jersey of a player who immediately leaves the team.

For instance, last year, I got a Willie Roaf Saints jersey. During the off-season, he said that he'd rather retire than play for the Saints again. Subsequently, he went to the Chiefs.

I'm sorry guys, it seems like Champ's a goner. Maybe I should get a Wuerfful jersey.

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I am superstitious when it comes to clothing. when they win I will wear the same thing the next week. One time I was wearing boxers and a jersey, next thing you know it was the 5 game winning streak and it started getting real cold but I had to endure for the win!!

I was at home by the way!

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Oh, no! I just realized that I will be wearing my Champ Bailey jersey to the game. Not only have we lost both games I have worn the jersey at, but I always seem to have a jersey of a player who immediately leaves the team.

For instance, last year, I got a Willie Roaf Saints jersey. During the off-season, he said that he'd rather retire than play for the Saints again. Subsequently, he went to the Chiefs.

I'm sorry guys, it seems like Champ's a goner. Maybe I should get a Wuerfful jersey.

Wait...you're a Saints fan and a Redskins fans? You root for two NFL teams? Why not just go the whole 9 yards and be bisexual?

...Ok, maybe that's a bit much...

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Whatever rituals we've engaged in since Gibbs left haven't been working very well. :(

I've tried laying out my Sonny J./ Bobby Mitchell trading cards on the t.v. before big games. I've worn my Redskin socks...Redskin shirt...and hog nose. None of it has been terribly effective.

Perhaps sacrificing a virgin....

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I have a lucky ernest bynar shirt that is so tight on me these days its almost painful, but not during the games. However i think it may have become unlucky with the recent losing seasons and Bynar in Baltimore. So i think i may turn to wearing my lucky WR's gloves during skins games, i've never dropped a pass in a game with those babies on, they gotta be lucky!

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Uh gee Bang. thanks for sharing. That's er......good to know. :movefast::silly:

Superstitious? Nah, (begins to rub rabbits foot). I'm pretty sure it doesn't help anything, ( lays out customary Extremeskins T-shirt and bergundy shorts). I mean, if it makes one feel better then sure go for it, (looks nervously for lucky hat or bandana). me personaly? I don't do that. (Begins to panic. Can't find hat. Begins to rub whole rabbit). but uh........my hat.........if I did......MY HAT?....... er........ later.


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