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Took my son to his first game on MNF (Updated 12/2/10 with pics))


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My 12 yr old son got straight A's on his report card and when I asked him what he wanted as an reward for doing so well he asked if I would take him to the MNF game vs the Eagles for his first game. I told him I would see what I could do.

Well, I'm a single father, and have a very limited budget, I don't work because I go to school full time using my POST 911 G.I.Bill, so in order to do this I need a miracle of a deal. If you have, or know, of tix that are available that fit this bill please let me know

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I think it is great that your son wants to go to a game for a reward for his report card.. but in all honesty, a MNF game against Philly would not be the best reward. Because of their proximity, there are always a lot of Eagle fans, and unfortunately Eagle fans are notorious for being obnoxious. It is just my opinion but even though he wants the MNF game, I'd go for a Sunday game. That is my two cents. I am not saying don't do it, but I would strongly consider a different game. If it wasn't Philadelphia, I'd say go for it... unfortunately it is Philadelphia and it's one game that I know people that won't even take their older parents, much less youngsters. Hate to put a damper on it, but it's the truth from a diehard fan.. our family has had tickets since the 1940s and Monday night football against Philadelphia is a game I dread every year we have it at home, and it seems that the NFL in its infinite intelligence seems to think that this matchup is a good one for Monday night.

Again, bottom line it's your decision. If you do find tickets, make sure you know where the seats are. Stay away from seats behind the Eagles bench as that is where the majority of the Eagles fans will be... go more for seats behind the Redskins bench.

Again, I don't mean to rain on a parade. I think you may find many people will agree. Some will disagree saying I am overreacting, but my father in law and I were at the infamous "tear gas" game where police had to use tear gas to break up a fight in the section behind us, which is behind the Eagles bench. The Eagles players had to leave the sideline because the big fans pulled the teargas down over us and onto the field. My father in law and I for a while thought each other was having a problem because we couldn't breath before we realized that it was everyone around us.

A better game may be the Vikings or even Tampa Bay. You probably don't want to wait as long as the Giants game on January 2.

Again, I am the LAST person to suggest to someone not to go to a specific game, but if you have a choice, a Philadelphia monday night game would be at the bottom of my list. (Even if it was Philadelphia during the day would be better).

Just my 2 cents for what it is worth.

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a MNF game against Philly would not be the best reward.

I appreciate your concern and realize the possible hazards. I don't want to sound like "a pompous know it all" so I won't list the reasons why I think, in the case of my son, he will be fine. There are a few reasons he choose that game, his Uncle is Eagles fan and he wants to rub it in his face, he knows Mike Vick was my High School QB, plus he meet Vick this summer in Hampton, VA so this is the game he wants to go to and if at all possible I will try to get him there.

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Thanks 35-7, I just read ur pm. I understand ur trying to make a little money off ur tickets but I won't be able to do that, like I said I'm pretty strapped for cash so I'm gonna pass.

I'm still lookin for a couple of tix for the game at a great price fellow ES'ers, let me know if anyone has some, or know where some are. Thanks everyone.

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I think it is great that your son wants to go to a game for a reward for his report card.. but in all honesty, a MNF game against Philly would not be the best reward. Because of their proximity, there are always a lot of Eagle fans, and unfortunately Eagle fans are notorious for being obnoxious. It is just my opinion but even though he wants the MNF game, I'd go for a Sunday game. That is my two cents. I am not saying don't do it, but I would strongly consider a different game. If it wasn't Philadelphia, I'd say go for it... unfortunately it is Philadelphia and it's one game that I know people that won't even take their older parents, much less youngsters. Hate to put a damper on it, but it's the truth from a diehard fan.. our family has had tickets since the 1940s and Monday night football against Philadelphia is a game I dread every year we have it at home, and it seems that the NFL in its infinite intelligence seems to think that this matchup is a good one for Monday night.

Again, bottom line it's your decision. If you do find tickets, make sure you know where the seats are. Stay away from seats behind the Eagles bench as that is where the majority of the Eagles fans will be... go more for seats behind the Redskins bench.

Again, I don't mean to rain on a parade. I think you may find many people will agree. Some will disagree saying I am overreacting, but my father in law and I were at the infamous "tear gas" game where police had to use tear gas to break up a fight in the section behind us, which is behind the Eagles bench. The Eagles players had to leave the sideline because the big fans pulled the teargas down over us and onto the field. My father in law and I for a while thought each other was having a problem because we couldn't breath before we realized that it was everyone around us.

A better game may be the Vikings or even Tampa Bay. You probably don't want to wait as long as the Giants game on January 2.

Again, I am the LAST person to suggest to someone not to go to a specific game, but if you have a choice, a Philadelphia monday night game would be at the bottom of my list. (Even if it was Philadelphia during the day would be better).

Just my 2 cents for what it is worth.

A little overprotective...You sound like a soccer mom lol

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A little overprotective...You sound like a soccer mom lol

How many Monday night Philly games have you been to? I'm far from a soccer mom. Trust me.. I know many diehard fans who feel the same as I do. All I can say is that please be careful to those that go. I unfortunately now living in West Virginia will not be able to be there.

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A Philly night game is rough, no question. I don't think the kid's safety is at issue, but at 12 years old, he'll probably see some things he's never seen before: public drunkeness, adults fist-fighting with spilt blood, an over-turned portable toilet or two, and most of all, loud profane language shouted by adults at the top of their lungs.

But then again, the kid is twelve, he's not four or five.

It's a judgment call.

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How many Monday night Philly games have you been to? I'm far from a soccer mom. Trust me.. I know many diehard fans who feel the same as I do. All I can say is that please be careful to those that go. I unfortunately now living in West Virginia will not be able to be there.

He is 12 years old, he probably has already kissed a girl and watched porn and plenty of rated R movies. Just sayin

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As a first time Season Ticket holder I'll be going to MY first Eagles-Skins game. I've heard numerous stories of the Eagles fans at FedEx so that's why I'll be taking my cousin and not my Wife. I guess I'll be able to judge for myself after next Monday night

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Alright, I am compelled to talk about this now.......

Keep in mind that this is coming from a father that has taken his daughter(s) to numerous games, including night games.

My daughters (11 & 13 at the time) went to their first Eagles night game a couple years ago. Rest assured this game in particular is unlike any other night game you could possibly go to. The Dallass night games (which they have also been to) are a different type of rough. The Philthy fans make the night games at FedEx a special kind of ugly. Mark nailed the issues that a 12 yr. old may run in to but make no mistake, Philthy fans will view the adult with a child as having a weakness and will give you extra special attention. I can only speculate it's because the cowards assume the adult will backdown and make them feel superior. This happens no matter if they win or lose.

With that being said, You know your son better than any of us. You know what he's ready for. I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, I'm simply giving some Father - to - Father knowledge.

Here's hoping he has a great time, gets the W, and has great memories with Dad that he'll carry for a lifetime.

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Another poster referenced the Pepper Spray game. Here is an article about that game:


This was 2002. There is considerably more police presence at the games now and a greater willingness to toss people out (note that if 2 parties are fighting or loudly arguing - BOTH parties will get tossed out regardless of who started it).

I was at the game in 2002 (sat in sect 452) and again in 2009 (sat in 401) and it was a much rougher crowd/atmosphere in 2002. I think you will be OK, but go in prepared (and bring a cell phone with you).

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Thanks for all the advise guys. I really do appreciate everyone looking out for Caleb's (my son) well being. A few of the concerns mentioned he has already been exposed to. The language he hears from me at least 16 Sundays a year, TV and radio. Drunk in public, we have "that uncle" in our family. He has seen fights in public school but none of this things have been directed towards him or his father directly. He'll turn 13 a few weeks after the game and think while he is far from being adult he isnt a baby who needs to be held and cuddled.

As for the Eagle fans who perceive me having a 12 year old with me as a weakness they are prolly right because the amount of crap I'd take greatly changes with him around. If it did get out of hand I would totally expect the security, fellow ES'ers, and Skins fans to hopefully ward off these possible jerks, while also realizing we will have to endure somethings we would rather not.

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A Philly night game is rough, no question. I don't think the kid's safety is at issue, but at 12 years old, he'll probably see some things he's never seen before: public drunkeness, adults fist-fighting with spilt blood, an over-turned portable toilet or two, and most of all, loud profane language shouted by adults at the top of their lungs.

But then again, the kid is twelve, he's not four or five.

It's a judgment call.

Don't ask me why Mark, but this just sounded like something Shanny would say in an interview and bounce to the next question. I laughed out loud when I read this haha

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Yippee, I thanks to member BootzJackson I was able to get 2 lower level seats in section 126 at face value and a parking pass. My son is excited as am I. I've been to lots of games just haven't been since 08 so Im excited also. We plan on making a day of it so if you see us at the ES tailgate stop and say hey... Thx for the tix Bootzjackson.

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I've been taking my son to skins games since he was 6. Although we were never involved directly with rude fans we have seen our share. You just have to know how to avoid the losers, the few that there are. Fedex is awesome and I wish other stadiums knew how to act like us. Although my son heard Santa say the f word after we were in the bathroom, heck the skins ran a kick back to the house and we missed it all cause i had to p, we never had any problems. Now he'll be 16 on Monday and he could protect me better than I could myself if we had to. Although we won't be going to the Eagles game because he has a high school football game that same Monday (against a rival that has over a hundred meetings), I wouldn't have any concerns going to MNF at Fedex against the Eagles. Skins fans are the BEST!!!!!! You think Danny could fly me in after my son's game? hahaha

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Thx everybody for the advise and concerns and thx bootzjackson for the tix. My son and I will be in 126 row 20 seats 18 &19 come say hi if your close and welcome a Skins Family member in our house for the fist time.:point2sky:eaglesuck:eaglesuck:eaglesuck

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  • 1 month later...

To bad this game was a blow out but even though my son had a great time. He had his picture take with Chief Zee, pretailgated (Starting at 10am) with all the ES'er, really enjoyed meeting Pez, played corn hole and grilled over with MTH. He was screaming and yelling well into the forth quarter on Eagles 3rd downs even though it was no way in hell we were gonna win. Most of the concerns people had was with Eagles fans giving us/him a hard time but people should have warned the Eagles fans about my son as he gave them all hell, joking and in good fun but he did give them crap. After the game was out of hand and the Eagle fans were celebrating, he would yell back, "Yall could win by 1,000 points and yall will only be tied with us heads up, we already beat you in your house". Anyways we had a great time and he cant wait to go again.




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