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53 Clifford Franklins.


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I keep coming back to this statement, which you can understand if you don't know who Clifford Franklin is by simply typing his name into YouTube, because it's apparently true. Nobody on this roster can catch. Nobody. And it's why we lost to the Colts.

We should have had two additional turnovers and three drives that could continue because we could catch. Instead, we had five dropped balls. One by Carlos Rogers, who, in the Texans game, showed you that he needs multiple attempts to make a ****ing catch, one by Kareem Moore (I don't fault him for the other one), one by Joey Galloway, who was thrown a low ball when he was on the ****ing ground and still couldn't catch it, and two by Chris Cooley, who's supposed to have the softest hands on the entire team. Inexplicably, one of the balls Cooley didn't catch wasn't caught because he tried to snag a slightly-errant pass with one hand, for reasons that I will never be able to explain.

Yes, this sounds harsh. I realize this. And I'm sure that 50% of people won't even read the OP, just like they didn't in the "modest proposal" thread. I'm writing to the 50% who will. Nobody on this team can catch. Absolutely nobody. And we're going to lose games because of it.

EDIT: I've been encouraged to provide a link to the video I'm talking about, which I think is a good idea, so you can find out everything you need to know about Clifford Franklin right here:

"Coach, it looks like I just jacked off an elephant." :ols:

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is "nobody" said with sarcasm? Or are you being tongue in cheek? its hard to tell sometimes.

But it sure is fun to make fun of those that guess wrong.

And who the hell is 53 Clifford. What a horrible thread title.

No. Not sarcasm. Nobody on this team - nobody - is good at catching. Chris Cooley made that extraordinarily clear. I love the guy, but his reputation for soft hands is false, or at least it was last night. Yes, he caught the balls that would take damn near a refusal to catch to be dropped. He didn't catch the balls that would have taken a little bit of extra effort. That cost us drives.

I really don't know what else to tell you about Clifford Franklin. It takes all of 20 seconds to figure out who he is, and why I titled the thread this way.

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Clifford Franklin does not know what you're talking about.

The football's like a one-man cold to Clifford Franklin. Clifford Franklin's the only man catchin' it, Clifford Franklin's the only man comin' down wid it.


That's going to make me laugh no matter how many times it's posted. It might be the greatest quote in the history of quotes. God, I love that movie.

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You should probably be NNT'd if all you are going to do is ***** and complain in every new thread you start. :):):)

Is there anything about the team you like? I don't know about you, but even at 3-3 I'm enjoying this season more than I have in years.

And yes, I understand you were being sarcastic about Haslett.

And who is Clifford Franklin? I honestly don't know.

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You should probably be NNT'd if all you are going to do is ***** and complain in every new thread you start.

Is there anything about the team you like? I don't know about you, but even at 3-3 I'm enjoying this season more than I have in years.

I'm more inclined to post threads about why the second 3 happened than why the first 3 happened.

The first 3 don't need to be fixed.

So yes, I'm going to complain, even if I simultaneously think that we're having a good season (which I do). If you want a message board full of rah-rah cheerleading threads, then yes, I should be NNT'd.

(By the way, I'd like to point out that my other current thread about Jim Haslett is about how good Jim Haslett is. Unless you didn't read the OP. Which might make you think that I was actually complaining.)

EDIT: Well now you've gone and edited your post. :pfft: I would say that if you know my other thread is praising Jim Haslett, then it's awfully strange that you're simultaneously saying that all I do is complain.

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.....two by Chris Cooley, who's supposed to have the softest hands on the entire team. Inexplicably, one of the balls Cooley didn't catch wasn't caught because he tried to snag a slightly-errant pass with one hand, for reasons that I will never be able to explain.

One thing thing that might explain Cooley's drops was the concussion. I know he claims it happened in the third quarter but some of the other guys said he was acting strange like he had a concussion in the first half. So maybe he got his bell rung during the first half and that could have lead to the drops.

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I'm more inclined to post threads about why the second 3 happened than why the first 3 happened.

The first 3 don't need to be fixed.

So yes, I'm going to complain, even if I simultaneously think that we're having a good season (which I do). If you want a message board full of rah-rah cheerleading threads, then yes, I should be NNT'd.

(By the way, I'd like to point out that my other current thread about Jim Haslett is about how good Jim Haslett is. Unless you didn't read the OP. Which might make you think that I was actually complaining.)

Sorry, I realized the tone was wrong. I was being sarcastic too so I edited my post to reflect that.

I still don't know who Clifford Franklin is though.

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One thing thing that might explain Cooley's drops was the concussion. I know he claims it happened in the third quarter but some of the other guys said he was acting strange like he had a concussion in the first half. So maybe he got his bell rung during the first half and that could have lead to the drops.

That's true. Once the concussion is sorted out, we might only have 52 Clifford Franklins.

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Sorry, I realized the tone was wrong. I was being sarcastic too so I edited my post to reflect that.

I still don't know who Clifford Franklin is though.

And I keep telling you to type his name into YouTube.

What more do you want? Me to forcibly show you the videos a la A Clockwork Orange? That seems a little harsh.

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Providing the link for your obscure thread title would be awesome.


Tell me commentators, if they've done their homework, wouldn't react to Carlos Rogers catching the ball the same way they reacted at the end of the video to Clifford Franklin catching the ball.

Anyway, that's a good idea. I'll edit the OP. (Although I really don't think it's that obscure. People saw Clifford Franklin not only in the movie itself, which was rather popular, but in previews that were in lots of other movies. I suppose you could say that people shouldn't be expected to remember previews, which is somewhat true, but I figure football fans would remember a football preview about a football movie.)

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lol, I had a post removed and got a warning for making less a lude comment than that last one...

..it's still funny. Anyway, besides Carlos, I'm just trying to chalk to up to a bad game in that department. Cooley does have great hands. And a lot has to do with McNabb putting an odd zip on the ball. he's known for that. Doesn't know when to take a little heat off it.

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Tell me commentators, if they've done their homework, wouldn't react to Carlos Rogers catching the ball the same way they reacted at the end of the video to Clifford Franklin catching the ball.

Anyway, that's a good idea. I'll edit the OP. (Although I really don't think it's that obscure. People saw Clifford Franklin not only in the movie itself, which was rather popular, but in previews that were in lots of other movies. I suppose you could say that people shouldn't be expected to remember previews, which is somewhat true, but I figure football fans would remember a football preview about a football movie.)

Ahhh, thanks. You're correct that it's not an entirely obscure cultural reference, but in the context of the Redskins forum, the thread title was a little confusing.

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