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Those a**holes at Pro Football Talk are at it again.......


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Okay, this one is totally WAY OVER THE TOP!!!!

It has to do with the Jaguars and QB Mark Burnell and, well, you will see the rest:



We've confirmed that, regardless of coach Jack Del Rio's denials, the Jaguars were indeed shopping quarterback Mark Brunell earlier this week -- and that the team remains interested in trading him.

As mentioned below, count the Redskins among the few interested teams.

Sure, the 'Skins have Patrick Ramsey. But "win now" is owner Dan Snyderbrenner's annual mantra, and he'd likely be willing to park Ramsey on the bench if he can get an established player to run Steve Spurrier's offense.

POSTED 9:35 p.m. EDT, August 26, 2003


According to the Jacksonville Jaguars' official Web site, coach Jack Del Rio denies reports that the team has offered quarterback Mark Brunell to other NFL teams.

Del Rio said that the multiple reports regarding the trade rumors are "making a circus out of a simple process."

That quote from Del Rio doesn't sound much like a categorical denial. Instead, it sounds like the Jags had intended to quietly shop Brunell -- and in their naivete they assumed no one else would say anything to the media about it.

"There was never a direct offer of our starting quarterback. He will start Thursday night," Del Rio said.

What the hell does "direct offer" mean? Was an "indirect offer" made?

It sure looks like the Jags are pulling a Clinton on this one, apparently in order to avoid any potential fallout from their shoddy treatment of a guy who has formed part of the foundation of the franchise.

Our guess is that the Jags made a few exploratory phone calls regarding possible interest in Brunell, with every intention of soliciting a "direct offer" if the teams to whom they spoke showed any interest.

"We have a plan," Del Rio said, "but I don't think it's in the best interests of the Jaguars to discuss it with the rest of the country."

That's fine, Jack. But you'll never make it in this here league if you think that showing your hand to a couple of other teams isn't the same damn thing as laying your cards on the table.

And on the Brunell trade issue, a league source tells us that the Redskins are one of the only teams interested in making a deal.

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The only way id see us making a deal is if we weredisgusted with Rob Johnsons play as the 2nd QB. Sure he hasnt lit up the world but he hasnt stunk up the joint either.

These guys should go into fiction and let some young and credible sports writers have a chance. :doh:

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This is absolutely hilarious. It's entered the realm of satire.

The only way the team does it is to get a superior backup QB, though you have to wonder how long it would take Brunell to get proficient in the offense.

But the guy has a $7M salary. There is no way the Redskins are going to take that on for a backup QB.

Before last season, I would have loved getting Brunell. That ship has sailed, though. This is Ramsey's team.

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If I were going to make up trade rumors, it would sound a lot like this.

I guess I could see us trading for Brunnell as a backup since Rob Johnson has looked awful...and it would give Spurrier an excuse to move Danny W. to the #2 spot, which you know he is dying to do. Still, I think this is a complete fabrication.

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As frugal as the FO has been this offseason, this is hard to see.

Live and Die with Ramsey. After this year, it should be clear if he's the man or not.

Obviously, it would be great to have a backup not named Rob Johnson or Danny Weurfull, but man...we'd lose a draft pick, when the guy is gonna be released anyway...and we'd definitely need to renegotiate that contract, which Brunell would be crazy to do. Watching NFL Live last night, they were commenting about how Brunell is a scrambling QB that doesn't scramble anymore. And also how he is the most sacked QB in the league since 99 or something. Indictment of his protection or is he holding the ball too long??? We already have a backup QB that holds the ball too long.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

I can't believe they are actually reporting this as fact....I could be a sports writer and make up better stories than this.

Slight correction. Anything that Profootball Talk reports via their website is pure unadulterrated spew. Florio engages in nothing more than vitriolic unsubstantiated fiction. It's histrionics on roids.

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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY

I had to send Mike a little email about this one.

Well, I have heard that they try to answer all the e-mails they get and that they will spew some rather venomous responses.

If they do answer you, do share it with all your friends here at ExtremeSkins. We can always use another good laugh

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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No kidding,, this is absolutely laughable. they probably write this claptrap so they can see if we will disect it, so they can be sure they have readership.

Their 'source' is likely Antwan the crackhead who was digging in a dumpster near Redskins Park


Yeah, man, I heard dat Dan Snyda talkin' bout makin' dat trade. Sho'nuff. Now gimme yo' wallet.


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Originally posted by TC4

Well, I have heard that they try to answer all the e-mails they get and that they will spew some rather venomous responses.

If they do answer you, do share it with all your friends here at ExtremeSkins. We can always use another good laugh

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well, it just so happens that he sent me a response today.

ever hear of a guy restructuring his deal? please leave me alone

Thats all it said. Of course, I had to write back. I told him that if he didn't want people sending him emails maybe he should not put his email address out there.

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