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Jordan Ibe's on 30 thousand a week. 


30 THOUSAND POUNDS a week for a 19 year old with 11 senior appearances 


There's looking after your own and there's being absolutely frigging stupid. 


It's no wonder young men, who nine times out of 10 aren't the brightest, come from tough backgrounds and would be working a menial job and hanging out on the streets like a lot of lads following them were it not that they happen to blessed with talent; go off the rails and do stupid dumbs **** that young guys inevitably do when that sort of stupid money is thrown their way. 



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Really hope we figure out a way to put some footballs through the windows of José's bus on Sunday and get a 1 or 2 niller.


I also really hope that instead of shaking José's hand, Arsène punches him right in the neck and he collapses on the pitch after the game. That would be quite the sight. And not too farfetched, I might add.

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As regards Bayern, this from a Munich fan last Wednesday was awesomely brilliant (love the banner) and greatly appreciated .....


SUPS München 1994

Never Forgotten - Die Hillsborough-Katastrophe war ein schweres Zuschauerunglück mit 96 Todesopfer im April 1989. Sie ereignete sich während des Halbfinalspiels um den FA Cup zwischen dem FC Liverpool und Nottingham Forest und gilt als eine der größten Katastrophen in der Geschichte des Fußballs. Die Schuld an der Katastrophe wurde von offizieller Seite lange Zeit den Anhängern selbst angelastet. Eine unabhängige Kommission legte mit ihrem Bericht im Jahr 2012 jedoch nahe, dass Mitglieder der Polizei und der Hilfskräfte eine erhebliche Schuld trifft – und zwar sowohl mit Blick auf die Ursachen der Katastrophe, als auch hinsichtlich des Ausmaßes. Das führte zu einer offiziellen Entschuldigung von Premierminister David Cameron, der Polizei von South Yorkshire, der FA sowie der Zeitung The Sun- - - R.I.P. 96

Bing translation:

Never forgotten - the Hillsborough disaster in April 1989 was a heavy audience unhappiness with 96 deaths. She occurred during the semifinal match to the FA Cup between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, and is considered one of the biggest disasters in the history of football. The blame for the disaster was blamed on official supporters even long time. An independent Commission suggested with its report in 2012, however, that a considerable blame members of the police and the auxiliary - and with views of the causes of the disaster, both in terms of the extent. This resulted in an official apology from Prime Minister David Cameron, the police of South Yorkshire, the FA, as well as the newspaper of The Sun-- R.I.P. 96


Dortmund sings YNWA in tribute to the disaster. Both clubs have crazy class(minus the Bayern owner). Thus why I have a a lot of internal conflict toons with those two lol.

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Really hope we figure out a way to put some footballs through the windows of José's bus on Sunday and get a 1 or 2 niller.


I also really hope that instead of shaking José's hand, Arsène punches him right in the neck and he collapses on the pitch after the game. That would be quite the sight. And not too farfetched, I might add.


If Arsenal could somehow, someway win the League; you would utterly make my season. 


But I'll settle as a start pissing the special needs one off Sunday and heaping the pressure back on them. 



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Wish there was an "archive quote" functionality...


:lol: ****er!


I've always kinda' liked Arsenal. Highbury remains one of my all time favourite grounds. And certainly under Arsene, they've always tried to do things the right way. 


Just it was always TOO much fun not to nark at Joe and his delusions and sit back and watch him blunder in.  :lol:.



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Dortmund sings YNWA in tribute to the disaster. Both clubs have crazy class(minus the Bayern owner). Thus why I have a a lot of internal conflict toons with those two lol.

Added bonus: Klopp and Reus will not need to learn the words next year after the join the Reds!

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Munich 1 up on 15 minutes 


Thiago again.


ALL Bayern. Storming atmosphere as you'd expect. 


Game ON!

Iniesta is still a ****ing magician, WOW what a through ball to Neymar.


Messi aside, my favourite player by far from this great Barcelona era. 


Little magician who just does his job and does it superbly. Doesn't seek the limelight and doesn't get it. 


He's like Ronnie Whelan used to be for us. You never realise just how good and how integral he is until he's not out there. 



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They are running rampant in the Allianz Arena.


I will be shocked if Porto end this match with 11 players.


Brilliant finish!!!  4-0!!!!  In heaven here!!


Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a score update in the Allianz Arena


Announcer: Thomas


Crowd: Mueller!


Announcer: Thomas


Crowd: Mueller


Announcer: Thomas


Crowd: Mueller


Announcer: “We have a new score: Bayern Munich 4”


Crowd: 4!!!


Announcer: Porto


Crowd: Null!!


Announcer: “Thank you”

Crowd: “You’re welcome!”

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Na na, na na na naaa,

Hey Hey, Good bye (Porto)!!


Not a bad day to be a Bayern supporter.


The Porto coach looks like a guy who thought he was going to a great action movie and is watching a crappy Indie chick flick.

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