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1000 Ways to Die


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1. The episode where the brother of a Viking leader is caught raping his wife and his older brother gives him a Blood Eagle which is taking a sharp knife, cutting along the spine opening up the ribcage and pulling the lungs outside of the body.

2. The episode where the two potheads design a mega-bong out of clay and gets a fellow pothead babe to bake it using propane. They are impatient and use a lighter to see if the gas is on.

3. The guy panning for Gold in the Amazon who takes a leak in the river and that tiny fish swims up into his stuff, he rips it out and the blood attracts pirahna.

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Here's #1001, ground up alive in a meat grinder at a sausage factory:

Sausage factory worker killed in meat grinder

Late Tuesday night Raper was working at the Bar S plant in Lawton where he was in charge of cleaning the machinery.

"He slipped and went into the machine. He was still conscious at the time," Ferris said. "So I can imagine the agony he was in, and he lost both of his legs in this accident."

Ferris says it took about two hours to free Raper, but the trauma was just too much.

He died Wednesday afternoon leaving behind a fiance and four children.

Click on the link for the full article

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lessons from last night's show:

-Ladies, if you wax, PLEASE use a professional, unless, you wanna get flesh-eating bacteria down there :puke:

-Car thieves: Don't do tricks on the car, unless you wanna have your testicles :ahhhhh: chest and head crushed,

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