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The radio announcers were talking up Trotter last night as being all over the place when he was in there. Did anyone who watch the game feel he played well? How about a little Trot break down :).

And, is anyone else pleased that the Dallas Cowboys will acquire Terrell Owens in 2006? It should be great watching him tear that team up.

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He did alright, He got some intensity on the field, and after Noble went out, the whole D picked it up a little. He wasn't in on A. Smith's 5 yard TD run, I don't know why, but Mitchell was in.

He played well in pass coverage, as usual, and overall looked as if his knee didn't bug him at all.

I'd like to give you more, but individually, he didn't do anything really distinguishing. he made a big hit on a receiver who caught a pass in the flat, stopped short of a first down.

he looked healthy. They interviewed him on TV during the second half, and he said he felt great, no pain, but not much else.


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I was able to watch the game last night. and Trotter was everywhere he hit pretty hard and he really helped in run support..... He was flying around..

Note: The pats seemed to design every play to go away from arrington.. he got some good pressure on blitzes but wher ever LA lined up they would go the opposite way.. righ into trotter.. Armstead looked quick as ever......... And Boy Bruce Smith hes still got it........

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I was at the game and what I noticed more than anything is that for at least 2 Patriots drives the Redskins blitzed Lavar on just about every play. And with each blitz the Pats would find the TE or RB wide-open in the space that the blitzing Lavar would be in if were not rushing the passer.

It was as if the Patriots saw that they were blitzing 56 and said, Crap, if your gonna keep sending him, we're gonna keep exploiting your dumbness and dump it to a man right over his head.

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I can't say that Trotter distinguished himself, but he didn't have any huge lapses either. You've got to think he's going to do enough to have positive reps but yet not do anything to endanger his knee. He'll save the explosiveness for the regular season.

Someone above mentioned him being out on A. Smith's 5-yd TD run. Anyone notice that Trotter is noticeably absent when in goal line situations? Last year Marvin preferred to substitute Mitchell for Trotter in those situations. Might it be Trotter's "downhill" attacking style that is a detriment in goal line situations..... where maybe a read and react effort is needed?

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Marvin didn't substitute Mitchell for Trotter ever in short yardage or goal line situations last year. Mitchell was part of the goal line package, but, that was in addition to Trotter, Armstead and Arrington, not at the exclusion of.

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Trotter looked very good last night. He was a round the ball quite a bit. I'd still like to see him blitz more as I think he's well suited for that. Right now he appears to be our best linebacker as LaVar was pretty much non-existant. Hopefully that'll change once the games count.

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Blitz...that's exactly what I predicted would happen if we had to overemphasize lb/secondary passrush support due to a weak line during the d-line debates a few weeks ago. let's hope that we haven't thrown in all the stunts that create pasrush lanes for the lbs yet.

Hate to say it, but I watched Lavar last night on some of his passrushes - from the stand-up oisition - and he still looks like he gets tangled up with blockers all the time.

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Note: The pats seemed to design every play to go away from arrington
from Ryskins99

Very good note!

I spoke with my nephew and it seems to me that the last two games are very long evaluators for the Skins, whereas, the opponent is actually scripting longer in the game to gain an advantage - translation - they are "game planning the whole game, just about" while we only game planned the 1 st qtr.

The thought of the coach who uses the Fun and Gun has them on the defensive mentally, so as to not get burned, they are bringing extended blitz packages and all, using seasonal game planning in their offense and using the "blast" approach to get quick scores, maybe being apprehensive that Spurrier will fill the air.

As noted in another post, Rob Johnson was using a more NFL balanced series as opposed to Patrick Ramsey's throw to run ratio, suggesting Ramsey is getting more reps. That is very, very smart right now, as he'll be more than ready come opening day.

It says a lot for the team, when they can still move around like they do, without very detailed game planning from their coaching staff, as opposed the oponnent's approach, which was just the opposite.

Next week, the progression should be even more forward than the latter part of the 1st QTR, and part of the 2nd of this last game against NE. Timing is the most iimportant factor for cleaning up errors and reinterating positional responsibilities. We are moving along just fine.

Bulldog had pointed out that we have a QB with only 5 games of participation in a real season and I agree, he has done just fine.

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