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Does this annoy the crap out of you too?

Chump Bailey

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Or perhaps I'm just wound too tight :)

Do you hate it when you're standing in line and the person after you stands directly next to you at the counter and lays their crap down in the middle of your transaction? I hate that. It implies to me that I'm holding this person up somehow. It happened to me this morning at the gas station. I felt like picking the guy up and throwing him thru the window.

Yea, you're wound too tight...

I suppose it is one thing if you are waiting at a place like the DMV where you will be with the clerk a little longer. However, if you are at a place like a gas station where it will take less than 30 seconds, I don't see the harm.

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A-ha!!! You must be the one with the check book. :evilg:

:ols: Nope!

I'm quick when I check out. I've also been behind people who take forever and in front of people who have ants in their pants. I guess I get through it knowing that the problem is with them.

I'll leave the store and my annoyance (if I even felt any) ends there. If I was the guy who was perpetually in a hurry or the guy who took 10 minutes to complete a transaction, I have to live with myself for the rest of my life.

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I'm :ols: my ass off at this thread...never really had what the OP happen before..but then again i'm not a little dude so people dont get too close to me usually :D

Now what really ticks me off is when you're in the self check out aisle at the grocery store..and you finish scanning all of your stuff, then move down to start bagging it up...and the person in line behind you starts scanning their stuff and sending it down before I'm even close to being out of his way, I've took peoples stuff and thrown it back towards the scanner as if to say "CANT YOU SEE IM NOT DONE YOU **** HEAD" and give them a evil stare. It usually works too :evilg:

The other thing that bugs me is..say you are at Burger King or something, and are standing in line waiting to order for say 15 minutes...well it seems to happen to me a lot..once the person in front of you get to the register to order..and they are like ummm let me have ummmmmm (while staring at the menu) HELLO MCFLY WHAT WERE YOU DOING WHILE STANDING IN LINE YOU **** HEAD :ols: I actually went off on a lady at starbucks once that did this..she looked at me like i had 3 heads..I then said to her "what the hell were you doing while we were waiting for TWENTY MINUTES???!!?? jesus christ!!!" :)

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