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NY Times: Leach Denies Mistreatment (new info, sounds like James is a whiny brat)


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Leach said that Craig James called the assistant coach Lincoln Riley so often to lobby for playing time that they had a meeting with Adam James. They played him two of the messages and asked, “How would you feel if we went in there to the meeting room and we stuck speakers up and we played these two messages for the team?”

Leach added: “After that we didn’t get any more phone calls from Craig, but he did proceed to call administrators.”

Leach said that Craig James felt his son was not getting a fair shot and threatened to call the administration about it.

“He made it clear that he had a business relationship with our chancellor or certainly was in conversation about such things,” Leach said. “He made it clear that he was announcing this game or that. He always felt like we were leaving the best receiver on the team on the bench. It’s inconceivable that we’d ever want to do that or consider doing it.”

The Texas Tech head football trainer, Steve Pin****, supported Leach’s claims that he did not mistreat Adam James after his concussion.

“Adam was never locked in any facility, and was never placed in an electrical closet or tight space, or instructed to do so,” Pin**** said in a statement.

Source: NY Times


Full Article Click here (I suggest you read it, it has some damming new info. It definitely sounds like James' father was being a douche):



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the Jameses suck

Leach sucks

I'm suprised people feel the need to take sides on this, when all parties look guilty of sucking. Is it really necessary to determine who sucked less, or necessary to vindicate one party in all cases where two parties conflict? Screw all of them.

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I fail to see how Leach "sucks" in all of this. He had a disruptive parent and a kid causing him a fairly large problem. He sent the kid to a dark room to rest his concussion, and the team's trainer doesn't think he did anything medically incorrect. The "closet" turns out to be a large space with an ice machine.

the charge was obviously trumped up, the disruptive parent pulled clout to get his way, and the coach ends up being fired.

Tell me who sucks in this again?


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I fail to see how Leach "sucks" in all of this. He had a disruptive parent and a kid causing him a fairly large problem. He sent the kid to a dark room to rest his concussion, and the team's trainer doesn't think he did anything medically incorrect. The "closet" turns out to be a large space with an ice machine.

the charge was obviously trumped up, the disruptive parent pulled clout to get his way, and the coach ends up being fired.

Tell me who sucks in this again?


Hell, this is what it seemed like pretty much the whole time, even before all this damning new info was released. I was watching Mike and Mike one morning when Stinky and Kuselius were hosting, and they were trashing Leach. I'm sitting there thinking, "how does a guy who has been there as long as Leach, with the reputation of Leach, just do something like this out of the blue? Wouldn't we have heard about stuff like this before? It really just seems like it's the James' faults."

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Hell, this is what it seemed like pretty much the whole time, even before all this damning new info was released. I was watching Mike and Mike one morning when Stinky and Kuselius were hosting, and they were trashing Leach. I'm sitting there thinking, "how does a guy who has been there as long as Leach, with the reputation of Leach, just do something like this out of the blue? Wouldn't we have heard about stuff like this before? It really just seems like it's the James' faults."

Not to mention, James' father works for ESPN/ABC. Could be why they are trashing him.

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I was reading that earlier today, Craig James ruins another Texas college football program. His bratty son needs to distance himself away from TT. The university was just trying to find a way to fire Leach.

Agreed.. man, the kid has to feel pretty low in all of this. Could you imagine having your coach (or boss) call you in and play two messages from your dad demanding all sorts of things?

How humiliating.


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I'm not buying his story until he can explain why James was put into a storage room.

I don't care what kind of ass hat Craig James is or anything else about the overzealous parent. That happens in every sport, at every level. That's nothing new.

“I instructed Adam to stay in the garage and out of the sun, so the light would not worsen his condition,” Pin**** said. “While in the garage, Adam was walking around, eating ice, sitting on the ground, and, at one point, sleeping.”

He added: “Coach Leach asked that Adam be placed in a location where sunlight could not bother him, as he was wearing sunglasses. Two trainers, including myself, monitored Adam at all times.”

Why was this kid inside a garage? They don't have a lockeroom? Medical facility?

Sitting on the ground? They don't have chairs?

If the kid is lazy then punish him appropriately.

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He had a concussion and they sent him in there because with the lights off it's dark and would not add to the headache. Can't necessarily send him to the locker room to turn off all the lights.. no one was using the room, and he could sit in there in the dark if his head hurt so much that he couldn't even dress for practice.

. In looking at the photos and videos of this storage room, the kid had plenty of room, didn't have to sit on the floor, and with all the other BS going on, did not rob more time from the team than he and his asshat dad already had.

It is not like they sent him to sit with his nose in some dank corner. He wasn't mistreated except to get his feelings hurt.


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This is something that sounds strange to me.

At 1:17 in this video of the interview with the coach's attorney, the lawyer says, "He had ICE, a FAN. It's in December, so it's not hot" Then the camera pans over to snow on the ground.

So if it's freezing outside, aren't we thinking he needs HEAT, rather than Ice and a Fan ?? Is the ice for his concussion ? And is the kid freezing his nads off in there ?


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He had a concussion and they sent him in there because with the lights off it's dark and would not add to the headache. Can't necessarily send him to the locker room to turn off all the lights.. no one was using the room, and he could sit in there in the dark if his head hurt so much that he couldn't even dress for practice.


Sorry Bang, but that makes absolutely zero sense.

You actually think he was put into a storage room because it was for his benefit?

They sent him in there to discipline him.

"I have no complaints about this decision. [Leach] put Adam [James] in a shed like an animal. Like an animal in a cage. That was bull," defensive lineman Chris Perry said. "You call other players. I think it was a good decision. We have our pep back now. We practice hard this week. We had less stress this week. You know why? Because he's gone."
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And I don't see the point in the lawyer spending SO MUCH effort in attempting to act like there's a HUGE difference between a shed and a garage.

He makes it sound like it's comparable to the difference between a go-kart and a Mercedes Benz

So, a garage is a little bigger, and usually has electricity. But apparently the only thing electricity was used for in this particular garage was a fan and an ice machine....neither of which are much help, if you're in a cold December.

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