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Pukes @ Saints


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That is a great point and one I hadn't considered.

Like I said - I'm not holding my breath - Romo sits to pee didn't exactly play great against the Chargers, who are among the worst in covering TEs(Witten had like 2 catches against them, while a no-name Browns player the week before looked like a Pro Bowler against them). And didn't look all that great against the Giants, despite the massive yardage.

And like I said above as well - we only play great in Dec when our coaches and playoff spots are on the hot seat, and then regress subsequently. Same happened last year when we smacked the Giants, and then subsequently slid back.

Oh - and Roy11 can NOT keep dropping balls like that - if he continues to do so, then it could cost us big time against the Skins and Eagles.

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On a side note, I lost a lot of respect for Witten for sliding on third down, short of the first down marker. He pulled a Jared Lorenzen move. He's a big softy, who gets no YAC.

I don't think he's a softy but me and my dad were talking about this today. He gets tackled the same way everytime, someone just blows up his legs.

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Romo sits to pee has been beasting it. Now four straight games without an interception. Before this season, his longest streak was a pathetic two games. Now he has one of three games, and now this one of four. He is not turning the ball over at all.

I would also like to say that I have so much man love for DeMarcus Ware it is ridiculous.


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I think I speak for most non-redskins fans when I say to you and your alter-ego tr1..... "STFU YOU IDIOTS!!!" This will be so worth the ban. :D


Say, bobbee, did you dirty your pants after Folk missed that chip shot? Because, I was with about four puke fans who were sure the pukes were going to lose.

I hope you puke fans think you have something special here, because this has the potential for epic fail, once again. This was a typical puke game...look good for stretches, look awful for stretches...and, the only thing different was the pukes won in a game where they looked awful in the second half.


Should be another one-and-done IF they make the playoffs.

Oh, BTW, I didn't wade through this entire thread, but I'm happy to see some puke fans who hadn't been here in two weeks.

Glad to see you back. :rotflmao:

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Yeah. Thank goodness New Orleans let Dallas dominate like that. They're very gracious letting Dallas win tonight.

Funny, I don't remember the pukes dominating the 4th quarter...in fact, I kinda remember the opposite.

Oh, btw, 3 turnovers and a dropped TD should make you worry...this should have been a blow out...yet, the game came down to the final play.

What a pathetic franchise you have...


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Funny, I don't remember the pukes dominating the 4th quarter...in fact, I kinda remember the opposite.

Oh, btw, 3 turnovers and a dropped TD should make you worry...this should have been a blow out...yet, the game came down to the final play.

What a pathetic franchise you have...


If beating a 13-0 team, at home, in the Dome, with 112 Decibal rating does not get your respect ... then what does?

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Funny, I don't remember the pukes dominating the 4th quarter...in fact, I kinda remember the opposite.

Oh, btw, 3 turnovers and a dropped TD should make you worry...this should have been a blow out...yet, the game came down to the final play.

What a pathetic franchise you have...


I didn't realize the game was only played in the 4th quarter...how dumb of me. :doh:

Seems to me, that when the Cowboys went a little soft, Brees looked all world....sounds familiar to your knock on another qb who played in the game...hmmm?

I believe the Cowboys forced those turnovers you speak of and didn't 'give' up any of their own. That is called winning football.

But good job clinging to ridiculous aspects of the game to make yourself look silly! :hysterical:

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