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The pukes have beaten ONE team with a winning record.


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in December the Pokes will play

Saints, Giants, Chargers, Redskins, and Eagles in January

At least we know we can pencil in a w vs the skins. We played horribly and still were able to win....

All of the other games are tough though.

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There are more bad teams than good in the NFL. That's the reality.

There are only 3 teams (which will hold true after this weekend) that have a better record than Dallas through this week. Anytime you can go into DEC leading your div at 8-3 it's a good thing. Smoke and mirrors? Not hardly... you play your schedule.. beat who you're supposed to and make the record of others worse.

GB is 9-1 and considered to be a "power" in the NFC. They've beaten ONE team with a winning record. They've feasted on the likes of DET (twice) .. Cle.. SF.. St Louis.. Seattle.. etc. and lost on the road at Pitt. Smoke and Mirrors?

Let's take a look at the big bad Saints.. whom everyone figures is a lock for the SB right!? At 10-0 they've beaten a whopping TWO teams with winning records .. against the Giants and Eagles respectively.. (whom by the way most skins fans including the op consider to be very weak in a suddenly "weak") division. Good team that's handling their business or smoke and mirrors?

Indi.. only 3 of their 10

New England you ask? Glad you did.. at 7-3 ZERO wins agains teams with winning records.. good team or smoke and mirrors?

obviously this stat can be very misleading... skins fans keep following your lord and savior tr1... comical!

Great post, very informative. :applause:

And pure lulz there tr1. Can't refute facts so you change the subject. :hysterical:

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At least we know we can pencil in a w vs the skins. We played horribly and still were able to win....

All of the other games are tough though.

It depends. In the past I would have said you had a better chance of beating the Giants than the skins.

Late December game with the skins at home. Yeah, the pukes win those games.

But, the skins continue to lose players so who knows. However, Karma being what it is I am calling a skins win now, and I don't predict very often.

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Different title on this thread but I see it contains the same old BS .......TR1 talks about December and when that does not work he talks about the rules and staying on topic because all of the other old excuses he was using this summer and earlier in the season he cant use anymore because they have been proven wrong......Bubba still wants to talk about a game that happened two weeks ago.... like if he talks about it long enough maybe the outcome will actually change....I guess he cant keep up with everyone else that has moved on.

And of course when everything else fails someone will bring out the old tried and true response of "will you still be here when the Cowboys are losing", but what is so funny is normally it is said to someone that has been on this board for several years......

I know the skin fans are running out of excuses but please, please at least try and come up with something new....

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Out of the Saints 10 wins, 2 are against teams with winning records

Out of the Colts 10 wins, 2 are against teams with winning records

Out of the Vikings 9 wins, 3 are against teams with winning records

Out of the Skins three wins, 1 is against a team with a winning record with 5 of 7 losses coming against teams with losing records and 4 of those losses gave the opposing team their 1st win.:hysterical:

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haven't the eagles only beaten one team with a winning record? and the giants have beaten 2 teams with winning records? so what there aren't that very many good teams this year, the redskins included..however i don't really see your point as it appears you are an eagles fan who beat the giants? that's it who are on the verge of being a .500 team nice...

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At the end of this season I think I will have some more amazing stats to make a new "Tony Romo sits to pee in December" sig with. You know, after they play SD, NO, us and Philly. Their only "easy" game should be against the skins, and we're at home...and it'll be December...

I don't know why many Cowboys fans are excited about their team right now...it's an empty, hollow shell, much like the Redskins offense and Vinny Cerrato's skull.

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Yup, it's fact, the Redskins are not a good team this year.

And yup, it's a fact that Dallass is currently 8-3 and leading the NFC East.

BUT, given your team's play of late, it's December record the last several years, and more specifically your QB's play in December, I feel pretty confident in saying your heartbreak will simply come a little later this year than ours has.

So enjoy gloating while you can ... there is no deep playoff run in store for you, if you even get there. :D

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Great post, very informative. :applause:

And pure lulz there tr1. Can't refute facts so you change the subject. :hysterical:

And, the biggest fact is that the pukes haven't beaten any winning teams...less one.


Again, that's ONE team.




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but eagle and giant fans aren't crowing how great that are

i may be wrong, but i dont see any Dallas fans here claiming "greatness"...most fans here and me included have expressed joy in being 8-3 knowing that The team has not played good ball for the most part. The Dallas Cowboys have the potential of being great and have a chance at the NFCE Title and winning a playoff game, but at the current state, i believe most fans would like to see the team play better....and despite some numbers put up on the defense, that unit is carrying the team...and I belive the offense has fire power to turn it around, its all going to come down to some big games in December......And im looking forward to all of em........However, as of right this second, Greatness has not yet been achieved.....IMO!

Good luck to the skins tomorrow, i hope those guys are inspired enough to play a good game and beat the Eagles, but i dont see how...they just are not that good.....and that is something we all can agree on.

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And, the biggest fact is that the pukes haven't beaten any winning teams...less one.


Again, that's ONE team.




You play who is on your schedule. Simple as that. They don't pick who to play week in and week out. Good teams win the games they are supposed to. Dallas is not great. But they are a solid team with loads of talent.

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You are what your record says you are. The Cowboys have a better chance than any other of the NFC East teams to make the playoffs. And once you make the postseason, anyone can win any game.

Don't worry Skins fans, you guys have another month or so to let it all out, overreact to every little Dallas mistake, all while wishing your team was in the position Dallas was in now. It's quite alright.

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At the end of this season I think I will have some more amazing stats to make a new "Tony Romo sits to pee in December" sig with. You know, after they play SD, NO, us and Philly. Their only "easy" game should be against the skins, and we're at home...and it'll be December...

I don't know why many Cowboys fans are excited about their team right now...it's an empty, hollow shell, much like the Redskins offense and Vinny Cerrato's skull.

Why should we be excited for our team? 8-3 and in first in the East....You would be jumping up and down right now.

Ya, another tough December. Not as tough as last years December by a long shot though.

Last year we had a much better Philly team that made the NFC Championship game, a very good Ravens team that gave up the 3rd fewest points in the NFL, a Super Bowl winning Pittsburgh team which gave up the least points in the NFL, and the very tough and better NYG team than we will face this next week that we actually beat last year.

This year, we play a very talented and tough San Diego team at home. While they are good, I believe we are a better team than them.

Then we have probably the best team in the league at NO. Probably a loss.

Then we get to play a very beat up and woeful Washington team that we beat playing horribly.

Then we get to finish the season up with a flawed Eagles team AT HOME. Which is a big difference especially after we already beat them in Philly.

So that is why I am excited. Ya, its a tough schedule, but pales in comparison to last years...

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but eagle and giant fans aren't crowing how great they are

Actually, I don't think many of the regulars are that excited about this years 8-3 Cowboys just yet.

The real test comes in December and the regulars around here know very well there's a long road ahead and judging the past, it doesnt bode well.

Regardless, they are all hoping this year is different. And why wouldn't they?

But there aren't many regulars around here proclaiming greatness.

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;7052891']You guys do realize that everyone will be wrong about the Cowboys eventually. The odds say that they don't have a December melt down and win a playoff game at some point. I think this is that year.

Sorry, Tom. Just because the Giants are sucking doesn't mean the pukes won't suck.



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