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Audio:Jeremy Shockey Remembers Sean Taylor

Taylor From DA U

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Well I'm sorry you all don't see where I'm coming from, it doesn't really bother me at all, a fair amount of you just joined this site and rarely post here so you wouldn't see it nearly as much as someone who post here everyday.

OMG, are you really that nearsighted? Just because people don't post doesn't mean they don't lurk & read. And I've been here WAY longer then you & HAVE read & seen all the Sean Taylor threads & quite honestly, I LIKE that people still like to talk about him. I LIKE that people still like reliving his life & how he played. But I don't go into every one of those threads & say, "Hey thanks to the OP for posting more ST stuff because I had gone 30 minutes w/o thinking about him."

Some people might not get annoyed with the Sean Taylor threads and posts everyday about how they miss him, what if he was still alive, a street should be named for him, the stadium name should change to his, a monument should be put up, etc, but others of us do.

I would hate to see what you do to a wife or your kids. You are obviously a control freak who thinks he needs to tell others how to feel, regardless of how classless & idiotic it makes you look. Why do you care what I feel? Why do you care if I want to put up a statue of Sean...ANYWHERE? Why does it matter to you?

Perhaps I shouldn't have opened the thread, however I have my right to voice my opinion just as you all do. If you don't like Campbell, Cerrato, Snyder and you saw a support them thread, I highly doubt ANY of you would just skip it over. You'd post in there why you don't like so and so, just like I post why I hate these continuous Sean Taylor threads (this one is not applicable because of the date).

Then STFU! You make an awful lot of assumptions here. You are out of line by comparing a ST thread to anything related to Snyder, Cerrato, Zorn, front office nonsense, etc. This is like you walking into the funeral of someone you don't like & with the funeral parlor filled with people mourning, you walked up to the casket & pissed all over it because YOU didn't like the guy. Because it was your right to "voice your opinion." When simply not showing up to the funeral would have made everyone's day better.

To the OP, the Audio was quite good, I'm sorry for messing your thread up, as I said before which people don't comprehend, I thought this was another random BS Sean Taylor thread, I did not realize the date, time fly's huh? I apologize to you, this was a good thing to post.

No you're not. You could care less how you make anyone else feel but yourself. You set yourself up to look like an ass because of your right to your opinion. No one is interested in your opinion when you express it like you have in this or in ANY Sean Taylor thread. Stop trying to control how others feel about anything. Especially on this topic, I would think, as a Redskins fan, you would have SOME understanding that this is a sensitive subject & your opinion may not be a popular one. You say that you don't want to talk about Sean Taylor, then you stop by EVERY SINGLE ST thread to talk about how you don't want to talk about it when skipping over those threads would serve you better. I don't know how anyone else feels & I would certainly not pretend to speak for anyone else, but for me, simply by your posts in these threads alone has been enough for me to form a negative opinion about you & anything else you say in ANY other thread just gets tainted now. Simply because you can't keep your mouth shut & your opinions to yourself.

I have some friendly advice for you; when you're in a hole, the first thing you need to do is stop digging.
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This is 2009, not 2007. I can understand following the events, hell maybe a couple months later, it's been two years. I highly doubt they talk about family members who passed away as much as they do Sean Taylor, someone who didn't even know them.

Yeah a lot of people watched Sean Taylor, hell I think its safe to say some of the members on this forum only came here because of Sean Taylor. The problem though, Sammy Baugh and Mel Kaufman played just as hard and with just as much passion as Taylor did. Whether they played decades before Taylor or not shouldn't matter. They brought us championships, they were Redskin players, but they don't get any sort of remembrance on this forum.


Neither of those 2 were MURDERED in front of their 18 month old daughter in the prime of their careers either. But I'm sure that could have NOTHING to do with it, right? :handicap:

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What I meant was, going through that experience hurt a ton for me, and having to relive that experience is something I'd rather not do. I can reflect, but since it's the anniversary and everything I don't want to relive what happened 2 years ago. And I doubt many of the posters here want to relive hearing about Sean's death.

That's part of the problem right there. No one wants to remember his death, but rather his life & what he meant to this team & the fans.

I understand it was hard for all of us & as many of us have said, we all handle things differently. It might be better to just let people grieve & remember the way they want to & keep away from sensitive subjects like this one when they bother you (and I'm not saying "you" as a personal thing, but rather a general thing). ANY kind of negativity when dealing with someone's death, especially someone who was as loved as Sean Taylor, is BOUND to be met with opposition.

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the man was the heart of this team.sense his death this team hads lacked something that hasn't been replaced.what a shame man,he was going to redo the position of safety.he set the tone on defense and for the team and i don't think that has been appreciated as much as it should have been.he was a natural leader and when he chose to devote his life to being not only a superp athlete,but also and student of the game he got the respect of all the team.Vetereans included and it showed,no one has taken that mantel sense.i still wonder why he was down there.it was the middle of the season and he was fighting an injury and should have been up here rehaping with his family instead of being down in florida in the middle of the week.it gets you man,if he ahd just stayed up here and done his rehap with his family he would still be here and he would be the intimidator of this team and the league.

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I think,(like the other thread),that that will be quite enough. And keep in mind,while boost doesn't have to click on the thread,you all don't have to respond to the statements,(though I am now recommending Boost stay out of these type of threads). Now let's play nice in here.

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I think,(like the other thread),that that will be quite enough. And keep in mind,while boost doesn't have to click on the thread,you all don't have to respond to the statements,(though I am now recommending Boost stay out of these type of threads). Now let's play nice in here.

Agreed that the hijacking went a bit far (I know I helped) but you had to see it coming with his remarks. He brought it on himself. There can be no guarantees (well, maybe one) that another remark like those won't render the same type of responses.

Please don't ban me for this post.

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Which is why I didn't say something earlier. But enough was enough. And like I said,sometimes,(many times),it's a good idea to show restraint and just ignore some posts. Especially those made to attract attention or better yet,troll. Why give them the attention some believe they are seeking? Back to the topic at hand.

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Back to the topic at hand.

Listening to Shockey in that, you could hear how much Sean impacted the lives of those around him. It was...difficult at first to hear Shockey talk about Sean like that because I don't really like Shockey. But to hear him talk about Sean that way...it was nice.

Watching some highlights earlier & part of one was with Ed Reed, Ray Ray, & I don't know who the other guy was but they were all from the U & playing for the Ravens & were huddled up before a game doing their "Who house is this?" stuff only it was all about remembering their fallen friend from college. I can't stand the Ravens either, but thinking back to that next week's games, it was amazing how many players & teams showed as much respect for Sean as they did. It was nice to see after all the negative stuff that the media had spun about him.

Anyway, nice interview. I still miss him.

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I had to post one more time Park, I think I stayed out of this thread like I said I would. However I ran across some jackass on the Yahoo Chat, the image below should show you exactly what I'm talking about.

I don't think the guy is American considering he constantly talks trash on Americans as far as I could tell or he could just be an American who is Anti-American, I don't know. However he pops in that chatroom on Yahoo Chat a lot (I'm using a different program, but it connects with the Yahoo Chatroom). Anyways I figured you all might like to have a talk per say?

<edited vulgar content to comply with forum rules>

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I'm just gonna be the bigger man and walk away.

that's rich. you're the pettiest most self absorbed person ive ever come across on this forum. this thread is about sean taylor, not what you think about what everyone else thinks about sean taylor. youre all caught up in defending what you think about these types of threads when everyone who read your first post has already figured out that ur a jack***.

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