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Audio:Jeremy Shockey Remembers Sean Taylor

Taylor From DA U

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In a thread that focuses on Shockey's reflections on Taylor and in a larger view, about remembering him, Insaneboost comes off as a child complaining about what he doesn't like about a messageboard.

Get a grip dude.

I'm not going to lie, I didn't even realize the date, I thought this was just one more Sean Taylor thread so I do apologize. However I still stand by what I say that these Sean Taylor threads are annoying. We have them over and over again. We need just one big Sean Taylor mega merge thread.

So again I apologize, I did not realize the date, HOWEVER, I still stand by what I say (besides this thread due to the date).

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If you don't like my post, don't reply to them. Works the same way doesn't it?

WTF is your problem, man? Fans are fondly remembering a fallen legend on the 2nd anniversary of his death. Why is that such a problem? It hasn't been very long. Many of us still think about it a lot. Many of us can't help but talk about it.

Anyway, I can't believe it's been two years already. It was really hard for me to get over, especially since I used to play hoops with one of his killers everyday in 8th grade. **** like that shouldn't happen.


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WTF is your problem, man? Fans are fondly remembering a fallen legend on the 2nd anniversary of his death. Why is that such a problem? It hasn't been very long. Many of us still think about it a lot. Many of us can't help but talk about it.

You can go ahead and read my previous post.

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Did I say remembering someone was annoying? No. I said making a thread every damn day about it is.

You said that it was "quite annoying" that people want to honor Sean and not talk about him on a Redskins message board. If you don't want to make yourself look like an ass, don't click on a Sean Taylor thread next time.

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That is exactly what I was thinking...Everyone has a right to there own opinion, regardless of the subject matter.

InsaneBoost isnt a fairweather...I know this for a fact.

Yeah, while I agree his statements weren't necessary, he's been here since '06 and is being called less of a fan by people who only joined because of Sean's tragic death.

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It's annoying that's what and I can tell you right now I'm not the ONLY person on this forum that feels that way.

You are just the only one voicing your displeasure when others are trying to remember Sean. It's fine that you don't care about remembering Sean, but to chastise others for doing so appears petty.

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Has nothing to do with hating. Lets put it in a different perspective and maybe you'll understand my position better.

If you work with a Dallas fan and everyday he see's you he rubs in how bad the Redskins are this year, it would eventually bother you. Perhaps in the beginning you are like yeah whatever, then perhaps you agree just to get him to shut up, but no matter what he continues. So on a daily basis you hear Redskins suck, or 3-7 haha, something along that line. Eventually it irritates the hell out of you right?

Well it's like that with the Sean Taylor stuff here. I know a lot of people miss him, I know we wish he could still be out on the field, but there's no need to make a thread over and over about it. Post about him in each thread, talk about renaming the stadium or making memorials.

As I said before, I totally forgot about the date which is the reason I was like not this **** again (I thought it was another random Sean Taylor thread), so I do apologize, I was wrong.

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You are just the only one voicing your displeasure when others are trying to remember Sean. It's fine that you don't care about remembering Sean, but to chastise others for doing so appears petty.

If you would have read a couple post back you would have understood why I said what I said, I said it again in my previous post, hope that helps.

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If you would have read a couple post back you would have understood why I said what I said, I said it again in my previous post, hope that helps.

There is no need to justify your opinion to me. I understand that you don't care about remembering Sean, but to spew hate in what should be a positive thread doesn't come off well.

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Because it's annoying seeing the same old **** every week. Oh Sean Taylor memorial at FedexField, change the stadium name, bla bla bla. It's quite annoying.

Just as annoying as Dan Snyder is to most of you.

It simple....... dont click the thread....................................... i mean is that a hard concept for you guys to understand?

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Because it's annoying seeing the same old **** every week. Oh Sean Taylor memorial at FedexField, change the stadium name, bla bla bla. It's quite annoying.

Just as annoying as Dan Snyder is to most of you.

Almost as annoying as people liekyou posting in a thread you obviously have no interest in but feel you just need to chime in with some negative crap.

Just because you don't wanna see this stuff doesn't mean everyone should not want to see it. We can choose to look at the thread and remember if we want just like you can choose to ignore it, everyone has a choice.

But I guess you have a right to flame the thread too, so go ahead and flame, just remember, it isn't for you to decide what others may want.

I still struggle with the loss of ST, from more than a football side. It was horrible how things went, and everytime I see something about ST and it reminds me of how I felt about his as a player.....it just makes me think how his family and his little girl must feel. Sad

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That'd be like me making a Dan Snyder is a good owner thread and you not clicking on it. Guarantee you'd be in it.

What? What does you making a dan snyder thread have to do with you being annoyed by all these sean taylor threads?

I dont think anyone cares that you are in the thread.. its just the fact that you are saying how annoyed you are by the threads. If you are annoyed, then dont come to them? And do you think by you saying your so annoyed that people will stop making threads like these?

And also, if i was annoyed by dan snyder threads, or any threads for that matter, i wouldnt be clicking into them.. i dont know how you can guarantee id be in them LOL

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Because it's annoying seeing the same old **** every week. Oh Sean Taylor memorial at FedexField, change the stadium name, bla bla bla. It's quite annoying.

Just as annoying as Dan Snyder is to most of you.

Wow. Just wow. :doh:

Is it that important to you to try to step on everyone else because it doesn't bother you anymore (or maybe, it never did)? Is it so hard for people like you to let others feel the way they want to? Are you that SELFISH that you feel the need to impose your insensitivity & clear heartlessness simply because you don't understand it? Are you really that callous?

To say these things tells me that you have never had anyone close to you die & you have never EVER gone to visit their gravesite to show your respects. That you have never talked about someone you lost with people that know that person years down the road in remembrance of that person. I simply don't understand why people like you feel the need to swing your bat around & act like you are better then everyone else because you have hardened your heart & things like this don't phase you. As others have said, if you don't like the topic, move on.

I feel sorry for you.

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