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'09-10 UMD and Georgetown Basketball Thread


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double post sorry meant to edit my last post

Looking at the replays it looks like Vasquez was fouled on that last three point attempt. Another missed call, sucks. Should've won that game.

It was such a close game -- so many chances.

Very disappointing.

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Anybody but the 'Neers.....'Cept maybe Al Qaeda.....I'd have to think about that one.

you can't live in wv and root for friggin' georgetown over the 'eers. move immediately.

agreed about the officiating. i've also never seen someone fall on the floor and slide 3 feet without traveling.

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Also agree about the officiating. It was an ugly game all around, and the officials were really inconsistent with their foul calls. Sometimes they would let them play, then call everything tight for like 2 minutes at a time. I thought at the end both the go-ahead shot by WV and the missed tie attempt by the Hoyas were fouls. Glad they let them play at the end of the game though.

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Come on, he was pushed, obviously. As was Freeman fouled on that 3 that tied it up.

well, they gave you two and-1's in a row that were bogus, a phantom foul (clearly untouched) on a 3 after we went up by 7, you had a guy fall down and slide 3 feet with the ball and still call time out, right after you get a rebound and pass to butler and we get a shot clock violation.

the officiating was one thing: consistently bad both ways. the worst part was they completely switched up how they called it after halftime.

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A possible Maryland/Georgetown matchup in the NCAA Tournament? That would mean that one team is going to the Final Four so I am all for it! :D I would've prefered to see them seperated more, they always seem to be in the same region. But it's cool because to even meet would be a great accomplishment for both teams, being the Elite 8. And nothing is guaranteed, have to probably get by Kansas and Ohio State as well as other early teams obviously.

Here's to a good tournament for both the Terps and Hoyas! :cheers:

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