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I think we have finally hit rock bottom after looking at ESPN.com


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In the ESPN Streak for the Cash competition one of the options is as follows:

Which will be higher

Philadelphia Eagles winning margin


Washington Redskins point total

The weekly question about the 2009 Redskins has become not a question of win/lose or victory margin. It's will the other team double our point total?

Life long fan, long term board member, and trying to figure out where this season ranks compared to Spurrier Season Two and Schottenheimer the first five games and the time w/Norv we started 0-5 and lost to the Eagles in Vet stadium in a battle of 0-5 teams.

Hopefully the rest of the season we will see a turnaround like we did with Schottenheimer.

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Id go out on a limb and say Washington's point total....

Recent history suggests it's hard for the Redskins to get blown out... Their games are usually close no matter if they are heavy favorite or heavy underdogs... With the exception of New England '07

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If we just beat Philly, much of this trash talk and drama from the media will start shifting to another team, and possibly Philly themselves. We need a break from all the garbage.

As far as blowing us out, keep shooting off at the mouth media. Even with the toughest schedule in the league, our defense will keep us in games and still end up a top 10 defense.

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i think we could easily turn things around! Zorn is staying (according to vinny). To me that means the players will step up knowing next year is supposed to be an uncapped season and could possibly lose their jobs.....Our biggest problem is our offense is too worried about their stats that they lose sight of winning football games. They get lazy (especially moss and portis). Im hoping knowing zorn is staying that they will pick up their play...redskins by 12 tomorrow night.......fingers crossed! look out for a wild-cat formation as well just to mix things up a bit!

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