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WP: RI: Zorn to stop calling plays


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Lets be honest.

None of it matters until changes are made at the top

Does anyone really care that Zorn is officially emasculated?

I care................he was framed ;)

Isn't it strange that this season, the Redskins NEVER had a leader of the team mentioned before the Redskin name?

You know - like........Clinton Portis and the Washington Redskins/take on the _________________, fill in the blank? Or Santana Moss and the Redskins take on the ___________________, fill in the blank.

You know kinda like.........Eli Manning and the gnats take on the _________; or Tom Brady and the Patriots take on the ________________; or Peyton Manning and the Colts take on the ______________________.

Haven't heard any of these NFL commericals on National TV or on any of the sports channels. Wonder why that is............and why I have you thinking......why has it NEVER been.........Jason Campbell and the Washington Redskins take on the ____________________________?????????

Ever wonder about that type of thing? Is the Press creating chaos for this franchise; NOW, I am not discounting the owners hand in this chaos.........but don't ya just wonder why NO advertising and postive promotions for our team?????

Gotta wonder, don't ya??????????

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It doesn't matter who's calling the plays with that Oline. What a joke. Not that I think that Zorn is great, but just like Bmitch said today, no coach is going to succeed here with the current template.

What now, is Sheman Smith going to call the plays? How about Snyder or Vinny, maybe they should do it. Yikes.

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It's pretty clear why this move is being made like this.

Snyder and Cerrato are trying to embarrass/shame Zorn into quitting so they can save some money that they'd otherwise have to pay him if they just fired him.

Everyone knows he's going to be fired eventually, so I guess they think if they can humiliate him enough in the process he may try to salvage some pride and resign, which would then salvage some cash for Snyder.

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Just let Zorn go and put him out of his misery!! What's he gonna do on the sideline now? He doesn't have the fire to motivate anyone...this is just a sad case!

During the post game on 980, a lot of players still backed Zorn. So I dont think he has lost the team yet.

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It doesn't matter who's calling the plays with that Oline. What a joke. Not that I think that Zorn is great, but just like Bmitch said today, no coach is going to succeed here with the current template.

What now, is Sheman Smith going to call the plays? How about Snyder or Vinny, maybe they should do it. Yikes.

Snyder and Vinny


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It really doesn't matter, does it?

The truth is the offensive line is out of whack.

So much talent and all they do is show up and collect their fat paycheck.

They don't love the game, they're just in it for the money.

Put a college team on the field next week against the Eagles and give them the night of their lives to be playing in an NFL game.

I bet you we'll get a W.

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Nah--it can't be about shaming him into quitting. When's the last time an NFL head coach quit during his 2nd season? No one quits this early into the $$$. I could take a lot of embarrassment for that kind of payday.

Honestly, this isn't nearly as embarrassing as the team's play on the field so far this year. It might even be a relief in a twisted way.


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